Tsabilev Oleg Viktorovich
Ph. D. (Engineering), VSEP Engineer, New Logic Research 2527 Aviation Way, Minden, NV 89423, USA, tel.: +7 (902) 338-82-63, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Influence of Water Acidation Degree on Quality of Permeate of a Reverse Osmosis Plant ,
- Treatment of Artesian Water for Domestic Water Supply ,
- Evaluation of the expediency of utility drinking water stabilization ,
- Evaluating the efficiency of hollow fiber membrane use in wash water treatment ,
- Evaluation of full-scale reverse osmosis unit operational parameters ,
- Optimization of the scheme of preparing demineralized water at the existing machine building enterprise ,
- Vibromembrane filtration technology: eliminating the negative effect of concentration polarization (international experience) ,
- Технология VSEP для минимизации объема концентрата обратного осмоса: пилотные испытания ,
- VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 1) ,
- VSEP membrane technology for glycol regeneration through the example of waste airport de-icing fluids (part 2) ,
- VSEP technology opens new frontiers of membrane separation in livestock waste conversion