bbk 000000
UDC 621.65:62-531.3:628.1
Goryunov A. N.
Interaction of Pumping Plants of the First Lift and Water Treatment Facilities
To ensure the effective work of a water treatment station, the coordination of operating modes of a pump station of the first lift with maintenance of the predetermined level at treatment facilities or in pure water tanks, and maintenance of the predetermined discharge to treatment facilities as well depending on the city’s water consumption is necessary.
Key words:
potable water , pumps , startup mode , treatment facilities , frequency of rotation , tank , turbidity , adjustable electric drive
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16.065.2
Alekseeva L. P.
Influence of Conditions of Formation and Composition of Filter Wash Water on the Process of Their Treatment
Results of the research in filter wash water treatment at different water supply stations are presented. Studies conducted and pre-design technological investigations make it possible to establish that compositions and properties of wash water at various water supply stations vary significantly and depend on the quality of influent water which may vary according to the seasons of the year as well as the technology of its treatment (types and dozes of reagent, operation conditions and conditions of the treatment facilities). It is established, that the efficiency of reagent-free clarification of wash water of various types depends on the content of mineral substances in them. Depending on the type of wash water, flocculants as well as coagulants together with flocculants can be used for their advanced reagent treatment.
Key words
wash water of filters , turbidity , suspended substances , chromaticity , coagulant , flocculant
DOI 000000
UDC 628.17.001.4
Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Nesterenko O. I., Strelkova T. A., Talovyria Larisa
The influence of the ecological state of the water source on the mode of operation of water
While studying the water quality of the water source of the city of Samara – the Saratov water reservoir, special attention was paid to the main indicators that influence the choice of chemical treatment: turbidity, permanganate index and color. Seasonal changes in the water quality of the water reservoir require constant adjustment of the chemical dose in order to meet the regulatory requirements to the quality of treated water. The results of the studies of changes in the water quality of the Saratov reservoir at the water abstraction points of the city of Samara for 2017–2019 by turbidity, permanganate index and color are presented. Due to the abnormal temperature differences and onset of autumn flood (end of December 2019 and January 2020), the water quality in the water reservoir dramatically changed in color and permanganate index. It was noted that an increase in these indicators required an increase in the dose of chemicals during the source water purification. The optimal dose of chemicals is selected with Lovibond ET-750 flocculator depending on the composition of the source water. Regular test coagulation allowed maintaining the quality of purified water in accordance with the regulatory requirements of SanPiN «Drinking water. Quality control», except for color and total iron since the values of these indicators were increased within the measurement accuracy.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , water treatment , coagulant , flocculant , permanganate oxidizability
bbk 000000
UDC 628.
Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G.
Selection of most efficient chemicals for water treatment
The Saratovskoe water reservoir has been the main water source of the Samara public water supply. The municipal water treatment facilities have been built after typical projects and designed for clarification and disinfection of moderately polluted water. Lately sharp suspended solids reduction and organic pollution increase (mainly of natural origin) in the water source have been observed. During flood periods technogenic pollution (surfactants) is present, the concentration of manganese increases, phenol is found. At low water temperature, high color and permanganate value higher doses of chlorine and coagulant are required. Coagulation at low temperatures is inhibited which results in the concentration of residual aluminium and permanganate value exceeding the maximum permissible levels. Higher chlorine dosages cause higher concentrations of chloroorganics in water. Therefore a chemical for using during flood periods that will provide for the required quality of water shall be selected. The results of the laboratory studies of selecting the chemical type and optimum dosage for water purification from the Saratovskoe water reservoir during flood periods are presented. Eighteen coagulant trademarks manufactured by domestic and foreign producers were investigated. The optimum dosages of coagulant and flocculant were defined. From the coagulant samples presented two were selected that could provide for the maximum drinking water clarification at minimum levels of residual aluminium and permanganate value. The final choice can be made on the basis of the technical and economic calculations taking into account the chemical price, delivery cost and required water quality.
