


DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.01.07
UDC 628.24

Ten A. E.

Analysis of methods for hydraulic calculation of surface runoff disposal systems


In the context of the improvement of advanced domestic and international technologies, materials and treatment equipment used to protect the environment from anthropogenic pollution, designing new systems for the removal and treatment of surface runoff and methods for their calculation that involve the latest achievements of the sectoral science and technology and optimization of the algorithm for performing operations and practical techniques for their hydraulic calculation, is of special actuality. Currently, domestic and international companies have entered the Russian market offering innovative designs of surface runoff disposal systems that have a wide range of applications owing to their design, operational features and the ability to withstand heavy loads. An example of such an innovative design of an open surface runoff disposal systems is ASO Qmax system. The analysis of international and domestic approaches to the hydraulic calculation of surface runoff disposal systems, of the possibility of their adaptation to the Russian conditions is presented.

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UDC 628.2/.3:006.057
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.02.05

Samburski Georgi, Pogorelyi Anton, Leont’eva S. V., Nikitina Svetlana

Aspects of designing wastewater treatment facilities in terms of the BAT process indicators: priorities and consequences


Switching to the concept of the technological regulation occurs simultaneously with implementing a number of federal environmental projects including those included in the Ecology National Project. Considering that water utilities, through the spectacle of Rosprirodnadzor are among the main polluters of water bodies, the construction of new and upgrade of the existing treatment facilities is the focus of public authorities, regulators and, naturally, the wastewater facilities operators themselves. The paper considers potential and possible inconsistencies of the current design expectations based on the technological indicators of the best available technologies and the very concept of using the best available technologies that does not imply stasis but the development and consistent tightening of those same technological indicators.

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UDC 628.2:006.034/.053
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.01

Danilovich Dmitrii

By the basic technical solutions GOST 70953-2023 is a new tool for improving the quality of wastewater treatment facilities projects


The problems that arise while designing wastewater treatment facilities are described. The goals and objectives are given of developing GOST 70953-2023 «Wastewater treatment facilities. Construction and reconstruction. Basic technical solutions. Requirements for the development, structure and content in order to ensure the optimal capital costs and operational performance», that will come into force in 2024. The fundamentals of the concept of this standard, its basic definitions, and advantages in relation to the practice of designing wastewater treatment facilities that prevailed prior to the standardization are outlined. A brief summary of the main sections of GOST is given, in particular, the requirements for the composition of the main technical solutions, the report on their development and the approvals package.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.07
UDC 628.292

Razakov M. A.

Study of the thermal stress of the engine room of a municipal wastewater pumping station


The results of a study of the thermal stress of the engine room of a municipal wastewater pumping station in the cold period are presented. The main sources of heat and cold and their degree of impact on the thermal stress of the engine room are considered. The results of modeling heat inputs into the engine room from various heat sources located at the different functional levels of the room are presented. The thermal model takes into account the specific features of the technological process of a high-voltage wastewater pumping station, as well as space-planning solutions for the building under consideration in stationary thermal conditions. The calculation was carried out at a constant wastewater temperature assumed equal +25°C. For the first time, it was determined and proved that the machine room of a high-voltage wastewater pumping station can be classified as a room with high thermal stress.

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UDC 628.1/.3.001.2

Pupyrev E. I.

The 75th anniversary of MosvodokanalNIIproject


The wide range of activities and many years’ experience of the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC team in the field of designing public utilities provide for the successful implementation of the tasks of creating the comfortable urban environment for the Moscow citizens and maximum improving the public services according to the plans of the megacity development and reconstruction. Upon the projects of the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» Institute all the Moscow water treatment plants and wastewater treatment facilities, water and wastewater pumping stations, as well as the main facilities for solid waste management have been built. Besides, upon the projects of the Institute the system of the facilities for mel­ting and disposal of snow removed from the city mains has been built. The specialists of the Institute are designing general schemes for water supply, wastewater disposal and sanitation facilities for many Russian and CIS regions. The main line of research is ensuring the integrity and environmental safety of the municipal engineering life support systems, inclu­ding water treatment improvement, development of regulatory and guidance documents, inspection of water bodies and urban areas. The information on the «MosvodokanalNIIproject» OJSC activities in the field of designing the engineering systems of the public utilities in recent times is presented.

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UDC 628.32
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.03

Ambrosova G. T., Vasil’eva Maiia, Vasil’ev Mikhail

Shortcomings and omissions in low-capacity wastewater treatment complexes being under design, construction or operation (for discussion)


In recent years, massive use of packaged plants designed for wastewater treatment in small settlements and food industry enterprises has been noted. Today, the market is saturated with offers from both domestic and foreign companies involved with designing, assembling and commissioning packaged plants based on advanced technologies for wastewater treatment that provide for reducing biochemical oxygen demand (BOD), suspended solids, nitrogen and phosphorus to maximum permissible concentrations. Thorough analysis of the designs of many packaged plants and recalculation checks, full-time training of operating personnel of the packaged units under operation, as well as on-site and remote participation in commissioning these facilities gave the authors of this article the opportunity to identify the reasons that mitigate the achievement of the required degree of wastewater treatment. The main reasons for the unsatisfactory performance of newly commissioned packaged plants are design faults, omissions and poor operation. Of the many reasons, only frequently occurring, poorly chosen engineering solutions are considered. Each unsuccessful technical solution is accompanied by detailed comments proving the negative effect on both the technological process and effluent quality. The use or even simple knowledge of the results of the work presented for discussion will prevent designers and manufacturers from the future replication of design shortcomings and omissions in newly constructed facilities, and will allow them to determine possible options for upgrading already operating packaged units to bring them to the normal process

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.08.08

UDC 006.3:628.1

Pavlinova I. I.

