

UDC 628.336.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.07

Parshikova Marianna, Isakov Vitalii, Nepogodin Aleksandr, Lagutina Elena, Parshikov Stanislav

Improving the efficiency of wastewater sludge treatment process with the use of a biogas unit


The design of a biogas unit for conducting scientific experiments and training at the basic Department of «Engineering Systems of Housing and Public Utilities» affiliated with MUE «Izhvodokanal» is presented. The results of the experimental studies carried out in 2014 and 2023 focused on producing biogas in a biogas unit are presented. The method for conducting experimental studies is given taking into account the achieved results of the previously conducted experiments focused on producing the maximum volume of generated biogas and potting soil from processed wastewater sludge. The results of other experimental studies during practical training (research work of graduate students) in 2023 are presented. The efficiency of using the biogas unit at the wastewater treatment facilities operated by the water utilities of the Udmurt Republic and enterprises of the agro-industrial complex is stipulated.

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For citation: Parshikova M. V., Isakov V. G., Nepogodin A. M., Lagutina E. L., Parshikov S. G. Improving the efficiency of wastewater sludge treatment process with the use of a biogas unit. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 8, pp. 55–60. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.08.07. (In Russian).

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