Number 8 / 2024
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UDC 628.166:661.43 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.01
Sokolov Leonid, Silinskii Viktor
Chemical and disinfectant properties of a chlorine-containing chemical from underground mineralized water
The effect of a chlorine-containing chemical prepared by electrolysis from underground mineralized water on the chemical and bacteriological parameters of wastewater was studied. To conduct an experiment on the disinfection of wastewater samples, a chlorine-containing chemical was prepared by preliminary ultrasound exposure on mineralized groundwater (with a chloride content of 20 g/l) and subsequent electrolysis of this water in an experimental unit with titanium electrodes. The high disinfecting effect of the chemical at the final stage of wastewater treatment has been established. The weak disinfecting properties of chloramines in comparison with hypochlorous acid and sodium hypochlorite have been confirmed.
Key words
chloramines , wastewater , coliforms , underground mineralized water , electrolytic sodium hypochlorite , biological oxygen demand , chemical oxygen demand
UDC 628.179.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.02
Nikolenko Il’ia, Movchan Sergei
Intensification of resource-saving technologies of water use in the industrial wastewater treatment
The results of research focused on improving the technologies and equipment of recycling water supply systems with plating wastewater treatment at the local treatment facilities using multi-chamber electrocoagulation devices are presented. The research objective was intensifying the resource-saving water use technologies by improving the circulating systems of technological galvanic processes at the industrial enterprises using multi-chamber devices based on electrochemical coagulation. The process solutions for industrial wastewater treatment using multi-chamber horizontal and vertical devices based on electrochemical coagulation are considered. The equipment productivity 6–8 m3/h provides for processing plating wastewater containing different concentrations of heavy metal ions, suspended substances, lubricants, oil products, etc. The obtained results confirm their practical focus that consists in increasing the efficiency of industrial plating wastewater treatment (of about 94–96%).
Key words
water supply , water management , intensification , water use , resource-saving technologies , wastewater treatment , radial multi-chamber unit , spent wash liquor
UDC 628.32 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.03
Ambrosova G. T., Vasil’eva Maiia, Vasil’ev Mikhail
Shortcomings and omissions in low-capacity wastewater treatment complexes being under design, construction or operation (for discussion)
In recent years, massive use of packaged plants designed for wastewater treatment in small settlements and food industry enterprises has been noted. Today, the market is saturated with offers from both domestic and foreign companies involved with designing, assembling and commissioning packaged plants based on advanced technologies for wastewater treatment that provide for reducing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus to maximum permissible concentrations. Thorough analysis of the designs of many packaged plants and recalculation checks, full-time training of operating personnel of the packaged units under operation, as well as on-site and remote participation in commissioning these facilities gave the authors of this article the opportunity to identify the reasons that mitigate the achievement of the required degree of wastewater treatment. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of newly commissioned packaged plants are design faults, omissions and poor operation. Of the many reasons, only frequently occurring, poorly chosen engineering solutions are considered. Each unsuccessful technical solution is accompanied by detailed comments proving the negative effect on both the technological process and effluent quality. The use or even simple knowledge of the results of the work presented for discussion will prevent designers and manufacturers from the future replication of design shortcomings and omissions in newly constructed facilities, and will allow them to determine possible options for upgrading already operating packaged units to bring them to the normal process mode.
Key words
wastewater treatment , designing , construction , sewerage treatment facilities , block-modular plant , commissioning , design shortcomings and omissions
UDC 676.082.2:676.084.5:54-414 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.05
Arduanova Anna, Glushankova Irina
Development of a method for producing carbon sorbents by thermochemical pyrolysis of liquid cellulose waste
In the process of high-quality cardboard and newsprint production, cellulose is used prepared by thermal treatment of hardwood or softwood with cooking solutions based on alkali metal sulfites or bisulfites. As a result, spent cooking liquors containing lignosulfonates and lignosulfonic acids are generated that are subject to concentration by evaporation. A method is presented for producing carbon sorbent from evaporated liquor in the presence of an activator – potassium hydroxide; the method involves thermochemical pyrolysis of the raw material. It has been established that the developed method provides for one-stage production of carbon sorbents with properties comparable to engineering grades of active carbon. Tertiary treatment of pulping wastes by adsorption to remove lignosulfonates using active carbons of AG-3, BAU grades and carbon sorbents based on liquid lignosulfonates was studied. The obtained adsorption isotherms have allowed to establish that the carbon sorbent samples are applicable for removing organic compounds – lignosulfonates from water. A basic process flow scheme for the utilization of lignin-containing wastes with the production of sorption materials by thermochemical pyrolysis has been developed.
Key words
wastewater treatment , carbonic sorbent , pulp and paper industry , lignin-containing waste , adsorption isotherm
UDC 620.92:697.3:621.577.4 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.06
Gataullina Alina, Райзер Ю. С.
Heat potential of wastewater effluents for use in heating systems
Energy conservation issues remain the most pressing in the Russian Federation. In a harsh climate, heat energy costs are among the highest costs in the housing and utilities infrastructure. Improving the efficiency of heating systems and using nonconventional and alternative heat sources are priority areas in the upgrade of the existing facilities and construction of new ones. An analysis of literature data on technical solutions for the utilization of wastewater effluent heat for heat supply needs was conducted. The aspects of using heat pumps to convert low-potential heat are considered. The gross, technical and economic potentials of using in heat pumps the heat of the effluents transported from the treatment facilities of the public wastewater disposal systems in the Republic of Bashkortostan to the tributaries of the Volga River are analyzed. The effect of introducing alternative heating systems on the environmental indicators is shown. Using wastewater effluent heat will improve the environmental parameters of the heating systems, reduce CO2 emissions and improve the environmental air condition in the Republic of Bashkortostan.
Key words
power saving , heat pump , low-potential heat , wastewater , wastewater heat , alternative energy sources
UDC 628.336.6 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.07
Parshikova Marianna, Isakov Vitalii, Nepogodin Aleksandr, Lagutina Elena, Parshikov Stanislav
Improving the efficiency of wastewater sludge treatment process with the use of a biogas unit
The design of a biogas unit for conducting scientific experiments and training at the basic Department of «Engineering Systems of Housing and Public Utilities» affiliated with MUE «Izhvodokanal» is presented. The results of the experimental studies carried out in 2014 and 2023 focused on producing biogas in a biogas unit are presented. The method for conducting experimental studies is given taking into account the achieved results of the previously conducted experiments focused on producing the maximum volume of generated biogas and potting soil from processed wastewater sludge. The results of other experimental studies during practical training (research work of graduate students) in 2023 are presented. The efficiency of using the biogas unit at the wastewater treatment facilities operated by the water utilities of the Udmurt Republic and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex is stipulated.
Key words
anaerobic fermentation , wastewater sludges , biomass , biogas unit , energy efficient technologies