Tag:low-potential heat



UDC 620.92:697.3:621.577.4
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.06

Gataullina Alina, Райзер Ю. С.

Heat potential of wastewater effluents for use in heating systems


Energy conservation issues remain the most pressing in the Russian Federation. In a harsh climate, heat energy costs are among the highest costs in the housing and utilities infrastructure. Improving the efficiency of heating systems and using nonconventional and alternative heat sources are priority areas in the upgrade of the existing facilities and construction of new ones. An analysis of literature data on technical solutions for the utilization of wastewater effluent heat for heat supply needs was conducted. The aspects of using heat pumps to convert low-potential heat are considered. The gross, technical and economic potentials of using in heat pumps the heat of the effluents transported from the treatment facilities of the public wastewater disposal systems in the Republic of Bashkortostan to the tributaries of the Volga River are analyzed. The effect of introducing alternative heating systems on the environmental indicators is shown. Using wastewater effluent heat will improve the environmental parameters of the heating systems, reduce CO2 emissions and improve the environmental air condition in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

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