

UDC 628.32
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.03

Ambrosova G. T., Vasil’eva Maiia, Vasil’ev Mikhail

Shortcomings and omissions in low-capacity wastewater treatment complexes being under design, construction or operation (for discussion)


In recent years, massive use of packaged plants designed for wastewater treatment in small settlements and food industry enterprises has been noted. Today, the market is saturated with offers from both domestic and foreign companies involved with designing, assembling and commissioning packaged plants based on advanced technologies for wastewater treatment that provide for reducing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus to maximum permissible concentrations. Thorough analysis of the designs of many packaged plants and recalculation checks, full-time training of operating personnel of the packaged units under operation, as well as on-site and remote participation in commissioning these facilities gave the authors of this article the opportunity to identify the reasons that mitigate the achievement of the required degree of wastewater treatment. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of newly commissioned packaged plants are design faults, omissions and poor operation. Of the many reasons, only frequently occurring, poorly chosen engineering solutions are considered. Each unsuccessful technical solution is accompanied by detailed comments proving the negative effect on both the technological process and effluent quality. The use or even simple knowledge of the results of the work presented for discussion will prevent designers and manufacturers from the future replication of design shortcomings and omissions in newly constructed facilities, and will allow them to determine possible options for upgrading already operating packaged units to bring them to the normal process

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For citation: Ambrosova G. T., Vasil’eva M. O., Vasil’ev M. V. Shortcomings and omissions in low-capacity wastewater treatment complexes being under design, construction or operation. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 8, pp. 24–33. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.08.03. (In Russian).

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