Number 1 / 2024
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UDC 628.52:66.074.51 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.01
Vasiliak L. M., Sobur Denis, Strelkov A. K.
The use of chemical scrubbers to eliminate odors at the wastewater treatment facilities
The potential and features of using chemical scrubbers to remove from the air hydrogen sulfide and other malodorous substances generated during the transportation and treatment of wastewater are considered. A comparative analysis of the characteristics of various types of scrubbers: alkaline, hypochlorite, peroxide, and based on iron compounds is presented. It has been shown that the use of chemical scrubbers to eliminate malodorous substances at the wastewater treatment facilities has a number of significant limitations. The use of chemical scrubbers is advisable at the primary stage of air cleaning. Relatively low concentrations of hydrogen sulfide in the ventilation emissions of the wastewater treatment facilities at the relatively high concentrations of carbon dioxide result in an increase in the consumption of chemicals for second-order chemical reactions. In this case, significant operating and capital costs in the climatic conditions of Russia, except the southern regions, the operation complexity of the equipment, and the need for additional air cleaning using other methods should take into account.
Key words
wastewater , absorption , industrial methods of removing malodorous substances , hydrogen sulfide removal , chemical scrubbers , odor control
UDC 628.161:66.081.63 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.02
Pervov A. G., Spitsov D. V., Tet Zo Aung, Medved’ko Viktoriia
Use of the reverse osmosis method for the preparation of concentrated sodium chloride solutions for the production of sodium hypochlorite
The use of membrane reverse osmosis and nanofiltration plants for the production of drinking water is described. It is noted that using hypochlorite obtained by the electrolysis of concentrated solutions of table salt is an effective method of disinfection in drinking water supply systems. A new area of application of reverse osmosis systems is considered, i. e., the preparation, in addition to clean water, of concentrated solutions of sodium chloride used for the production of sodium hypochlorite to reduce the operating costs of a drinking water treatment plant eliminating the purchase of the chemical, i. e., table salt. A process flow scheme of the proposed technology is presented, that involves cascade processing of the source water using nanofiltration membranes of low selectivity to provide for separating the concentrate into the solutions of monovalent and divalent ions. The experimental procedure is described and experimental dependencies are presented to determine the efficiency of the concentrate separation. Based on the results of the experiments, an economic calculation of the costs of designing an additional system for producing concentrated solutions was performed proving the economic efficiency of the proposed process compared to the use of table salt.
Key words
disinfection , sodium hypochlorite , reverse osmosis , reverse osmosis unit , nanofiltration , concentrate utilization , water treatment , electrolysis method
UDC 543.31 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.03
Dzhabbarly B. R.
Development of a method for the online estimation of the permanganate index of water entering water treatment facilities
The paper dwells upon the development of a method for the online estimation of the quality of water supplied to water treatment facilities. A composite index is proposed co-charactering both the input parameter of the indirect estimation of water quality and the permanganate index. It is shown that the proposed composite index has a minimum from the Raman scattering signal. The magnitude of Raman scattering is calculated upon the composite index reaches a minimum. It is shown that the permanganate index can be represented as a sum of two components, where the first component is determined by fluorescent radiation, and the second one by the previously calculated optimal value of the Raman radiation. An extrapolation method for determining DOM or CDOM with a known value of one of these indices is proposed based on the linear relationship constructed between them.
Key words
water treatment , permanganate oxidizability , organic substances , fluorescent radiation , extrapolation
UDC 628.1:621.643.2-034 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.04
Minchenkov Aleksandr
On the mechanism of corrosion resistance of cast iron pipes: theory and practice
The stages of gray cast iron corrosion are considered, that result in the process of many years of replacement by the graphite component, and the iron of the metal matrix actually remains a preserved layer of non-corroding graphite. Owing to this, the service life of cast iron pipes, even without additional anti-corrosion protection, can actually reach 100–150 years. The corrosion resistance of ductile iron compared to gray cast iron is higher in an average ratio of 0.76. In practice, ductile iron pipes are supplied with protective coatings that provide for additional corrosion protection of the pipeline walls for a long time. The international standard ISO 21053:2019 «Life cycle analysis and disposal of ductile iron pipes while used in water supply systems» (clause 6) indicates the generally accepted service life of ductile iron pipes of 100 years.
