
Number 4 / 2024
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Pokhil Yu. N.
На благо города и горожан
МУП города Новосибирска «ГОРВОДОКАНАЛ» – одно из крупнейших предприятий водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства Российской Федерации – ведет отсчет своей истории с начала ХХ века. В феврале 1929 г. в Новосибирске была запущена в эксплуатацию первая централизованная система водоснабжения.
Ключевые слова
УДК 628.316.6:628.166 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.01
Pokhil Yu. N., Novoshintsev V. N., Kostyuchenko S. V., Volkov Sergei, Tkachev Andrei
Комплексное решение проблем обеззараживания природных и сточных вод в современных условиях в масштабах г. Новосибирска
Рассматриваются основные аспекты практического применения технологических решений в сфере обеззараживания природных и сточных вод, позволяющих обеспечить современные нормативные и законодательные санитарно-эпидемиологические требования, на примере МУП г. Новосибирска «ГОРВОДОКАНАЛ». В системе водопровода и канализации г. Новосибирска создан один из крупнейших в России комплексов обеззараживания природных и сточных вод с применением УФ-излучения общей производительностью 1 650 000 м3/сут. В системе водоснабжения города внедрена современная мультибарьерная технология, предусматривающая комбинированное применение УФ-излучения и хлорирования, позволяющая создать надежный барьер в отношении всех типов вирусов, в том числе вируса COVID-19 (SARS-CoV-2), и цист патогенных простейших. В результате применения УФ-обеззараживания питьевой и сточной воды обеспечивается соблюдение новых санитарных правил и норм СанПиН 1.2.3685-21 «Гигиенические нормативы и требования к обеспечению безопасности и (или) безвредности для человека факторов среды обитания». Обеззараживание сточных вод на городских очистных сооружениях канализации г. Новосибирска УФ-излучением полностью удовлетворяет требованиям по применению наилучших доступных технологий, сформулированных в Информационно-техническом справочнике ИТС 10-2019 «Очистка сточных вод с использованием централизованных систем водоотведения поселений, городских округов». На УФ-станциях применено УФ-оборудование отечественного производства на основе современных мощных амальгамных ламп низкого давления. Комплексное и своевременное применение современной технологии обеззараживания УФ-излучением как при водоподготовке, так при очистке сточных вод на объектах МУП г. Новосибирска «ГОРВОДОКАНАЛ» обеспечило выполнение самых строгих современных требований санитарного и экологического законодательства РФ.
Ключевые слова
potable water , disinfection , ultraviolet , wastewater , best available techniques , multi-barrier technologies
UDC 628.316.7:628.336.3 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.02
Svitskov S. V., Бикетов А. В., Zhunev Oleg
Control of deposit site malodors: «Wet Barrier» technology
The issue of malodors control is relevant for wastewater treatment facilities. Information is provided on the use of «Wet Barrier» technology to control malodor from large area sources, such as sludge beds, sludge lagoons, deposition sites and others. The «Wet Barrier» technology for neutralizing malodors has become widespread in Russia. The use of this technology is provided for by BAT 15b of «Wastewater treatment with the use of public wastewater disposal systems of communities, urban districts». Information and technical reference book of the best available technologies ITS-2019 and CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures» (with Amendments No. 1, 2). Novosibirsk Vodokanal monitors the effectiveness of the technology in order to select optimal operating modes using the olfactometry method in accordance with GOST R 58578-2019.
Key words
odor , reeking substances , water supply-sewerage services , olfactometry , deodorizing chemicals
UDC 628.147.25:621.646.943 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.03
Radetskii Mikhail, Gorelnikov I. A.
Measures for reducing the probability of damages in water distribution networks
Measures for reducing the probability of damages in water distribution networks under certain technological operating conditions are considered. The experience of using a valve that prevents water surge in combination with a pressure relief valve is presented. Installing a valve that prevents water surge in the pressure manifold of pumping stations provides for the effective protection against damages of pressure water conduits in case of a sudden stop of pumps, as well as in case of a sharp uncontrolled pressure increase in them. Analyzing the operation of a multifunctional water surge protection valve with the remote control and function of maintaining the set pressure upstream proved a smoother pressure change at the outlet of the booster pumping station, as well as smaller deviations of the actual value from the set value as the volume of process water supplied changes. It is shown that the equipment is effective in the absence of variable speed control units, as well as in emergency situations.
Key words
water supply networks , pressure reducing valve , surge protection , surge protection valve
UDC 628.2:006.057.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.04
Bagaev Iurii, Gundyreva Tat’iana, Shipulin Roman
On amendments to the Decree of the RF Government of September 15, 2020 No. 1430 (for discussion)
An example of regulating process indicators of pollution discharge by public wastewater disposal system facilities is given. The attention is focused on the following issues: process indicators of the EU countries and Russia, regulations for a high-water intake of Siberia, the impact of anthropogenic load on the surface runoff in large cities. Of particular note are the nuances of comparing process indicators of the best available technologies and the cost-effectiveness of their achievement for the upgraded facilities. The established low indicator for suspended solids practically determines an increase in the required volumes of «aeration tank-sedimentation tank» structures or a significant decrease in the output of the existing treatment facilities, or the construction of tertiary treatment facilities. The former principle of accounting for the process capability of the existing facilities while establishing standards for the permissible pollution discharge and corresponding indicators of standard water protection technologies is considered. The feasibility of improving the established process indicators for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus as phosphate for the upgraded treatment facilities is shown taking into account the regional specific features of the anthropogenic load on the receiving water.