Key words
turbidity , sedimentation tank , chromaticity , coagulant , flocculant , filtration , water treatment , residual aluminium , permanganate oxidizability
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16.065
Belyak А. А., ZHAVORONKOVA V. I., SMIRNOV A. D., Lainer Yu. A., Milkov G. A.
Investigating the coagulating capacity of advanced aluminium-containing coagulants in natural water treatment
The results of testing three new coagulants developed at the A. A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Material Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences: two North-Onega bauxite-based coagulants and one red-mud-based coagulant are presented. The test results showed that the overall performance of water treatment with optimal dosages of the new coagulants was practically similar to the treatment with traditional aluminium sulfate, except for the red-mud-based coagulant that increased the concentration of iron ions in water after treatment.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , coagulant , iron , efficiency of treatment , natural water treatment
bbk 000000
UDC 628.
Strelkov A. K., Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Erchev V. N., Dudarev V. A., Kichigin V. I.
Research in Possibility of Low Turbid Water Treatment under the PFS-1 of Samara Conditions
The flow chart of water treatment with an aluminium oxychloride coagulant in combination with flocculant Magnafloc LT20 in winter and during the spring flood has been proposed and tested under production conditions. It is established that the quality of water taking into account permanganate oxidation, residual aluminium, colour and turbidity has improved. It is proved that the efficiency of disinfection in the course of coagulation treatment with aluminium oxychloride is 1,5–2 times higher than with aluminium sulphate. It makes it possible to reduce the dose of chlorine at the primary disinfection and to reduce accordingly the possibility of formation of organochlorine compounds. Due to reduction of an aluminium polyoxychloride dose the sliming at treatment facilities is reduced up to 30% that makes it possible to reduce the discharge of suspended matters and residual aluminium from the station. Manufacturing expenses and water losses go down, conditions of facilities disinfection improve, which guarantees the epidemic safety of water.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , residual aluminium , aluminium sulphate , sliming , epidemic safety
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16.06
Artemenok N. D., Ivashchenko A. T., Shokolov A. N., Paletskii A. V., Perederei L. G.
Investigating the processes of wash water treatment of pumping-filtration plant No. 5 of Novosibirsk
Research activities on processing wash water and water sludge from pumping-filtration plant No. 5 of Novosibirsk carried out during 2005–2009 provided for exploring sludge separation from wash water; modes and amounts of wastewater and wash water from the treatment facilities. For taking the final decision on the structure of the facilities and their number, dimensions and operating modes of every unit additional studies of wash water treatment processes were carried out in 2013. The main results obtained in the process of model studies in a specially designed and constructed plant (mixing chamber, flocculation chamber, horizontal sedimentation tank, rapid filter) are presented. The task of the dynamic tests was determining the limit wash water loading on a section of the horizontal settler in order to provide for the drinking water quality after treatment. During the tests optimal dosages and chemical feed points were specified; the impact of wash water temperature on the treatment level was determined. After sedimentation wash water passed treatment in the model rapid filter to the quality that meets the requirements of SanPin (Sanitary Regulations and Norms). The results of modeling allowed confirming the sufficiency of the process horizontal sedimentation tank dimensions for adequate wash water treatment. The recommendations on designing the composition of the facilities for sedimentation and filtration of wash water from pumping-filtration plant No. 5.
Key words
turbidity , rapid filter , wash water , water temperature , model plant , sedimentation facilities
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16.027:628.543
Egorova Yu. A., Kichigin V. I., Polst'ianov S. N., Nesterenko O. I.
Study of the technologies of wash water treatment from contact clarifiers
The results of the laboratory studies of twelve flocculant kinds used for wash water treatment from contact clarifiers are presented. The optimal dosages of flocculant were determined. Two of the flocculants studied were selected that could ensure the maximum degree of water clarification at the minimum concentration of residual aluminium, residual polyacrylamide and suspended solids in water. It was stated that the sludge generated during water clarification had 99.9% moisture content. It was proved that Flopam FO 4240 PWG and Маgnafloc LT-22S flocculants ensured good sedimentation of pollutants present in wash water. Possible use of chemical and chemical free filtration in «Fil’tr Polimernyi» manufactured by «Samenviro» LLC as well as of membrane filtration in UNA-620A hollow fiber module (based on Microza® pressure membranes) in a pilot plant rendered by «Pall Evrasia» LLC was considered.