Key words
protection from corrosion , cast iron pipelines , ductile iron , corrosion resistance , graphitic corrosion zone
UDC 628.179 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.05
Strelkov A. K., Zotov Yu. N., Mikhailova I. I.
On the causes of the problems occurring during the operation of water supply systems in apartment buildings
The paper considers the topical issues of estimating the compliance of the regulatory and technical framework that defines the basic requirements to water supply systems of apartment buildings with the technical regulations. The technical and legal factors effecting the occurrence of problems in the operation of water supply systems in apartment buildings are discussed; and an analysis of the causes of these problems is provided. The sufficiency of the existing methodological support for ensuring the safe operation of water supply systems in apartment buildings to be implemented at the system designing stage, is confirmed. Recommendations are provided to ensure legitimate design solutions considering the legislative vacuum in the regulatory and technical documents at the federal level. To eliminate the existing legislative vacuum in terms of determining the parameters of water supply systems for apartment buildings while designing, it is necessary to use not only the recommendations of regulatory and technical documents at the federal level, but also the company standards.
Key words
tenement building , regulatory and legal framework , water supply systems , designing and operating water supply systems
UDC 658.261:621.577 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.06
Razakov M. A.
Regulating the use of secondary energy resources at high-voltage wastewater pumping stations
The results of studying the use of secondary energy resources at a high-voltage municipal wastewater pumping station are presented. The specific features of designing and operating engineering systems for maintaining a microclimate at a wastewater pumping station, as well as the generated wastes that can potentially be used in the form of secondary energy resources, are considered. A review of the energy resources obtained in the process of pumping wastewater to the treatment facilities and can be used to reduce the share of basic operating costs, was carried out. The results of a field survey of the heating system at a municipal wastewater pumping station are presented. The main types of heating and ventilation systems used at wastewater pumping stations located in Moscow are considered. Options have been proposed for regulating the use of wastewater heat, exhaust air, and the technological process within the premises of a municipal wastewater pumping station, taking into account the features of wastewater treatment at the wastewater treatment facilities. The work can be of interest to the operators of the municipal wastewater disposal systems, engineers of building heating and ventilation systems, as well as for the researchers and designers working in the field of developing microclimate in industrial structures.
Key words
sewerage pumping station , water disposal system , energy , standardization , energy resources , heat energy , electric energy
UDC 628.212.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.07
Leonov L. V., Grekov Mikhail, Iakunin L. A., Elagin Sergei, Klokov Aleksandr, Chechevichkin A. V., Triaskin Mikhail
Experience of all-season use of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite for the treatment of surface runoff from technologically disturbed territories
The aspects of pollution of surface runoff from residential areas with heavy metals is considered, and the main sources of their inflow are described. The results of full-scale tests of FOPS®-Z filter (with natural zeolite media) are presented. The efficiency and level of heavy metals removal from surface runoff using the FOPS®- Z filter was estimated. Tests were carried out on a real residential area in St. Petersburg for seven seasons (2021–2022). The results of using FOPS®-K filter basket (installed upstream of FOPS®-Z filter) at the first stage of purification of surface runoff from the residential area are presented, as well as the results of a study of the fractional composition of wastes accumulated in the FOPS®-K filter basket for the entire period of testing.
Key words
cleansing , surface runoff , heavy metals , FOPS filter , filtering cartridge , coefficient of variation
UDC 628.31:551.579.5 DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.08
Strelkov A. K., Bukhman N. S., Teplykh Svetlana, Porshina Elizaveta
Dynamics of the infiltration of liquid pollution into the ballast section of a railway track within the framework of Forchheimer’s law
The dynamics of a liquid layer infiltration into porous soil induced by the gravitational forces is considered within the framework of the two-term filtration law (Forchheimer’s filtration law). Simple formulas are obtained for the time dependence of the height of the liquid layer on the soil and the time of complete infiltration of liquid into the soil on the filtration coefficient and porosity of the soil. It is shown that the total infiltration time is directly proportional to the height of the initial liquid layer on the ground. Calculations of the time and average speed of complete infiltration for typical soils were carried out.
Key words
infiltration , ballast section , liquid pollution , body of ballast , porous soil , infiltration time , porosity , filtration of coefficient