Number 12 / 2024
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Index of the Articles (pdf), Published in the Water Supply and Sanitary Technique Magazine in 2024г.
UDC 628.11:628.19 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.01
Frog Dmitrii
Decentralization of water supply and backup water sources
The current legislative framework is considered in terms of providing centralized and decentralized water supply in the Russian Federation for the purpose of water delivery and improvement of drinking water quality. The criteria for establishing backup water sources at the existing and newly constructed facilities, including critically important ones, are given. The criteria for classifying facilities as critically important are analyzed with account of damage ranking by emergency situations, sanitary protection conditions and sanitary and hygienic standards for the arrangement of underground water supply sources used as primary sources and backup ones. The amendments introduced into CP 31.13330.2021 are presented, formulated on the basis of the conclusions of the fundamental scientific study «Scientific foundations of the concept of decentralization of water delivery to the population of the Russian Federation with a justification for the feasibility of transition to higher quality water – physiologically complete – be means of self-contained water preparation systems».
Key words
potable water , centralized and noncentralized water supply , backup water sources , sanitary-hygienic standards
UDC 628.12 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.02
Voitov Igor, Yalovik Valerii
Conditions for selecting centrifugal pumps operating with variable speed drives
The results of studies of determining the boundary conditions subject to fulfillment to ensure sustainable and energy-efficient operation of centrifugal pumps with a variable speed drive in all operating ranges are considered. The concept of a performance characteristic of an adjustable centrifugal pump that provides for determining the position of the operating point in all operation ranges is presented. The concept of the degree of type diversity that describes how various types of pumps differ from each other in performance while operating in parallel modes is presented. Recommendations for selecting centrifugal pumps operating with a variable speed drive, subject to observance to increase the reliability and energy efficiency of pumping systems, are given.
Key words
adjustable electric drive , energy efficiency , pumping station , water supply-sewerage services , pumping unit
UDC 628.12 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.03
Voitov Igor, Yalovik Valerii
Method of simulating operation modes of centrifugal pumps with variable speed drives
The method of simulating operation modes of centrifugal pumps regulated by varying the impeller rotation frequency over the entire range of calculated feed rates as well as calculating their energy consumption for the design period is presented. The method is primarily focused on the use of computing technology for calculating and analyzing the operating modes of centrifugal pumps and can be used as the basis for developing the corresponding software. The use of the method in a feasibility study of the introduction of an adjustable electric drive at a pumping station will provide for justifying the feasibility of the planned activities. The use of a digital model of the operating modes of a pumping station improves the quality of design owing to the in-depth development of individual elements.
Key words
adjustable electric drive , energy efficiency , simulation , pumping station , water supply-sewerage services , pumping unit , calculation method
UDC 628.349 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.04
Sukhareva Irina, Aminova Al’fiia, Tivonenko Il’ia, Mazitova Aliia
The use of catalysts in the oxidation method of wastewater treatment
The complex physical and chemical composition of the pollution of wastewater of chipboard materials production dictates the need for heavy expenditures for the operation of treatment facilities using several treatment methods. Wastewater of plywood panel plants contains phenols, formaldehyde and many other toxic substances; therefore, developing a method for their removal is an urgent task. One of the effective methods of removing these toxicants from wastewater is ozonation in the presence of catalysts. Since most catalysts are expensive, cheaper agents based on transition metals and their oxides with high activity and comparatively low cost are being sought. In this regard, the Department of Applied and Natural Sciences of the Ufa State Petroleum Technological University conducted research to find an effective and affordable catalyst for enhanced oxidation of phenol and oil products in wastewater under the action of ozone. Wastewater of a plywood-panel plant was used to study catalytic ozonation. The optimal purification conditions were determined by kinetic curves of phenol decomposition. The results of the experiments in catalytic ozonation of wastewater showed high purification efficiency. The obtained results afford to state that for increasing the efficiency of removing pollution from wastewater of plywood-panel plants, ozonation in the presence of Fe2O3 heterogeneous catalyst used in small quantities is required, therefore there is no need to remove iron (III) ions from wastewater. The studied purification method provides for reducing the phenol concentration to the standard value (0.01 mg/dm3).
Key words
wastewater , phenol , oxidation method , catalytic ozonation , heterogeneous catalyst , chipboard construction materials
UDC 628.35 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.05
Рожков В. С., Нездойминов В. И., Vasil’eva Iuliia
Simulation of biological wastewater treatment systems with simultaneous nitri-denitrification using ASM3P-2SND (for discussion)
The issues of mathematical simulation of biological wastewater treatment systems with activated sludge based on empirical equations are considered. It is noted that the available approaches to simulation technique have shortcomings that complicate describing biological processes with activated sludge at the facilities with simultaneous nitri-denitrification. An improved mathematical model ASM3P-2SND for municipal wastewater treatment with activated sludge is proposed. This model takes into account in addition the transformations of phosphorus compounds during the activities of autotrophs and heterotrophs, describes the mutual transformations of oxidized forms of nitrogen – nitrates and nitrites; besides, it can also be adapted to consider the diffusion limitations of substrate and oxygen penetration into activated sludge flocs in bioreactors with simultaneous nitri-denitrification. The convergence test, adjustment and calibration of the proposed model were performed at the operating facilities with simultaneous nitri-denitrification, as well as in pilot conditions of wastewater treatment in airlift bioreactors. It was found that the proposed ASM3P-2SND model of activated sludge adequately describes the processes of biological treatment with simultaneous nitri-denitrification and is capable of accounting for the diffusion limitations of oxygen and dissolved substrate penetration into activated sludge flocs. The dependence of the diffusion limitation coefficients proposed for the adaptation of the model on the size of activated sludge flocs was qualitatively established.
