


DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.10.04
UDC 544.77.052.22

Burganov Renat, Khasanova D. I., Gil’mutdinova Gul’fiia, Кирилова М. А., Kovrizhnykh E. A.

Studying and selecting effective flocculants for the purification of the Kama River water


Using the Kama River water as an example, the advantage of using flocculants of various ionic activity in combination with a coagulant based on polyaluminum chloride is shown. The results of studies of the main physical and chemical indicators are presented that better characterize the specific features of the coagulation of the Kama River water. Under the experimental conditions all tested flocculants were comparable as for the effectiveness to the flocculant based on polydiallyldimethylammonium chloride currently used at the water unit of Nizhnekamskneftekhim PJSC. In the process of water clarification using a flocculant (sample No. 1) was proposed with a dose of 1–3 mg/dm3. It was shown that the combined use of polyaluminum chloride and the flocculant (sample No. 1) was more effective for extracting aluminum ions from water. The method of river water coagulation with the use of the flocculant (sample No. 1) differs from the existing one in higher cost-effectiveness and 50–60% reduction the of the chemical consumption.

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UDC 628.161.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.01

Gandurina L. V., Kravchenko Diana

Coagulation purification of natural water with iron oxide salts


The efficiency of using ferric chloride and ferric sulphate for coagulation purification of natural and model water depending on the turbidity, color, alkalinity of the source water and flocculation duration is considered. It is shown that for the purification of turbid water, the doses of coagulants related to the iron ion do not depend on the type of coagulant and increase with rise of the turbidity of the purified water. Power dependence of the dose of ferric chloride on the turbidity of the source water was determined. Ferric chloride is the most effective coagulant for reducing turbidity and color, simultaneously providing for the standard concentration of iron ions in purified water. The higher efficiency of ferric chloride compared to ferric sulphate is determined by the presence of polyoxychloride complexes in ferric chloride solutions. It has been established that the main contribution to the reduction of turbidity of water coagulated with iron oxide salts is made by alkalinity that determines the rate and amount of insoluble products of hydrolysis of iron oxide salts. Using the example of coagulation purification of colored waters from different water sources using iron oxide salts, it has been shown that with an increase in color and alkalinity of the source water, no clear correlation dependence of the dose and purification efficiency on these parameters is observed.

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UDC 628.16.065.2-926:628.16.094.413.094.3

Pokhil Yu. N., Bagaev Iurii, Mamaev V. V., Novoshintsev V. N., Valuyskikh I. V., Zhagin V. A., Boldyrev Viacheslav Viktorovich, Shokolov A. N., Belousova T. V., Smirnov V. P.

Optimization of flocculation and chlorammoniation processes at the water treatment facilities of the city of Novosibirsk


The results of long-term studies to improve the design and operating parameters of the pumping-filtration stations in Novosibirsk are presented. The schemes of the developed processes and technical means for the enhancement of disinfection and flocculation are given. The results of research on improving the processes of mixing and flocculation to provide for reducing the consumption of coagulant by more than 50% without water quality degradation achieving precipitation of the major sludge amount in the flotation chambers and at the entry of the sedimentation tanks, respectively, reducing the pollution load on filters and water consumption for their backwash. Based on the results of the research on the improvement of the technology of chlorammoniation a predictable and well-controlled process has been developed with a guaranteed decrease in the concentration of chlororganic compounds within the limits of the MPCs as well as the elimination of chloramines with the highest degree of oxidation and nitrification. The process ensures the reduction of secondary water pollution and bacteriological and hydrobiological pollution of the water treatment facilities.

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UDC 628.16.006.7

Volftrub L. I., Korabelnikov V. M., Gudoshnikova A. E.

Experience of Modernization of Settling Tanks and Clarifiers at Water Treatment Stations


Methods of the modernization of different designs of flocculators, settling tanks and clarifiers based on the use of thin-layer, recirculating flocculation and thin-layer deposition are presented. Advantages of the design of thin-layer cellular blocks developed by the authors and produced by the EcoholdingClosed Company are shown. Results of the long term (over 10 years) operation of modernized settling facilities in the systems of communal and industry water treatment at different compositions of natural water and various methods of their treatment are presented.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.04.01
UDC 628.161.3:544.77.052.22

Gandurina L. V., Frog B. N., Giro Kristina

Clarification of turbid water with the use of Praestol 650 flocculant


The efficiency of the individual use of the cationic flocculant Praestol 650 for the purification of turbid water is considered, depending on the turbidity of the source water and the conditions of flocculation. It is shown that the priority parameters that determine the effectiveness of the individual use of the cationic flocculant Praestol 650 for the purification of turbid natural water are the intensity and duration of mixing in the flocculation chamber. With a duration of at least 20 min and an average gradient of mixing rate G = 340 s-1, the efficiency of turbidity reduction is 96% (final turbidity being 7 mg/l). A 96% efficiency of the non-ionic flocculant with a molecular weight of 5–7 million was determined in a suboptimal flocculation mode with a mixing period of 5 min and G = 65 s-1.