Key words
turbidity , flocculant , wash water , contact clarifier , residual aluminium , residual polyacrylamide , optimal dosage of chemical
UDC 628.161.3 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.02
Nikolaenko Elena, Tinzhiu Zhang
Studying the efficiency of using aluminium oxychlorides of different trademarks
With each passing year, the task of centralized provision of the population with drinking water has becoming increasingly important. Because of increased technogenic and anthropogenic pollution of surface water sources, traditional water treatment schemes have become insufficient. Purification of natural water using chemicals in most cases is currently the only possible method of providing for the sustained water quality in domestic water supply systems. The paper considers the effectiveness of coagulants – highly basic aluminum oxychlorides supplied by various manufacturers depending on the initial turbidity and color of the water. The experiments were based on the use of model water with the parameters close to natural water in different periods of the year. It was shown that in terms of permanganate index, a water quality indicator, the efficiency of the chemicals was quite high and sustainable. As to such parameters as turbidity and color, the chemicals demonstrated extremely low efficiency in their respect. The trademarks of oxychlorides that showed the best results in relation to turbidity and color of clarified water in the process of low turbid and colored water purification were identified. In the water treatment practice a well-known method for increasing the efficiency of low turbid natural water clarification is the use of opacifiers. As a rule, finely dispersed clay or powdered activated carbon is used as a opacifier. During the study the efficiency of aluminium oxychlorides with preliminary addition of activated carbon slurry into the model water was investigated; and the most efficient trademarks of highly basic aluminum oxychlorides were determined.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , coagulant , permanganate oxidizability , natural water treatment , low turbid water , opacifiers of natural water
UDC 628.161.3 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.01
Gandurina L. V., Kravchenko Diana
Coagulation purification of natural water with iron oxide salts
The efficiency of using ferric chloride and ferric sulphate for coagulation purification of natural and model water depending on the turbidity, color, alkalinity of the source water and flocculation duration is considered. It is shown that for the purification of turbid water, the doses of coagulants related to the iron ion do not depend on the type of coagulant and increase with rise of the turbidity of the purified water. Power dependence of the dose of ferric chloride on the turbidity of the source water was determined. Ferric chloride is the most effective coagulant for reducing turbidity and color, simultaneously providing for the standard concentration of iron ions in purified water. The higher efficiency of ferric chloride compared to ferric sulphate is determined by the presence of polyoxychloride complexes in ferric chloride solutions. It has been established that the main contribution to the reduction of turbidity of water coagulated with iron oxide salts is made by alkalinity that determines the rate and amount of insoluble products of hydrolysis of iron oxide salts. Using the example of coagulation purification of colored waters from different water sources using iron oxide salts, it has been shown that with an increase in color and alkalinity of the source water, no clear correlation dependence of the dose and purification efficiency on these parameters is observed.
Key words
settling , turbidity , chromaticity , coagulation , flocculation , natural water , ferric sulfate , alkalinity , hydrolysis , ferric chloride
DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.04 UDC 006.3:628.1
Egorova Yu. A., Bykova P. G., Talovyria Larisa, Strelkova T. A., Nesterenko O. I.
