Tag:surface water



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UDC 628.11(470.6)

Mikheeva I. V.

Water projects, water supply and wastewater disposal conditions in the communities of the Southern Federal District


Drinking water quality maintenance has been one of the priority tasks of the national sanitary and epidemiologic service activities. The population practically in all the territorial entities of the Southern Federal District suffers from the scarcity of pathogen-free drinking water because of the undercapacity of the waterworks, unsatisfactory sanitary condition of the drinking water transportation systems, inefficient use of drinking water for watering garden plots in summer, lack of the good quality water supply sources. The root cause of water sources pollution is the discharge of poorly treated effluents and raw wastewater, storm water, drainage water from irrigation systems into the water bodies. The source of sea water pollution is raw wastewater and poorly treated effluents discharged by inefficient wastewater treatment facilities. Most wastewater treatment facilities, sewers of different projects and communities on the territory of the Southern Federal District need rehabilitation, capital repair and upgrade. Drinking water quality depends on the condition and quality of the water source, water treatment technology and condition of the distribution networks that predetermines the need of water use optimization. The proposals on improving the condition of water supply and wastewater disposal and ensuring the epidemiological welfare of the population of the communities of the Southern Federal District are presented.

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UDC 504.064


Applying the Best Available Technologies concept in the substantiation  of the system of engineering protection of natural water from pollution


The contemporary science-methodical and regulatory base supposes the wide application of the Best Available Technologies principle including the implementation of environmental protection activities. As a result of studies and model simulations three basic causes of underground and surface water pollution on the considered territory of the Sosnovsk oil deposit in the Samara Area were identified: fracking that includes discharging produced and waste water into the stratum; industrial waste leakages from cushion holes and service wells; leakages from distribution pipelines and tanks with the subsequent filtration through the aeration zone into underground and surface waters. A mathematical model of underground water filtration with establishing a specialized information system was developed. Simulating filtration in operating strata where industrial wastewater is pumped provides for evaluating the pressure of the stratum and, consequently, the so-called adverse effect level that is determined by the ratio of the pressure in the stratum to the fracking pressure. The calculations of underground water filtration were carried out both under stationary and non-stationary conditions with the use of MODFLOW Model. The basic conceptual framework of the Best Available Technologies principle as applied to the problem of desi­gning the systems of engineering protection of underground and surface water from pollution is presented. The example of implemen­ting the presented conceptual framework in the location of landfills for produced and waste water discharges in the Samara Area is given. It was determined that the best option shall be chosen on the basis of the business and economic calculations.

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UDC 628.16.065.2 (282.247.33)

Linevich S. N., Breus S. A.

Optimization of Coagulation Water Treatment


Results of experimental studies on the electrocoagulation treatment of the Don water for organization of the centralized systems of water supply are presented. The electrocoagulation method of natural water treatment in contrast to the reagent method is more ecological and economically efficient. The studies carried out confirm the reasonability of a wider use of electrocoagulation for tap water treatment.

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UDC 628.16.066.1

Balaev I. S., Kuchma G. G., Mel'nikov I. A., Repkin M. V., Khanlarov G. V.

The experience of introducing dynamic clarifiers in natural and wastewater treatment


The experience of introducing the technology of purifying natural and wastewater to the regulated quality parameters in dynamic clarifiers and dual-media mechanical filters is presented. The technology and related equipment have been developed by the experts of CJSC NPE «United Water Technologies» (Moscow). Dynamic clarifier is the result of upgrading
traditional filters with floating filter media and contact clarifiers. Upgrading included improving upper and bottom drai­nage distribution devices, and using granulated floating inert filter media (3–5 mm grain size, density 0.8–0.9 g/cm3) based on polymer materials (polyethylene, polypropylene etc) which was characterized by high mechanical strength and, respectively, by long lifetime. The process flow scheme of the Novokuznetsk aluminium smelter (RUSAL Company) wastewater treatment is considered. Industrial effluent of the plant is recycling and used in cooling the basic process equipment as well in manufacturing products and chemicals. In order to further promote the technology of dynamic clarification the dynamic clarification filter was patented. It is a dual-chamber apparatus consisting of an upper primary treatment chamber and a bottom fine treatment chamber. The principle of operation is in preliminary dosing coagulant and flocculant into incoming water and upward water flow filtering through the primary treatment chamber with INERT® floating inter filter media (3–5 mm grain size), and further filtering through the fine treatment chamber with coarse-grained hydro-anthracite (1.2–2.5 mm grain size) (upper layer) and fine grained (0.6–1.2 mm) quartz sand (bottom layer). The first results of introducing dynamic water clarification prove that it is more efficient and cost-effective compared to the traditional technologies of natural and wastewater treatment.

