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UDC 628.311

Yegorov N. L., Loitzker Oskar

The effect of shortening the feed section of Venturi flume on the error of measuring the liquid flow rate


The use of flow meters with Venturi flumes for measuring the flow rate of effluent before discharge into the water reservoir or of wastewater transported to the treatment facilities is reported. The new construction projects boost the flow of wastewater; the level of the upstream water rises, the relative length of the feed section expressed in upstream maximum depth units decreases and does not meet the regulatory requirements any longer. When the similar situation occurs in the throat of the pressure flumes the flow meters are admitted to service however with a higher effluent coefficient error. The procedure of estimating a complementary error at the reduction of the relative feed section length in case of measuring the liquid flow rate with Venturi flumes is suggested.

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UDC 628.311

Choosing the method of gravity flow measurement in public sewers


The aspects of choosing the method of measuring the flow rate and volume of wastewater gravity flow, particularly in case when the measurement results are used in accounting procedures (commercial accounting) are considered. It is shown that before studying the methods of measurement possible replacing gravity flow with pressure flow shall be considered because pressure flow rate can be measured more accurately. This measurement option is optimal from the technical point of view; however, in case the pressure section in the gravity pipeline is not available additional expenses are required for the water main reconstruction. In case this option is unacceptable the following methods of gravity flow measurement shall be considered (in the order of application priority): «level-flow rate» with the use of standard orifices (weirs and flumes) according to MI 2406-97 regulatory document; «level-flow rate» without any orifices with preliminary calibration of the measuring section according to MI 2220-13; «velocity-surface area» with the use of ultrasound flow meters; studying the velocity profile of the cross-section of the water main; calculation-instrumental (balance). By the specific example of an ultrasound flow meter it is shown that the flow rate error subscribed by the technical documentation can be several times lower than the actual one.

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UDC 628.35:57.083.12:661.725.822.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.06

Zoubov M. G., Kadrevich Artem, Poliakova Anna, Vilson Elena

Identification of microorganisms, dominants in treatment systems removing ethylene glycol from wastewater


The results of studies on autoselection of biocenosis that oxidizes ethylene glycol are presented. It has been shown that the formation of an ethylene glycol-destructive biocenosis eliminating the use of special strains occurs on the 12th day, reaching process stabilization from 40 to 64 days, depending on the required concentration of ethylene glycol in the effluent. As a result of the microbiological studies, the main ethylene glycol-destructive cultures of the biocenosis were identified: Staphylococcus capitis, Staphylococcus saprophyticus, Pseudomonas putida and Pseudomonas aureofaciens. Herewith, the dominant cultures are the genus Pseudomonas.

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UDC 628.161.2:544.77.052.5:628.16.094.3-926.214
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.02.07

Pilipenko Marina, Dubina Aleksandr, Likhavitskii Vitalii

Combining ultrasonic treatment and ozonation for wastewater treatment of dyeing plants


The results of studying the efficiency of purification of model and real wastewater from dyeing and finishing works by combining ultrasonic treatment and ozonation are presented. The effect of the treatment time, ozone concentration in the gas mixture on the purification efficiency has been studied. The purification efficiency was evaluated by optical density and COD. As a result of the study up to 12% increase in the efficiency of wastewater treatment was shown while combining flotation with ozone-air mixture instead of air with ultrasonic treatment. This effect can be associated, first of all, with the dispersion of ozone-air mixture bubbles that results in an increase in the surface area, and, accordingly, in an increase in the kinetics of mass transfer – ozone dissolution.

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UDC 628.32.004.69

Gogina Elena, Salomeyev V. P., Rouzhitskaya O. A., Pobegailo Yu. P., Makisha N. A.

Methodological approach to planning the upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities


The results of analyzing the operation of wastewater treatment facilities are presented. The basic provisions that shall be taken into consideration during the upgrade of wastewater treatment facilities are specified. A comprehensive solution of the environmental issues is suggested: upgrade of the entire facilities and not of separate units; introduction of advanced technologies with an account for local conditions and specific features of the facilities operation; designing the facilities according to the regulatory requirements to the effluent discharge.

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UDC 628.356:661.5

KOZLOV M. N., Nikolaev Yu. A., GRACHEV V. A., Kharkina O. V., Dorofeev A. G.

Nitrification in the Course of Tertiary Treatment of Treated Wastewater with Floating Media


For complete oxidation of ammonium nitrogen at a wastewater aftertreatment stage it is proposed to use a bioreactor with floating media containing nitrifying microorganisms. Tests of the technology have been conducted with treated wastewater at the Kurianovskiye treatment facilities using the laboratory bioreactor with floating plastic media (60% by volume). After achievement of stable conditions of the bioreactor’s operation the technology proposed has ensured the reduction of ammonium nitrogen concentration by 4,8 mg/l at the average. Reasons for the reduction of efficiency of the bioreactor’s operation and appearance of nitrite-ions in the treated water when changing the technological conditions are presented.

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UDC 628.32:502.36

Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu.

Determining the environmental safety indicators of wastewater treatment facilities


A method of evaluating the environmental safety indicators of wastewater treatment facilities is presented. The method includes confirmatory analysis with the help of computer simulation of process technologies applied at the wastewater treatment complexes that consist of different purpose blocks in order to evaluate emergency outages affecting the effluent quality. The risk of possible failures of separate units that are parts of the process layout as well as the degree of environmental impact on the entire treatment facilities is determined.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.06.08
УДК 544.526:628.169

Pilipenko Marina

Comparative analysis of photocatalysts from de-ironing plant wastes


The results of the synthesis of photocatalysts prepared from de-ironing plant wastes are presented. To improve the efficiency, iron-containing materials were doped with zinc, molybdenum, and lanthanum. For the synthesis, the method of solution combustion synthesis was chosen. Urea, citric acid and glycine in stoichiometric ratio were taken as reducing agents. The obtained samples were studied by X-ray phase analysis. The efficiency of the obtained materials was studied in the process of photocatalytic destruction of four dyes of different origin. Based on the results of the work, the optimal compositions and reducing agents used for their synthesis were determined.

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UDC 628.33:551.577.21

Gandurina L. V., Andriyash E. N., Lovlin V. M.

The efficiency of flotofloculation treatment of industrial storm oil effluents


The results of industrial-scale operation of flotoflocculation plant for industrial storm oil effluents treatment in КWI (Austria) dissolved-air flotation unit with the addition of Praestol 853 cationic flocculant are presented. It was shown that the efficiency of wastewater treatment in the terms of residual oil concentration can be ensured at the initial oily waste concentration as high as 1300 mg/l and flocculant dosage of 5.5 mg/l.

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