Number 5 / 2024
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UDC 628.161:544.723 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.01
Gora Natalia, Belyaeva Oxana, Chernyshev Daniil, Golubeva Nadezhda
Study of the possible using carbon sorbents to remove iron from natural water
The paper considers studying the adsorption of iron from aqueous solutions by activated carbon. The data on the concentration of total iron in surface and underground water of the Kuzbass are presented. The results of the experimental studies of the adsorption of iron from aqueous media under static conditions with carbon materials of different price categories are presented. It was determined that the best of the sorbents under consideration for iron extraction was SKD-515. Herewith, ABG semi-coke cannot be recommended for further studies of iron adsorption. The approximate consumption of sorbent required to remove iron from water to standard values has been estimated. It has been established that, taking into account the cost, consumption of the sorbent and possible effective utilization in industry, Purolat-Standard semi-coke, a cheaper carbon material, can be used to remove iron from natural water.
Key words
iron , adsorption , natural water , carbon sorbents
UDC 544.723.212:661.12 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.02
Remizova Iuliia, Golovanova Anna, Golubeva Polina, Mitilineos Aleksandr
Removing trace pharmaceuticals from water using household jug filters
The presence of residual amounts of pharmaceuticals in hydrosphere objects has recently become an increasingly significant problem. The production and consumption of drugs is constantly growing, and their range is also expanding. The existing level of wastewater treatment cannot guarantee the removal of hard-to-remove components, which can lead to the appearance and further circulation of various contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, in water bodies. The authors conducted experimental studies of the effectiveness of removing residual amounts of drugs of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from water using household «jug» filters. Jug filters have been shown to be effective in removing trace amounts of pharmaceuticals from water. While studying the properties of sorbents included in the composition of filter mixtures, it was revealed that activated carbon was the most effective adsorption component responsible for the extraction of these compounds, whereas, the capacity of the remaining components of the sorption mixture in relation to ibuprofen and naproxen was insignificant.
Key words
potable water , narcotics and pharmaceuticals , household filters , ibuprofen , naproxen
UDC 628.3:66.081.6 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.03
Tsabilev O. V.
VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 1)
The results of a series of long-term pilot tests of the VSEP technology for vibromembrane separation of waste contaminated solutions of glycol-containing fluids using nanofiltration membranes are presented. The tests were carried out on the basis of one of the research and production companies located in the Central Federal District of Russia. A mixture of waste contaminated solutions of de-icing fluids collected at large airports during the cold season of the year was used as research liquid. He studies have shown positive results, so the technology can be recommended for industrial application. The separation process is stable, and the quality of the effluent meets the most stringent requirements. A feature of the technology under study is its ease of use, the almost complete elimination of chemicals and the compactness of the equipment, which makes it possible to design local systems for the purification of solutions of glycol-containing liquids.
Key words
nanofiltration membrane , nanofiltration , pilot tests , membrane separation , VSEP technology , concentration polarization
UDC 628.212.2:628.316 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.04
Glukhov Vladimir, Chechevichkin Viktor, Triaskin Mikhail, Chechevichkin A. V., Iakunin L. A.
Experience in the treatment of surface runoff of complex composition using multi-stage units based on FOPS® filters
Many years of experience in keeping track of the composition of surface runoff from various residential areas are described. An estimation was made of the actual contamination of surface runoff generated in the territories of tangible objects. The results of full-scale tests and practical operation of multi-stage units on the basis of FOPS® filters at various districts of St. Petersburg with heavily polluted surface runoff of a complex composition are presented. The actual composition of surface runoff from technogenic residential areas experiencing high traffic load differs significantly from the recommendations of current regulatory and technical documents. The sorption-filtration technology implemented with FOPS® filters has been a most technically developed technology that provides for designing multi-stage units for the integrated treatment of surface runoff.
Key words
surface runoff , FOPS filter , filtering cartridge , multi-stage unit , combined treatment , street and road network , premises
UDC 556.512:627.815.4 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.05
Nikolenko Il’ia, Karimov Ervin, Mel’nikova Natal’ia
Possible improving the reliability of water supply in the Republic of Crimea through the potential of high-water periods
Based on an analysis of the storage of natural flow water reservoirs of the Crimean Peninsula during high-water periods, an estimation of possible ways to solve the problems of water resource shortages in Crimea was carried out. Due to the failure at the Kakhovka Reservoir hydroengineering facility, supplying water from the Dnieper by gravity is at the moment impossible; therefore, for the periods of water scarcity in the region developing additional methods of providing for water security and sustainability of water supply systems is required. The analysis of the storage of natural flow water reservoirs of the Crimean Peninsula over a long-term period showed that their inflow differed significantly between dry and high-water years. The feasibility of more efficient use of the watercourses during spring and summer floods of high-water periods was established by increasing the total available storage of the natural flow reservoirs of the Crimea. The applicability and adequacy of the developed model for determining the maximum daily volume of filling the natural flow reservoirs of the Crimean Peninsula in the absence of process drains from them were estimated. An analysis of the results obtained was carried out, and recommendations for their implementation were given.
Key words
water supply deficit , natural flow water reservoir , filling volume , process drain , estimated filling volume , uneven annual inflow
UDC 628.35:57.083.12:661.725.822.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.06
Zoubov M. G., Kadrevich Artem, Poliakova Anna, Vilson Elena
Identification of microorganisms, dominants in treatment systems removing ethylene glycol from wastewater
The results of studies on autoselection of biocenosis that oxidizes ethylene glycol are presented. It has been shown that the formation of an ethylene glycol-destructive biocenosis eliminating the use of special strains occurs on the 12th day, reaching process stabilization from 40 to 64 days, depending on the required concentration of ethylene glycol in the effluent. As a result of the microbiological studies, the main ethylene glycol-destructive cultures of the biocenosis were identified: Staphylococcus capitis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aureofaciens. Herewith, the dominant cultures are the genus Pseudomonas.
Key words
biological treatment , bioreactor , wastewater , ethylene glycol , IORSH® synthetic media , biocenosis structure , biocenosis dominant cultures , meat-peptone agar