Tag:water supply-sewerage services



UDC 628.21:628.52
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.09.03

Svitskov S. V., Lobanov Fedor, Rublevskaya O. N., Klokov Aleksandr, Malykh Ol’ga

Current methods of odor control in accordance with Amendment No. 2 of CP 32.13330.2018


In connection with the increasing demands of the environmental health, the issue of eliminating unpleasant odors holds a specific place. This problem is especially relevant for wastewater facilities; accordingly, it is reflected in the new editions of sectorial regulations and reference books. The main recommendations of Code of Practice 32.13330.2018 regarding the measurement, control and elimination of odor from organized and unorganized odor sources at wastewater disposal and treatment facilities are highlighted. The practical experience of applying the technologies specified in the CP 32.13330.2018 is described.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.10.07
UDC 628:004.413.4

Grachev Vladimir, Kurysheva N. I., Plyamina O. V., Lobkovskiy V. A., NEFEDOVA E. D.

Algorithm for assessing the degree of physical deterioration
of structurally complex water supply and sanitation facilities
using a risk-oriented approach


The paper analyzes current regulatory documents and experience in the field of assessing the deterioration of structurally complex water supply and sanitation facilities. The paper shows that modern assessment procedures do not take into account any features of such objects. The paper identifies factors that affect the indicator framework for assessing the physical deterioration of the main groups and components of water supply and sanitation facilities. Based on these factors, the paper proposes an algorithm for assessing the physical deterioration of facilities using a risk-oriented approach for three levels: an object itself, its engineering components (facilities), and their functional elements (buildings, equipment). The paper indicates that the use of the algorithm would provide for developing recommendations for adjusting the frequency of monitoring indicators of the physical deterioration level of facilities of public water supply and sanitation systems and their elements. The implementation of the developed algorithm would contribute to the successful introduction of advanced approaches to managing risks associated with the level of physical deterioration and assessing the probability of potential negative consequences of natural, anthropogenic, and other origins. The introduction of the algorithm would also allow identifying vulnerable areas and taking preventive measures against the threat of violation of mandatory requirements including measures for reducing risks (technical and engineering renovation of buildings, facilities, equipment). This is required for objective and substantiated planning of overhaul, restoration, and development of water supply and sanitation facilities and their components.

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UDC 621.646

Mikhailov V. V., Kurganov Iu. A., Goncharov Sergei

Analysis of regulatory requirements for shut-off and control valves for drinking water supply networks and world practice


The problem of the absence in Russia of a specialized industry for the production of materials and equipment for the water supply and wastewater utilities is described. The requirements of domestic and international regulatory documents for shut-off and control valves for drinking water supply, including the methods of control and testing of valves in production, are stated and analyzed. The experience of operating shut-off and control valves in the drinking water distribution networks, including directly buried ones, at the facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is presented. Particular attention is paid to the requirements of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to the shut-off and control valves installed in the municipal water distribution networks. Developing a system of regulatory documents directly for the water and wastewater utilities, and in particular for drinking water supply products, will provide for systematizing the requirements to the product control and testing systems, improving the quality and increasing the life of the utilities.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.08.08
UDC 346.543:628.3

Lanovoi Andrei, Chumachenko Vadim, Ivanov Aleksandr, Iakovenko Aleksandr

Public-private partnership: case study of the wastewater treatment facilities in Novoshakhtinsk


Since the transition of Russian Federation to a new economic model of development, socially significant industries have remained in the shadow of the «locomotives» of the economic development, i. e., the fuel and energy and mineral resource sectors. Branches of the national economy that had no commercial interest died out completely or shrank to the size of a possible minimum payback. These changes also affected the housing and utilities sector, in particular, the water supply and wastewater disposal systems. The catastrophic state of the industry currently requires special attention and special decisions on the part of all the stake holders: the state and municipal authorities, control and supervision bodies, operators of water and wastewater utilities, commercial organizations, higher education, the relevant scientific community and population. One of the basic sectors of the national economy should not be in such a state and, despite the lack of the economic stability, its restoration should be a priority state task directing the maximum material and intellectual resources of the country. An example of a concession agreement is given that can be a possible way to extend the resource of an urban wastewater disposal system with a wear limit.

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UDC 628.1:3

Meshengisser Yu. M.

The EcopolymerGroup of Companies: 20 Years of Serving Ecology


Manufacturing enterprises forming a part of the EcopolymerGroup produce a wide range of different products for water supply and water disposal systems: aerators, drains, shield valves, fine treatment screens, belt filter-presses. The firm has been developed the conception of treatment facilities retechnologization making it possible to reduce the anthropogenic load on the natural environment and payment for discharge of contaminants. Retechnologization has been introduced at more than 20 Vodokanals. The concept of management of construction and reconstruction of water supply-sewerage services objects realized in different countries has also been developed. Now the company masters up-to-date methods of treatment of high-concentrated industrial wastewater, develops new types of equipment.

