


UDC 544.723.212:661.12
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.02

Remizova Iuliia, Golovanova Anna, Golubeva Polina, Mitilineos Aleksandr

Removing trace pharmaceuticals from water using household jug filters


The presence of residual amounts of pharmaceuticals in hydrosphere objects has recently become an increasingly significant problem. The production and consumption of drugs is constantly growing, and their range is also expanding. The existing level of wastewater treatment cannot guarantee the removal of hard-to-remove components, which can lead to the appearance and further circulation of various contaminants, including pharmaceuticals, in water bodies. The authors conducted experimental studies of the effectiveness of removing residual amounts of drugs of the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs from water using household «jug» filters. Jug filters have been shown to be effective in removing trace amounts of pharmaceuticals from water. While studying the properties of sorbents included in the composition of filter mixtures, it was revealed that activated carbon was the most effective adsorption component responsible for the extraction of these compounds, whereas, the capacity of the remaining components of the sorption mixture in relation to ibuprofen and naproxen was insignificant.

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