
Number 7 / 2024

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UDC 66.021.3:66.069.84
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.01

Riabchikov Boris, Larionov S. Iu., Kasatochkin A. S., Gizzatullin Artur, Panteleev Aleksei

Advanced solutions for aeration, deaeration-degassing and decarbonization processes


The processes of saturating water with oxygen and removing highly soluble oxygen and poorly soluble gases, such as carbon dioxide, ammonia, hydrogen sulfide, methane, radon are widely used in industry, energetics, municipal and individual water treatment. For these purposes, many designs of devices based on different operating principles are offered. JSC Research and Production Company Mediana-Filter is the only one in the Russian Federation that has developed and successfully used a series of vacuum ejection devices of different capacities for most of these purposes in its projects. A complex of vacuum ejection devices of different unit capacities has been developed – from 1 to 125 m3/h for aeration, deaeration-degassing and decarbonization, i. e., air stripping after heating, removing carbon dioxide generated by reverse osmosis and ion exchange units, removing dissolved gases – hydrogen sulfide, radon and chlorinated organics. It helps to design an effective and economical complex of industrial installations of various purposes and capacities.

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UDC 697.941:62.784.432:628.353
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.02

Savochkin Andrei, Larionov S. Iu., Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Developing a complex technology for removing aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial wastewater and air


The issues of the treatment of industrial wastewater of a petrochemical plant at the biological treatment facilities are considered. The results of studies and pilot tests at a real-world object with a complex technology of removing aromatic hydrocarbons from industrial wastewater and waste air generated during wastewater treatment are presented. A fine-bubble aeration method with an efficiency of pollution removal 85–95% was proposed for wastewater treatment. The process of disposing of air generated during wastewater treatment in a biofilter is described in detail. It is shown that the most important condition of the efficient biological air cleaning is the stabilization of the chemical composition of wastewater; therefore, the relative measures have been proposed for the implementation of the process. It is stated that while observing the given condition, the efficiency of air cleaning in the biofilter can reach minimum 90% at the specific capacity up to 100 m3/(m2·h).

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UDC 628.52:628.353:62-784.432
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.03

Riabchikov Boris, Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Savochkin Andrei, Shilov Mikhail

Designing a modular biofilter for cleaning gas emissions


The issues of designing a modular biofilter for cleaning air polluted with aromatic hydrocarbons are considered. The technology of air cleaning using biofiltration was tested earlier at a pilot plant. Basing on the analysis of various biofilter designs and taking into account the high required air capacity of the industrial unit (70,000 m3/h), an option was adopted with prefabricated separate modular biofilters in the form of heat-insulated containers with dimensions providing for the delivery to the assembly platform by regular transport. The required capacity is achieved by parallel connection of the required number of individual apparatus. To identify possible design flaws, a full-scale biofilter was fabricated and tested. The identified negative factors were eliminated in the industrial modular biofilter project.

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UDC 628.164-92:669.443.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.04

Riabchikov Boris, Panteleev Aleksei, Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Shilov Mikhail

Problems of removing heavy metals salts from wastewater:
options and solutions


Many industrial enterprises generate large amounts of wastewater containing salts of various heavy metals and their compounds. Numerous technological options have been developed to extract heavy metals from wastewater: ion exchange and membrane technologies, as well as chemical methods. However, using the first two methods results in the generation of new highly concentrated solutions of toxic components that require subsequent landfilling or solidification. Chemical methods provide for obtaining waste in the form of sludge that also needs processing and landfilling. Consequently, these technologies are often combined. Some methods based on the intensive chemical precipitation in a vortex layer in the presence of seeding material, sand, as a rule, can be considered as an alternative. In this case, products of the process are granules, usually calcium carbonate, with heavy metals or other toxic contaminants bound in the carbonate layer. The developed dynamic water softening system (DSS), designed to remove carbonate hardness from drinking water, was tested for the purpose of removing non-ferrous metals. The results obtained allow us to expect the high efficiency of this method.

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UDC 628.316.12:628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.05

Bobinkin V. V., Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Savenkov Pavel, Shapovalov Dmitrii, Shilov Mikhail, Kharitonov Nikolai

Pilot testing of the technology for the treatment of industrial storm water of a steelworks


Purification of industrial storm water of a complex composition to the discharge standards for fishery water bodies is a very important, but hereby, a complex and expensive task. Choosing correctly the equipment and technological process flow scheme must be carried out at the first stage of the implementation of a comprehensive project. The treatment flow scheme must include the optimal technical and economic indicators, whereas the waste generated during the treatment process must be minimally toxic and subject to landfilling. Therefore, at the first stages of the project implementation, it is important not only to calculate the treatment flow scheme, but also to conduct pilot tests to confirm or confute its effectiveness. The paper shows the stages of testing two schemes and selecting the best option that meets the customer’s requirements. It should be noted that the greatest difficulties are associated with the requirement to remove heavy metals, namely copper: its concentration in the effluent should not exceed 0.001 mg/dm3. Also noteworthy is a high concentration of oil products – more than 6 mg/dm3. As a result of the pilot tests, a new technological flow scheme for the wastewater treatment was developed, providing indicators as close as possible to the required values.

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UDC 628.316.12:628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.06

Bobinkin V. V., Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Savenkov Pavel, Shapovalov Dmitrii, Shilov Mikhail

Designing facilities for the treatment of industrial storm water of steelworks


In line with the environmental program being developed over many years to reduce the negative impact on water resources, the steelworks launched modern facilities for the treatment of industrial storm water of a complex composition. The greatest difficulties are associated with the presence of oil products and heavy metals in industrial storm water provided that the requirements for the removal of heavy metals are very stringent, primarily regarding the copper concentration, i.e. it should not exceed 0.001 mg/dm3 in the effluent. To estimate the efficiency of the existing treatment facilities and take measures for their upgrade, the experts of the steelworks carried out some research work to select the optimal equipment and technological treatment scheme. After the pilot tests, the previously proposed schemes were rejected and a new one was developed that should meet all the requirements. The newly designed facilities were put into constant operation with the required treatment efficiency achieved. For the first time a dynamic softening system (DSS) with columns 1800 mm in diameter was used on an industrial scale to remove heavy metals from wastewater.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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