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UDC 628.1/.2:65.012.6

Gvozdev V. A., Kurganov Iu. A.

SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»: measures on import substitution in-progress


Measures that SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is implementing to promote domestic production of goods for water and wastewater utilities are presented. The import substitution policy maintained at the enterprise already delivers positive results. The share of imported products in total purchases in 2017 was reduced from 30% in 2014 to 1.5%. Beginning from 2015 Vodokanal of St. Petersburg has been in close contact with the Russian enterprises-manufacturers of products for water and wastewater utilities. Joint activities on promoting Russian products are carried out on the principles of transparent information exchange and co-resolution of arising problems. At present the problem of import substitution of tubular products has been practically solved. There are domestic manufacturers of shutoff and control valves and pumping equipment, and foreign brands that have established local manufacturing in Russia. In the process of reconstruction domestic water meters, pressure gauges and pumping equipment are used. Besides, in the Southern water supply zone «NEMO-AQUA» domestic software has been introduced. In order to overcome the technological inferiority of the Russian industry establishing domestic production of goods with improved characteristics compared to available similar products is required. This approach will provide for increasing the share of applied innovative technologies, products and materials.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.10.03
UDC 628.1/.3:303.6

Pukemo M. M., Pupyrev E. I.

Information security of the water supply and sanitation utilities as in the case of the Baikal natural area (in order of discussion)


A new concept for wastewater metering and charging for the sanitation services for the Russian Federation is considered. Introducing multilevel digital control of water consumption and sanitation services rendered to the customers, operating companies and treatment facilities in order to reduce the ecological risks and environmental damage from illegal wastewater disposal by the customers is proposed. A new mechanism for collecting and consolidating information data from water supply and sanitation facilities has been developed that provides for implementing the concept of sustainable water use, improving the quality of service of sanitation systems, reducing the operating costs and failure rate. It is proposed to introduce a number of amendments in regional legislation related to charging for water consumption and sanitation services.

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UDC 628.12
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.03

Voitov Igor, Yalovik Valerii

Method of simulating operation modes of centrifugal pumps with variable speed drives


The method of simulating operation modes of centrifugal pumps regulated by varying the impeller rotation frequency over the entire range of calculated feed rates as well as calculating their energy consumption for the design period is presented. The method is primarily focused on the use of computing technology for calculating and analyzing the operating modes of centrifugal pumps and can be used as the basis for developing the corresponding software. The use of the method in a feasibility study of the introduction of an adjustable electric drive at a pumping station will provide for justifying the feasibility of the planned activities. The use of a digital model of the operating modes of a pumping station improves the quality of design owing to the in-depth development of individual elements.

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UDC 628.1/.2:62-192

Alekseev M. I., Baranov L. A., Yermolin Yu. A.

Evaluation of water and wastewater facilities life time under the conditions of periodic failure flow
(to be discussed)


It is customary to evaluate the reliability of water and wastewater facilities by a number of indicators; the most important among them being the failure rate, reliability function – probability of failure free operation of a project by the time, average time between neighboring failures (life time) of the project. An approximate analytical solution of the task of the project reliability evaluation is presented for the case when the failure flow rate influencing the project is a periodic piecewise constant time function. It was suggested to replace this nonstationary process with a fictitious stationary one. The formula was derived stating the constant failure rate of the equivalent fictitious flow through the parameters of the initial real process. This provides for the possible approximate solution of reliability tasks in analytic form that is suitable for practical use and further analysis.

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UDC 628.1/3

Danilov A. N., KINEBAS A. K., Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A.

Development of water supply and wastewater disposal technologies to supply Saint-Petersburg with clean water and protect the environment of the Baltic Sea Region


The description of process solutions applied by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» for the development of the water supply and wastewater disposal systems in the XXI century is presented. Advanced technologies are the tools for achieving the core targets of the enterprise – delivering high-quality water supply and wastewater disposal services that will provide for the good living standards for the citizens, sustainable development of the metropolis, development of the water use culture and conservation of the Baltic Sea Marine. The information of the measures that provided for reducing the water consumption, improving the safety and reliability of the water supply of Saint-Petersburg is stated. The measures are highlighted that provided for the purification of 98.6% wastewater amount, allowed to introduce the technology of nutrients removal from wastewater at all the treatment facilities, to solve the problem of sludge utilization. The innovative technologies used in the construction and upgrade of sewers and networks are described. The information on the advanced solutions of snow utilization in the city is presented. The advanced technical solutions, materials and equipment applied at the facilities operated by SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» are the output of the continuous cooperation of the enterprise with domestic manufacturers, scientific and educational institutions, exchange of experience with the Russian and foreign water utilities.