Regulatory and legal framework in the field of water supply and sanitation


At present the approach to the process of developing a new regulatory framework and product quality control has been essentially changed. «MosvodokanalNIIproject» JSC already 80 years has been designing water supply and sanitation systems with the use of the RF regulatory and legal framework. Aside from designing the Institute has been well experienced in developing regulatory documents (sanitary norms and rules, codes of practice etc.). The analysis of the regulatory and legal framework conducted in the field of designing, constructing and operating water supply and sanitation systems shows that this matter has been settled at the federal level; however, at the regional level its in-depth analysis is needed. Every so often improvement and, in some cases, revision of the approved key documents is required. Avoiding shortfalls in the regulatory framework is possible only with the careful analysis of the technical and technological solutions involving a wide range of experts and with the correct amendments to the effective regulatory and legal acts.

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UDC 628.1/.2.001.2

Pupyrev E. I.

Features of Designing of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal Systems in Russia


Modernization of water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Russia did not become a nation-wide problem. The Pure Water Program for realization of which 9 milliard roubles were allocated for 3 years after long discussions essentially failed. Development and modernization of regional systems of water supply and wastewater disposal are executed at the expense of own and borrowed funds of the operators of the water branch. It determines the specificity of designing of systems in Russia.

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UDC 628.35
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.07

Bagaev Iurii, Kharkina O. V., Krasavin Grigorii, Gundyreva Tat’iana

Development of basic process solutions for the reconstruction
of wastewater treatment facilities in Novosibirsk


An example of process solutions for the reconstruction of existing wastewater treatment plants using increased concentration of activated sludge and acidification of primary sludge is given. It has been shown that achieving the required effluent quality (N–NH4 = 1 mg/l, N–NO3 = 9 mg/l, N–NO2 = 0.1 mg/l, Р–РО4 = 0.7 mg/l) during the reconstruction of the facilities, the implementation of nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes in existing aeration tanks, with the actual flow of incoming wastewater, is possible by increasing the concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tanks to 5.2 g/l, which requires the installation of tertiary treatment filters downstream sludge separation in the secondary settling tanks. The use of tertiary treatment facilities to remove suspended solids is determined in comparison with a more expensive construction of an additional biological treatment unit operating with medium doses of activated sludge. It is shown that the information and technical reference book ITS 10-2019 being a recommendation and not a mandatory document, allows for the use of filtration structures for effluent discharge into category B water bodies. The issues of the responsibility of the designers of basic process solutions for achieving the required effluent quality during the implementation of the project are considered for two cases: first – the main process solutions and the project is developed by one company; second – the main process solutions and the project are developed by different companies.

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UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.02.04

Pavlinova I. I., Primin Oleg

Meeting the legislative regulations and rules while designing, building and operating water supply and wastewater disposal systems (for discussion)


The main aspects of amendments to the legislative and regulatory documents in the construction industry are considered, including the consideration of the developed regulatory documents by the relevant authorities before being approved by the Russian Ministry of Construction, as well as difficulties in the gradual transition to the parametric standardization. The problems of the regulatory framework in the field of designing the facilities for surface runoff removal and treatment are considered. Proposals for revising the Water Code of the Russian Federation with the introduction of environmental standards for the quality of surface waters and standards for the permissible impact of economic or other activities on water bodies are outlined and supported – to develop them on the basis of the water quality standards in accordance with the requirements of the current environmental legislation. To improve the quality of design documentation, imposing control over the professional training of designers with mandatory proficiency testing in accordance with the occupational standards is proposed. Further updating the system of regulatory documents in the field of design, construction and operation of water supply and wastewater disposal systems, using the current structure of the regulatory framework is also proposed.

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UDC 628.1/.3:006.052
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.03.04

Primin Oleg

Improving and updating the regulatory and technical framework for the design, construction and operation of water supply and wastewater disposal systems


The paper discusses the aspects of updating and approaches to improving the regulatory and technical documents – Codes of Practice, State Standards, methodological instructive regulations, as well as the directions of their improvement to enhance the efficiency of design, construction and operation of water supply and wastewater disposal systems in Russian cities and communities. The development of a method for switching over the system of regulatory and technical documents to the parametric standardization is analyzed. It is demonstrated that in recent years, the Russian construction sector has set a course for revising and updating the regulatory framework in the field of design and construction, thus reducing the statutory requirements in the Codes of Practice. It is noted that the planned transition from the prescriptive regulation system to a parametric one with specified quality criteria for the finished product is aimed at the development of the quality criteria for the finished project or product using any alternative approaches and methods, transferring a significant part of building codes and regulations to the voluntary category. Evidently, such amendments to the regulatory framework require a very detailed scientific and practical justification.

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UDC 628.16.001.57

Galkin Iurii

Technological Model of Compound Systems of Water Management at Industrial Enterprises and Complexes


A technological model has been developed; a mathematical formulation of compound systems of water management at industrial enterprises and complexes has been proposed. The model represents systems of equations reflecting a non-stationary and stationary condition of the system operation. The model is used by the ECO-PROJECT scientific-design firm during the study and development of principal decisions of step-by-step reconstruction of the enterprises’ water management systems and in the course of designing. It can be also useful for the management, audit and ecological control of water management of industrial enterprises.

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