Tag:carbon sorbents



UDC 628.161:544.723
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.05.01

Gora Natalia, Belyaeva Oxana, Chernyshev Daniil, Golubeva Nadezhda

Study of the possible using carbon sorbents to remove iron from natural water


The paper considers studying the adsorption of iron from aqueous solutions by activated carbon. The data on the concentration of total iron in surface and underground water of the Kuzbass are presented. The results of the experimental studies of the adsorption of iron from aqueous media under static conditions with carbon materials of different price categories are presented. It was determined that the best of the sorbents under consideration for iron extraction was SKD-515. Herewith, ABG semi-coke cannot be recommended for further studies of iron adsorption. The approximate consumption of sorbent required to remove iron from water to standard values has been estimated. It has been established that, taking into account the cost, consumption of the sorbent and possible effective utilization in industry, Purolat-Standard semi-coke, a cheaper carbon material, can be used to remove iron from natural water.

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