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УДК 628.356

Berezin S. E., Ovseichuk B. V., Ustiuzhanin A. V.

Air flow control in wastewater treatment


Energy consumption for the treatment and transportation of 1 m3 drinking water and wastewater in Russia is several times higher compared to the developed countries; whereas the capital investments are several times lower. This fact determines the advisability of investing into water and wastewater projects with the highest energy saving potential. This potential can be realized through the control of energy intensive units in line with diurnal and seasonal changes in water consumption and amount of wastewater removed. Up to 50% of electrical energy consumed by wastewater management is accounted for air blowers. Adjusting their operation can reduce energy consumption by 35%. Air flow control is an economically efficient measure both in the terms of energy consumption and return on investments in wastewater management. Three main methods of air supply for aeration are considered: throttling with a baffler at the suction nozzle of the air blower; adjusting the shaft speed with a variable-speed drive; adjusting the angle of the air flow attack before and after the impeller with the help of turning vanes installed inside the air blower. For comparison, e. g. in Germany, controlled air blowers are used at 390 wastewater treatment facilities in 145 cities. But in Russia from 297 cities with more than 50 thousand population they are used only at 15–20 wastewater treatment facilities. Instead, low efficient adjustment of sewage pumps in RF is used more often than in energy efficient countries. From global best practices the use of controlled air blowers instead of regular ones was paid off during 2–4 years at numerous facilities.

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UDC 628.316.7:628.336.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.02

Svitskov S. V., Бикетов А. В., Zhunev Oleg

Control of deposit site malodors: «Wet Barrier» technology


The issue of malodors control is relevant for wastewater treatment facilities. Information is provided on the use of «Wet Barrier» technology to control malodor from large area sources, such as sludge beds, sludge lagoons, deposition sites and others. The «Wet Barrier» technology for neutralizing malodors has become widespread in Russia. The use of this technology is provided for by BAT 15b of «Wastewater treatment with the use of public wastewater disposal systems of communities, urban districts». Information and technical reference book of the best available technologies ITS-2019 and CP 32.13330.2018 «SNiP 2.04.03-85 Sewerage. External networks and structures» (with Amendments No. 1, 2). Novosibirsk Vodokanal monitors the effectiveness of the technology in order to select optimal operating modes using the olfactometry method in accordance with GOST R 58578-2019.

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UDC 628.12
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.02

Voitov Igor, Yalovik Valerii

Conditions for selecting centrifugal pumps operating with variable speed drives


The results of studies of determining the boundary conditions subject to fulfillment to ensure sustainable and energy-efficient operation of centrifugal pumps with a variable speed drive in all operating ranges are considered. The concept of a performance characteristic of an adjustable centrifugal pump that provides for determining the position of the operating point in all operation ranges is presented. The concept of the degree of type diversity that describes how various types of pumps differ from each other in performance while operating in parallel modes is presented. Recommendations for selecting centrifugal pumps operating with a variable speed drive, subject to observance to increase the reliability and energy efficiency of pumping systems, are given.

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УДК 628.1/.2:658.26.004.18

LEZNOV B. S., Vorobiev S. V., Iskhakov Yu. B., Tchebanov V. B., Koptev V. S.

Power audit of water and wastewater utilities


The aspects of investigating power efficiency (power audit) of the water and wastewater utilities are considered and basic guidelines on the auditing procedure are given. Power audit shall include thorough investigation of the basic water treatment and conveying technologies. Power audit shall be carried out by professional companies experienced in working at water and wastewater utilities, and applying relevant technologies. Herein it is reasonable to use a target power auditing program as well as a special power certificate that reflect technologic features that determine the utility power consumption.

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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18

Danilovich Dmitrii

Energy conservation and alternative power sources at the wastewater treatment facilities


Methods of improving power efficiency of the municipal wastewater treatment facilities and heat and electrical power generation with the use of renewable power resource of wastewater. The analysis of power conservation and generation in water supply and wastewater management shows that depending on the technical solutions applied the total balance of power consumption at the water and wastewater facilities can vary from the net electrical energy consumption of 4 MW per 100 000 m3 of wastewater/day to positive balance of 7,5–8 MW (owing to 16 MW power generated including 1 MW of electrical energy). The power consumption of two independent municipal wastewater treatment plants can differ more than 6 times.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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