Tag:spent wash liquor



UDC 628.179.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.08.02

Nikolenko Il’ia, Movchan Sergei

Intensification of resource-saving technologies of water use
in the industrial wastewater treatment


The results of research focused on improving the technologies and equipment of recycling water supply systems with plating wastewater treatment at the local treatment facilities using multi-chamber electrocoagulation devices are presented. The research objective was intensifying the resource-saving water use technologies by improving the circulating systems of technological galvanic processes at the industrial enterprises using multi-chamber devices based on electrochemical coagulation. The process solutions for industrial wastewater treatment using multi-chamber horizontal and vertical devices based on electrochemical coagulation are considered. The equipment productivity 6–8 m3/h provides for processing plating wastewater containing different concentrations of heavy metal ions, suspended substances, lubricants, oil products, etc. The obtained results confirm their practical focus that consists in increasing the efficiency of industrial plating wastewater treatment (of about 94–96%).

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