On the introduction of new sanitary and epidemiological requirements for drinking water supply
The main source of water supply for the urban district of Samara is the Saratov reservoir. The municipal water treatment facilities were built according to the standard design and intended for clarification and disinfection of moderately polluted water. In recent years, a sharp decrease in the concentration of suspended solids and an increase in the concentration of organic pollutants (mainly of natural origin) have been observed in the water of the source. At low water temperature, high color indices and permanganate index, the need arises for continuous monitoring the optimal doses of chemicals in order to prevent the formation of residual aluminum in the purified water and permanganate index exceeding the MPC values in accordance with SanPiN By Decree of the RF Chief Sanitary Officer No. 3 of January 28, 2021, new sanitary rules and regulations have been approved and effective in the Russian Federation since March 1, 2021: SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21 that require a more stringent approach to the quality of the purified water. The validity period of the current SanPiNs is until March 1, 2027; however, they do not provide for a transitional period for the operators of water supply and wastewater disposal systems that have to arrange and conduct epidemiological (preventive) measures to ensure drinking and domestic water supply meeting the requirements of SanPiN 2.1.3684-21 and SanPiN 1.2.3685-21. The water treatment facilities in Samara in the transition period need upgrade, and some of them need reconstruction. To carry out the research specified in the regulatory documents, updating the equipment of production laboratories and expanding the scope of their accreditation are needed. Equipping accredited laboratories with advanced means of comprehensive monitoring of drinking water quality will improve the efficiency and reliability of the analysis results.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , water treatment , water quality , pumping-filtration station , residual aluminium , permanganate oxidizability , sanitary regulations and standards
DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.12.01 UDC 614.77:628.161
Strelkov A. K., Bykova P. G., Palagin Evgenii
On the state of the water quality in the Kuibyshev and Saratov water reservoirs and the prospects for one- and two-stage treatment schemes
The results of studying the physical and chemical composition of the source water of the Kuibyshev and Saratov water reservoirs at the water intake sites operated by Avtogradvodokanal LLC, Tolyatti Urban District, and Samara Utility Systems LLC, Samara Urban District, for 2015–2021 are presented. Limiting values of 59 indicators of the water quality of the Kuibyshev water reservoir and 52 indicators of the Saratov water reservoir have been established. The water in both water reservoirs polluted with resistant to oxidation organic substances, can be referred to the III hazard class and is assessed as «moderately polluted». In the water of the Kuibyshev reservoir increased concentrations of phytoplankton and zooplankton were found. The reservoir water needs physical and chemical treatment before being supplied to the consumers. It is shown that the physical and chemical composition of the water of the Kuibyshev water reservoir in terms of turbidity, concentration of phytoplankton and zooplankton is worse than the water composition in the Saratov water reservoir; therefore, it requires additional treatment before being supplied to the treatment plant.
Key words
turbidity , chromaticity , reservoir , permanganate oxidizability , raw water
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16/.31.085
Rudnikova G. I., Zelenin A. M.
Water Disinfection Using the UV-Irradiation at Water Treatment Facilities of the City of Angarsk
For the purpose of improving the barrier function with respect to viruses, parasites and water bacteria at water treatment facilities of Angarsk the station of potable water UV-disinfection was put into operation in 2009. The station’s equipment is located in the building of main facilities block before the vertical mixers. From the first days of operation the high efficiency of the UV-disinfection method was established. The analyses results show the complete inactivation of all water microorganisms and dependence of intensity of lamps radiation on physicochemical properties of river water as well. For the purpose of eliminating this dependence the alternative scheme of water feed is offered: treated water after the filter is delivered to UV-disinfection plants instead of river water.
Key words
potable water , chlorination , turbidity , ultra-violet disinfecting , water treatment , microorganisms , inactivation
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16.066.7
Volftrub L. I.
The experience of operating lamella settlers and clarifiers with built-in flocculation chambers
The results of upgrading primary water treatment facilities – flocculation chambers, sedimentation tanks and clarifiers based on the use of low-flow and low-pressure recirculators and lamella honeycomb modules made of polyethylene film 250–300 µm thick designed by ECOHOLDING Group experts are presented. The developed method of jointing film into a honeycomb construction with an inner rigid frame provides for the ruggedness and spacial stability of the honeycomb module and allows stretching it on the frames on perimeter only. Firm jointing of the film allows manufacturing a honeycomb construction of any size and angle of slope providing minimum loss of clarifying surface of the facilities of any configuration, both radial and rectangular. For long-term operated facilities honeycomb modules are tailormade after each of them has been measured. The possibility of ensuring the required recirculation rate at low head loss and minimum liquid flow rate to prevent the recycled suspension from destruction and facilitate efficient floc formation is an essential advantage of the developed methods of recirculator designing and constructing. The presented high-efficient methods of coagulation and sedimentation improvement form the basis of prefabricated «Struiia» and «Vlaga» modular water treatment units with 100–12000 m3/day capacities. The units are designed for natural water treatment: turbidity and color removal, softening, defluorination, de-ironing (composite forms, high concentrations of iron) and disinfection. They are used in water supply systems of settlements, towns, hospital care and health resorts, sport centers, fish farms, industrial enterprises or separate production facilities.