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UDC 628.161:536.22

Fomina V. F.

Features of Coagulation of Low Turbid, Color Water of the Vychegda Under Conditions of Low Temperature


Results of the reagent treatment of low turbid and color water of the Vychegda for the purpose of selection of the efficient method of its clarification is presented. The process of coagulation is characterized by the formation of small, poorly settling flakes. Low temperatures of water require increasing the optimal doses of coagulant almost two times and the optimal doses of flocculant more than two times. It is shown, that the water discoloration up to 5–10 degrees and its maximal clarification are achieved in and around of optimal pH values. The empirical dependences of a coagulant’s dose on influent water color with due regard for its temperature are given. The efficiency of low temperature water treatment depends substantively on flocculation process, the duration of which multiplies several times during the periods of water's low temperatures. Under these circumstances the pressure flotation is the most reasonable and efficient method of clarification.

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UDC 628.162

Getmantsev S. V., Linevich S. N.

Treatment and Disinfection of the Don’s Water at Contact Filters Using the Coagulant SKIF180of the Latest Generation


The high efficient compact flowchart of treatment and disinfection of the Don’s water has been developed on the basis of experimental and theoretical studies carried out. In the process, mixers, coagulation chambers and sludge blanket clarifiers or settling tanks are eliminated from the scheme. The use of the method of contact coagulation with the high effective coagulant of SKIF™180 mark makes it possible to reduce reagent consumption by 65–70%, to exclude the necessity of primary disinfection of water with chlorine or reduce chlorine consumption to minimum, to ensure aluminum residual in water within the limits of MPC, to stabilize conditions of water treatment and reduce considerably the cost of water treatment.

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UDC 628.161.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.03.02

Gandurina L. V., Budykina T. A., Iantsen O. V.

Removing fine clay impurities from natural water


The effect of the clay impurities (loams, clays, bentonites, kaolin) origin that determines the turbidity of natural water, on the kinetics of their sedimentation was studied. The percentage of clay impurities with a hydraulic size of 0.11 mm/s was determined. The effectiveness of the independent use of Praestol 650 cationic flocculant for removing clay impurities of various origin from turbid water is considered. It was established that the efficiency of natural water purification depended on the mineral composition and disperse characteristics of clay particles and could be increased for kaolinite-containing clay impurities from 69 to 91% by optimizing the flocculation parameters. It was shown that the optimal dose of Praestol 650 flocculant did not depend on the origin and disperse characteristics of clay particles and was 0.2 mg/l at an initial water turbidity of 107–187 mg/l. The possible use of the kinetic and flocculation characteristics of clay impurities in natural water to identify their mineral composition is considered.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.07.02
UDC 628.16.065.2

Gandurina L. V., Frog B. N., Mashtakova Ekaterina

The use of organic coagulants for turbid water clarification


The results of studies of the coagulating ability of domestic organic coagulants of well-known brands for the treatment of turbid waters with color not exceeding the water quality target, depending on the characteristics of the coagulants, water turbidity and process parameters of coagulation and sedimentation are presented. The efficiency of using organic coagulants VPK-402, Kaustamin-15 and Biopag to reduce the turbidity of water caused by fine-grained clay particles with a hydraulic size of less than 0.01 mm/s is considered. It was found that VPK-402 coagulant characterized by the highest molecular weight, possessed the greatest coagulating ability. It was shown that the dose of the coagulant did not exceed 0.4 mg/l with an increase in the turbidity of the source water to 750 mg/l. The maximum reduction in water turbidity by sedimentation with the use of organic coagulants is observed with a flocculation time of 20 minutes, where 83–84% of the resulting flocs have a hydraulic size of more than 0.8 mm/s.

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UDC 628.16.052.2

Potapov V. V., Brovkin A. E.

Improving natural water purification with the use of new generation chemicals


The main aspects of natural water purification with coagulation are considered. The data on the composition of the surface public water supply sources in the area of Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky are presented. The average molecular weight of humus substances present in natural waters is determined. The results of experimental studies of using new generation coagulants and flocculants in natural water purification at the water treatment facilities of MUE «Petropavlovsk Vodokanal» are presented. The action of coagulants: aluminium sulfate, aluminium hydroxychloride and aluminium oxychloride was studied. It was stated that the maximum efficiency of color removal from natural water in the Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky environment is provided by the use of aluminium sulfate and aluminium hydroxychloride; whereas the use of aluminium oxychloride was less efficient. The efficiency of turbidity removal when using all the three coagulants was high – 70–100%. Praestol 650 TR and Praestol 2515 TR flocculants at mutual dose testing improve the efficiency of color removal: Praestol 2515 TR – from 49–66 to 63–100%. The use of flocculants provided for improving the floc formation rate, floc size, floc sedimentation rate and sludge volume. To introduce the new advanced coagulant at the water treatment plant the coagulation process testing with the use of aluminium sulfate in combination with the flocculant is required. To eliminate possible formation of problem chlororganics before the coagulant takes effect and humus settles special attention shall be paid to the sodium hypochlorite injection point when coagulating high-colored water.

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