Key words
biological treatment , simultaneous nitri-denitrification , activated sludge , simulation modeling , ASM3P-2SND model
UDC 628.32/34 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.06
Galkin Iurii, Ulasovets Evgenii, Obadin Dmitrii, Ermakov Denis, Knaub Elena
The technology of industrial surface runoff treatment based on the dynamic control principle (for discussion) (в порядке обсуждения)
ECO-PROJECT R&D Company, LLC, developed a process system of «dynamic control unit – EP OF settling tank-flocculator» based on the suggested dynamic control principle. The system is a basis of the industrial runoff treatment facilities designed for removing from wastewater components being in various phase-dispersed state, and operating in complex environment – at continuous industrial wastewater inflow and unsteady values of flow, component concentrations and temperature. An engineering model of the system has been developed providing for the optimization of the main parameters of the treatment facilities during design. A calculation example is given. ECO-PROJECT R&D Company, LLC, has developed and implemented treatment facilities for an industrial runoff drainage system with a capacity of 15–1000 m3/h providing the environmental efficiency of industrial water supply systems for the enterprises in various branches of industry and energy sector.
Key words
treatment facilities , the principle of dynamic regulation , industrial runoff drainage system , process system of «dynamic control unit – EP-OF sedimentation tank-flocculator» , calculation process model
UDC 004.056:628.1 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.07
KINEBAS A. K., Kiselev Aleksei, Platonov Andrei
Analysis of the technologies of cyber-attacks on the infrastructure of automated process control systems of water utilities with web-oriented malware
The results of analyzing the modern technologies of cyber-attacks on the infrastructure of automated process control systems of water utilities with web-oriented malware are presented. The technology of malware action using a fundamentally new approach to exploiting vulnerabilities in the web infrastructure of modern programmable logic controllers is considered in detail. Main scenarios of cyber-attacks on the infrastructure of automated process control systems of water utilities are considered. Practical recommendations are proposed focused on reducing the risks of cyber-attacks, increasing resistance to malicious actions and ensuring information security.
Key words
vulnerability , malware , target cyber-attack , automated process control systems of water utilities , programmable logic controller
UDC 628.2:621.644.073 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.08
Zakharov Iu. S.
Determining the wall thickness of flexible polymer liners for the rehabilitation of pipelines of the state class I
The wall thickness is one of the main parameters that determine both the service life of a gravity sewer pipeline subject to rehabilitation with the use of flexible polymer liners, and the economic efficiency of repair and rehabilitation activities. The wall thickness of a flexible polymer liner is determined based on a static calculation with the algorithm depending on the condition of the pipeline subject to rehabilitation and the loads acting on it. At present, special software developed by foreign companies is used to calculate the wall thickness of a flexible polymer liner. A method for static calculation of flexible polymer liners cured inside a pipeline is proposed that while using tables and graphs allows determining the liner wall thickness during the rehabilitation of a state class I pipeline, provided the main load acting on the «new polymer pipe – pipeline» system is groundwater pressure.
Key words
pipeline , water disposal system , rehabilitation , flexible polymer liner , static calculation
UDC 628.2:621.644.073 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.09
Zakharov Iu. S.
Determining the wall thickness of flexible polymer liners for the rehabilitation of pipelines of the state class II
Once gravity sewer pipelines are put into operation, longitudinal cracks may appear in the pipes after a relatively short period of time caused by the low quality of pipe products and violation of the construction technology. Pipelines with longitudinal cracks (state class II or III) can be rehabilitated using flexible polymer liner, provided that the «pipeline – soil» system is statically stable. A method for estimating the static stability of the «pipeline – soil» system is given. Taking into account the properties of the soil, backfilling and ovalization of the pipeline, the main loads acting on a new polymer pipe during the rehabilitation of pipelines with longitudinal cracks (condition class II) are determined. An algorithm is proposed for calculating the wall thickness of a flexible polymer liner for the rehabilitation of pipelines of the above-mentioned state class depending on the actual loads. As an alternative to using foreign specialized software, a method is proposed for calculating the wall thickness of a flexible polymer liner that provides for using tables and graphs to determine the wall thickness of the liner for the rehabilitation of state class II pipeline on exposure to the soil pressure, groundwater and transport loads.
Key words
pipeline , water disposal system , rehabilitation , flexible polymer liner , static calculation