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UDC 628.16.066.7
The experience of operating lamella settlers and clarifiers with built-in flocculation chambers
The results of upgrading primary water treatment facilities – flocculation chambers, sedimentation tanks and clarifiers based on the use of low-flow and low-pressure recirculators and lamella honeycomb modules made of polyethylene film 250–300 µm thick designed by ECOHOLDING Group experts are presented. The developed method of jointing film into a honeycomb construction with an inner rigid frame provides for the ruggedness and spacial stability of the honeycomb module and allows stretching it on the frames on perimeter only. Firm jointing of the film allows manufacturing a honeycomb construction of any size and angle of slope providing minimum loss of clarifying surface of the facilities of any configuration, both radial and rectangular. For long-term operated facilities honeycomb modules are tailormade after each of them has been measured. The possibility of ensuring the required recirculation rate at low head loss and minimum liquid flow rate to prevent the recycled suspension from destruction and facilitate efficient floc formation is an essential advantage of the developed methods of recirculator designing and constructing. The presented high-efficient methods of coagulation and sedimentation improvement form the basis of prefabricated «Struiia» and «Vlaga» modular water treatment units with 100–12000 m3/day capacities. The units are designed for natural water treatment: turbidity and color removal, softening, defluorination, de-ironing (composite forms, high concentrations of iron) and disinfection. They are used in water supply systems of settlements, towns, hospital care and health resorts, sport centers, fish farms, industrial enterprises or separate production facilities.
Key words
turbidity , water treatment , modernization , residual aluminium , flocculation chamber , lamella settler , clarifier , honeycomb module
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