Tag:capacity of treatment facilities



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UDC 628.311.001.24

Shuvalov M. V., Strelkov A. K., Tarakanov D. I., Shuvalov I. S.

On calculating the capacity of surface runoff treatment facilities
(to be discussed)


It was demonstrated that for the most part of the territory of our country in the process of designing treatment facilities for surface runoff from the territories allotted for settlement and first group industrial areas the daily amount of snowmelt runoff is determinative. To calculate the capacity of the accumulating tanks and treatment facilities using the data on the amount of water in snow cover by the beginning of spring snowmelt is suggested. When using the suggested additions to the method of designing surface runoff treatment facilities the capacity of accumulating tanks increases approximately twice; whereas the capacity of treatment facilities is reduced approximately eightfold. The information on the implementation of the suggested approach in designing and constructing treatment facilities receiving surface runoff from the territory of Tarkett factory manufacturing flooring (Otradnyi, Samara Area) is presented.

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UDC 628.2/.4:347.265.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.04

Menshutin Iurii

Method of multiple reduction of the design capacity
of surface runoff treatment facilities


The basic principles of the method for optimizing the calculation of volume-flow parameters of surface runoff (rain and melt) treatment facilities for the I–III category enterprises according to their negative impact on the environment are presented. The use of the method provides for reducing the design capacity of the treatment facilities by 3–5 times with a corresponding reduction in capital and operating costs while fully complying with the requirements of the current design rules as evidenced by the expert examination of design documentations.

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UDC 628.2/.4:628.221
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.06

Menshutin Iurii

Method for optimizing volume-flow parameters of airport surface runoff treatment facilities


Presented in the paper are the main provisions of developing a method for the optimization calculation of volume-flow parameters of surface runoff treatment facilities of the Russian airports, that belong to the category II of industrial facilities in terms of their negative impact on the environment. It is shown that using the proposed method with account of the period of de-icing of the aircrafts and airport territory provides for further reducing the design capacity of the treatment facilities by 1.7–2.45 times and the accumulation tank capacity by 1.2–2.1 times. At the same time, capital and operating costs are reduced with full compliance with the basic requirements of the current design rules and sanitary – environmental legislation.

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UDC 628.311

Vereshchagina Lidiia

Calculating the capacity of surface runoff treatment facilities  in the context of the environmental legislation reform


The regulatory documents – federal laws, RF Government Decrees and Environmental Protection Department orders are presented that were brought into force with the purpose of reforming the environmental legislation with regard to the protection of water bodies from wastewater pollution. Their great importance for water users is noted because the adopted regulatory documents determine the relationships between water and wastewater utilities and the customers of the public wastewater disposal systems; regulate the procedure of determining the permissible concentrations of pollutants discharged by water and wastewater utilities into water bodies, the procedure of determining on their basis the permissible pollutant concentrations discharged by the customers; and confirm the basic principles of estimating and charging for the negative impact on the environment including violation of the permissible discharge standards. Special attention is paid to RF Ministry of Natural Resources order No. 339 of July 29, 2014 related to making amendments to «The methods of developing the standards of permissible pollutant and microorganisms discharges to water bodies for water users» (2007). New «Guidelines for designing the systems of collection, removal and treatment of surface runoff from habitable territories, industrial sites, and determining the conditions of its discharge into water bodies» developed by «NII VODGEO»» OJSC in 2014 as a Supplement to Building Code SP 32.13330.2012. «Sewer system. Public utilities. Revised edition of SNiP 2.04.03-85» are discussed. The specific features of calculating the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants applied to the outlets of surface effluents ge­nerated on habitable territories and industrial sites are noted. The improved methods of calculating daily melt water amounts removed for treatment and the capacity of the treatment facilities are presented.

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