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UDC 628.339.066.1

Balaev I. S., Kemenov Iu. V., Murzin A. V., Spiridonov N. E., Balaeva L. I.

The experience of introducing DYСLAR  dynamic clarification technology  in natural and wastewater treatment


The experience of introducing innovative home dynamic clarification technology on the basis of dynamic clarifiers and dynamic clarifying filters in natural and wastewater treatment is described. The technology and relative equipment have been developed by the specialists of «Integrated Water Technologies» Company (Moscow). The principle of the dynamic clarifier operation is based on the technology of contact coagulation in a pressure filter with floating media. The specific feature of the dynamic clarifier is the availability of improved upper and lower drain-distributing devices and also granulated INERT media manufactured on the basis of polymer materials and characterized by high mechanical strength and, consequently, long lifetime. By the example of the Novokuznetsk aluminum smelter the results of industrial and storm wastewater treatment with the use of clarified effluent in the in-plant recirculation system are presented. By the example of a petrochemical plant (Pavlodar city, Kazakhstan) the experience of introducing a dynamic clarifying filter that combines in one apparatus the functions of a dynamic clarifier and a mechanical filter with heavy granular media is described. The advantages of using aluminium polyoxychloride as a coagulant compared with aluminium sulfate for DYСLAR technology are presented. The experience of introducing the given technology of water clarification confirms its undeniable advantages compared to the foreign prototypes and allows designating it as best available technologies.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.07.02
UDC 626.812

Lapin Pavel

Surface waters of the Orel Region rivers and their main pollutants


The results of a study of the qualitative composition of surface waters in the basin of the main rivers of the Orel Region (Oka, Dnieper and Don) that revealed critical pollution of the surface waters with phenols in most rivers, negligible – with nitrite nitrogen, no excess of MPC for iron was found, with the exception of the Dnieper River basin. To reduce the degree of pollution of the surface waters, a program of budgetary support of the water supply and wastewater disposal enterprises shall be provided to enhance the transition to the best available technologies for wastewater treatment; the cooperation with neighboring regions shall be improved; monitoring of the main pollutants of the water bodies in the Orel region shall be carried out; and the technological control of economic entities shall be executed considering their negative impact on the water bodies.

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UDC 628.321

Gaid Kader, Sauvignet Philippe, Buisson Hervé

The combination Actiflo – MF/UF membrane:  an efficient solution for surface waters


Process schemes of surface water treatment with membrane filtration in most cases at the final stage require advanced clarification technologies that provide for efficient removing color and high concentrations of organic and suspended solids from raw water. Therefore, «Actiflo® – ultra- and microfiltration» process scheme is the optimal solution for drinking water purification. The results of pilot tests of «Actiflo® – ultra- and microfiltration» process scheme are presented. The experience of operating the plants using this scheme is generalized.

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UDC 628.113

Abul'fatov Asif Gara ogly

The technology of nonchemical purification of surface highly turbid water


При решении задач по повышению эффективности работы объектов водопроводно-канализационного хозяйства с целью улучшения качества обработанной воды большое значение приобретает снижение капитальных и эксплуа­тационных затрат. Для очистки поверхностных высокомутных вод предложен новый одноступенчатый безреагентный способ – капиллярное микросифонирование воды, а также конструкция установки для осуществления данного процесса. Принцип технологического процесса осветления воды основан на капиллярных явлениях – физических свойствах воды, обусловленных поверхностным натяжением на границе раздела несмешивающихся сред, жидкости и смачивающейся поверхности фильтрующего материала. Применение капиллярного микросифонирования исключает необходимость в реагентном хозяйстве, а также предварительной подготовки воды и обработки жидких отходов, образующихся в процессах очистки воды. Реализация одноступенчатой безреагентной энергосберегающей технологии в плавающих водоочистных установках типа УКМ, апробированных в процессе осветления высокомутных вод р. Куры, показала ее высокую эффективность при незначительных эксплуатационных затратах.

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UDC 628.16.004.69(571.61/.64)

Kondratyeva L. M., Rousinov I. S., Domnin K. V.

Environmental safety and water treatment technology improvement in the Amur River Region


Advanced approaches to the water treatment processes with the use of local natural zeolites that improve the environmental safety are considered. Among the basic trends in developing water treatment technologies special attention is given to chemical free methods of the Amur water purification with the help of natural sorbents and biochemical processes activation in biofilms, water in the public systems polishing and stimulation of ground water deironing in local water treatment.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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