Tag:pilot tests



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.04
UDC 628.179.2

Litvinenko Viacheslav, Lanovoi Andrei, Obukhov Dmitrii

Implementation of a recycling water supply system at a plant for the production of mineral fertilizers


The introduction of recycling water supply is an important factor in reducing the negative impact of industrial enterprises on the environment. In 2007, experts from ECOS Group built and commissioned wastewater treatment facilities for a mineral fertilizer plant. Commissioning was preceded by full-fledged pilot tests in a pilot plant with a capacity of 1 m3/h. Preliminary pilot tests are a smart move in the implementation of projects for the construction of wastewater treatment facilities. The proposed process solutions were tested in the pilot plant: dosages of chemicals, subsequent clarification, filtration and sorption in gravity filters. As a result, the process parameters and the main indicators of the quality of raw wastewater were determined. The filtration efficiency in a ERSH filter was up to 80%. The necessity of raw wastewater balancing and the use of a biological treatment stage is shown. Upon completion of the work, the customer received reliable, easy-to-work treatment facilities; effluent discharge into the municipal sewer was ceased and the water consumption for the production needs was reduced.

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UDC 66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.04

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Samburski Georgi

Selection of membranes and membrane elements for industrial water treatment by ultrafiltration


The technology of water purification by ultrafiltration has come into operation in Russia since the early 2000s with the commissioning of the largest drinking water treatment plant in Europe with a capacity of 250 thousand m3/day (10,500 m3/h) at the South-West Water Treatment Plant in Moscow, and a water treatment plant with a capacity of 250 m3/h at the Novocherkassk Regional Power Plant. Dozens of such plants are currently in operation. Membranes of various designs, made of different materials and with various instrumentation are used. As a rule, provided proper selection of equipment and its operating conditions, the service life of ultrafiltration membranes is from 4 to 10 years. Herewith, mandatory preliminary pilot tests are required; however, many a man ignore them, taking the view that the process has been tried-and-true and simple enough. Actually, the selection of the optimal membrane elements and operating modes is a difficult task, and errors entail large financial and reputational losses.

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UDC 628.3:66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.03

Tsabilev O. V.

VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 1)


The results of a series of long-term pilot tests of the VSEP technology for vibromembrane separation of waste contaminated solutions of glycol-containing fluids using nanofiltration membranes are presented. The tests were carried out on the basis of one of the research and production companies located in the Central Federal District of Russia. A mixture of waste contaminated solutions of de-icing fluids collected at large airports during the cold season of the year was used as research liquid. He studies have shown positive results, so the technology can be recommended for industrial application. The separation process is stable, and the quality of the effluent meets the most stringent requirements. A feature of the technology under study is its ease of use, the almost complete elimination of chemicals and the compactness of the equipment, which makes it possible to design local systems for the purification of solutions of glycol-containing liquids.

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UDC 628.3:66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.04

Tsabilev O. V.

VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 2)


The results of a series of long-term pilot tests of the VSEP technology for vibromembrane separation of waste contaminated solutions of glycol-containing fluids using nanofiltration membranes are presented. The tests were carried out on the basis of one of the research and production companies located in the Central Federal District of Russia. A mixture of waste contaminated solutions of de-icing fluids collected at large airports during the cold season of the year was used as research liquid. He studies have shown positive results, so the technology can be recommended for industrial application. The separation process is stable, and the quality of the effluent meets the most stringent requirements. A feature of the technology under study is its ease of use, the almost complete elimination of chemicals and the compactness of the equipment, which makes it possible to design local systems for the purification of solutions of glycol-containing liquids.

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UDC 628.112

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Cleaning up underground water from chlororganic compounds


Chlororganic compounds present in underground water are technogenic pollution products. The water in a number of deep wells that supply Podolsk and Troitsk cities in the Moscow Area with water is characterized by elevated concentrations of volatile chlororganic compounds (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene). To provide for water purification according to the drinking water standards a number of technologies is suggested: surface aeration, ozonation, activated carbon treatment, sorption on activated carbon, membrane filtration. The technology of removing volatile chlororganic compounds from water was tested in an experimental plant including primary aeration of raw water in a vacuum-ejection unit with subsequent filtration in filters with granulated activated carbon, and salt composition correction with nanofiltration. The operation of a unit with primary ozonation of water before supply to the carbon filter was tested. It was shown that aeration provided for 50–80% removal of volatile chlororganic compounds which could significantly improve the operating life of a carbon filter. After treatment with activated carbon the concentration of all chlororganic compounds was lower compared to the regulations. Since water ozonation involves high ozone consumption ozone dosage higher than 100 mg/l is required to ensure the reduction of trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene concentrations to the standard value. Tetrachlorethylene is oxidized heavier than other compounds (the regulatory concentration is not reached). Nanofiltration with «Nano NF 4040» membrane manufactured by «RM Nanotech» domestic producer provides for water purification according to Sanitary Regulations and Norms without using any other technologies. However, nanofiltration involves primary water treatment – de-ironing and mechanical filtration.

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UDC 628.161:66.081.63
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.03

Tsabilev O. V., Uglov Sergei, Vasil’chenko Vladimir, Kopytin Iurii

Pilot tests of VSEP technology to minimize the amount
of reverse osmosis concentrate


The results of pilot tests of the VSEP vibromembrane liquid separation technology for concentrating wastewater with high salinity from an industrial reverse osmosis plant are presented. VSEP technology provides for achieving high filtrate yields from salty wastewater eliminating pre-treatment and the use of antiscalants. As a result of membrane separation, demineralized water (filtrate) is obtained, that can be reused in the production cycle, as well as a highly concentrated solution of salts (concentrate), that also includes insoluble sludge. The tests were carried out at an industrial facility using a pilot plant of the VSEP Auto-LP series using reverse osmosis membranes. Procedures for choosing the brand of a polymer membrane and determining the optimal operating pressure were carried out. The experimental data on wastewater concentration cycles are presented to determine the conditions for the stability of the separation process and the duration of the installation flushing interval. The test results provide for designing an industrial wastewater return system for reuse.

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UDC 628.161.3

KINEBAS A. K., NEFEDOVA E. D., Gvozdev V. A., Rusanova L. P.

The efficiency of using aluminium polyoxychlorides in natural water purification


SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has been continuously upgrading water treatment technologies with the aim of improving the quality of water services. The results of laboratory, pilot and industrial approbations provided for the data on the use of more than 160 samples of coagulants based on the salts of different polyvalent metals. Among them are aluminium-, iron-, and titanium-based coagulants and also their composite compounds. Investigating more than 50 samples of aluminium oxychloride produced both by local and foreign manufacturers showed that for such special water source as the Neva River the use of chemicals of low and medium base strength in the processes proceeding in contact clarifiers is most preferable. The use of aliminium oxychloride did not result in sharp decrease of alkalinity or pH at the increased coagulant dosages. The residual alkaline reserve in water allows introducing higher chemical dosages which results in improving the efficiency of the first water treatment stage at low temperatures of the water source (less than 4 °С) and reducing filter cycle. SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» has adopted the concept of using the range of coagulants during different year seasons.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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