Key words
best available techniques , technological indicators , comprehensive process solutions , technologically regulated substances , public wastewater disposal system
UDC 628.1/.2:681.51 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.05
Pokhil Yu. N., Andriianets Petr, Andriianets Anton
25 years of experience in designing a digital system for automatic control of technological processes in water and wastewater management
The main features of using digital technologies in designing an automated process control system (APCS) in order to increase the technological and economic efficiency of Novosibirsk GORVODOKANAL MUE are considered. The basis for the effective operation of an automated process control system is intellect, i. e. a repertoire of knowledge designed in an algorithm and implemented in a program with predefined answers to standard questions established in advance based on experience. The features of improving the intellect and efficiency of the automated process control systems in the structure of the corporate supervisory control system of a water utility (CSCS), which unites the divisions of the enterprise, are described. The technological and economic efficiency of automated process control systems using digitalization are shown through examples.
Key words
automated system of control of technological processes , digital technologies , work station , computer work station , intellect , corporate control , corporate supervisory control system of a water utility
UDC 628.292:658.5:681.518 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.06
Бикетов А. В., Pokazaniev D. S., Tregubov Anton
Digital regulations based on the concept of equipment maintenance and repair
The experience of Novosibirsk GORVODOKANAL Municipal Unitary Enterprise in introducing an advanced software solution in the field of maintenance of industrial equipment is presented. The importance of using modern information systems is shown. The prerequisites and conditions for the implementation project are given, the stages of the implementation are described in detail. A methodology for designing information directories, technological operations and process charts is presented. The expected and received technological and managerial effects from the integration of new software into the general information system of the enterprise are presented. The information technologies being introduced are the basic automation tools for building a modern digital enterprise.
Key words
planning , computerization , automated system of control of technological processes , resources , project , repair and maintenance of the equipment , digitalization
UDC 628.35 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.07
Bagaev Iurii, Kharkina O. V., Krasavin Grigorii, Gundyreva Tat’iana
Development of basic process solutions for the reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities in Novosibirsk
An example of process solutions for the reconstruction of existing wastewater treatment plants using increased concentration of activated sludge and acidification of primary sludge is given. It has been shown that achieving the required effluent quality (N–NH4 = 1 mg/l, N–NO3 = 9 mg/l, N–NO2 = 0.1 mg/l, Р–РО4 = 0.7 mg/l) during the reconstruction of the facilities, the implementation of nitrogen and phosphorus removal processes in existing aeration tanks, with the actual flow of incoming wastewater, is possible by increasing the concentration of activated sludge in the aeration tanks to 5.2 g/l, which requires the installation of tertiary treatment filters downstream sludge separation in the secondary settling tanks. The use of tertiary treatment facilities to remove suspended solids is determined in comparison with a more expensive construction of an additional biological treatment unit operating with medium doses of activated sludge. It is shown that the information and technical reference book ITS 10-2019 being a recommendation and not a mandatory document, allows for the use of filtration structures for effluent discharge into category B water bodies. The issues of the responsibility of the designers of basic process solutions for achieving the required effluent quality during the implementation of the project are considered for two cases: first – the main process solutions and the project is developed by one company; second – the main process solutions and the project are developed by different companies.
Key words
wastewater treatment , designing , best available techniques , biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus , acidification , public wastewater disposal system , aeration tanks , reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities
UDC 628.35:536.24 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.08
Ambrosova G. T., Kruglikova Anastasiia, Rafal’skaia Tat’iana, Timofeev S. L.
Heat exchange processes in open wastewater treatment facilities
The paper dwells upon studying heat and mass transfer processes between waste liquid passing through open wastewater treatment complexes and the environment. Under the conditions of operating facilities heat and mass transfer results in the waste liquid temperature increase or decrease depending on the time of year; and that leads, provided other things equal, to a change in the quality of treatment. The possibility of using mathematical models for open wastewater structures that describe heat and mass transfer processes used in heating engineering is considered. The study was carried out by analyzing domestic and foreign sources on heat and mass transfer. Changes in the temperature of waste liquid in open facilities were determined by calculation for a specific facility and compared with actual measurement data at the same facility. During the study, items of heat loss and input were established for the winter and summer periods of the year in three open structures: primary settling tanks, aeration tanks and secondary settling tanks. A mathematical model has been tested that determines the change in the temperature of the waste liquid depending on the residence period in the structures. The method for calculating primary settling tanks, aeration tanks and secondary settling tanks has been improved that provides for accounting at the design stage of the treatment facilities of the changes in the temperature of waste liquid during treatment, which eliminates deterioration in the quality of waste water treatment at any time of the year.
Key words
heat-mass exchange , aeration tanks , heat loss and input , primary and secondary settling tanks , wastewater quality , temperature variation