Key words
turbidity , water treatment , modernization , residual aluminium , flocculation chamber , lamella settler , clarifier , honeycomb module
DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.04.01 UDC 628.161.3:544.77.052.22
Gandurina L. V., Frog B. N., Giro Kristina
Clarification of turbid water with the use of Praestol 650 flocculant
The efficiency of the individual use of the cationic flocculant Praestol 650 for the purification of turbid water is considered, depending on the turbidity of the source water and the conditions of flocculation. It is shown that the priority parameters that determine the effectiveness of the individual use of the cationic flocculant Praestol 650 for the purification of turbid natural water are the intensity and duration of mixing in the flocculation chamber. With a duration of at least 20 min and an average gradient of mixing rate G = 340 s-1, the efficiency of turbidity reduction is 96% (final turbidity being 7 mg/l). A 96% efficiency of the non-ionic flocculant with a molecular weight of 5–7 million was determined in a suboptimal flocculation mode with a mixing period of 5 min and G = 65 s-1.
Key words
settling , turbidity , flocculation , cationic flocculant , water clarification , mixing rate gradient
bbk 000000
UDC 628.16.065
Alekseeva L. P., Kourova L. V.
The specific features of using organic cationic flocculants in surface water treatment
The specific features of using high-molecular cationic flocculants for the treatment of water from surface sources characterized by low color, medium turbidity and low organics are considered. On basis of theoretical provisions and experimental results the expediency of using these flocculants as basic chemicals and in combination with mineral flocculants are shown; the conditions of using them at the water treatment plants are determined.
Key words
potable water , turbidity , chromaticity , water treatment , coagulant , flocculant , water source , organic substances
bbk 000000
UDC 628.162
Getmantsev S. V., Linevich S. N.
Treatment and Disinfection of the Don’s Water at Contact Filters Using the Coagulant SKIF™180of the Latest Generation
The high efficient compact flowchart of treatment and disinfection of the Don’s water has been developed on the basis of experimental and theoretical studies carried out. In the process, mixers, coagulation chambers and sludge blanket clarifiers or settling tanks are eliminated from the scheme. The use of the method of contact coagulation with the high effective coagulant of SKIF™180 mark makes it possible to reduce reagent consumption by 65–70%, to exclude the necessity of primary disinfection of water with chlorine or reduce chlorine consumption to minimum, to ensure aluminum residual in water within the limits of MPC, to stabilize conditions of water treatment and reduce considerably the cost of water treatment.
Key words
potable water , disinfection , turbidity , chromaticity , coagulation , flocculation , water treatment station , contact filter
UDC 628.161.3 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.03.02
Gandurina L. V., Budykina T. A., Iantsen O. V.
Removing fine clay impurities from natural water
The effect of the clay impurities (loams, clays, bentonites, kaolin) origin that determines the turbidity of natural water, on the kinetics of their sedimentation was studied. The percentage of clay impurities with a hydraulic size of 0.11 mm/s was determined. The effectiveness of the independent use of Praestol 650 cationic flocculant for removing clay impurities of various origin from turbid water is considered. It was established that the efficiency of natural water purification depended on the mineral composition and disperse characteristics of clay particles and could be increased for kaolinite-containing clay impurities from 69 to 91% by optimizing the flocculation parameters. It was shown that the optimal dose of Praestol 650 flocculant did not depend on the origin and disperse characteristics of clay particles and was 0.2 mg/l at an initial water turbidity of 107–187 mg/l. The possible use of the kinetic and flocculation characteristics of clay impurities in natural water to identify their mineral composition is considered.
Key words
cleansing , settling , turbidity , flocculation , hydraulic size , natural water , cationic flocculant , mixing rate gradient , clay impurities