UDC 628.292:658.5:681.518
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.06
Бикетов А. В., Pokazaniev D. S., Tregubov Anton
Digital regulations based on the concept of equipment maintenance and repair
The experience of Novosibirsk GORVODOKANAL Municipal Unitary Enterprise in introducing an advanced software solution in the field of maintenance of industrial equipment is presented. The importance of using modern information systems is shown. The prerequisites and conditions for the implementation project are given, the stages of the implementation are described in detail. A methodology for designing information directories, technological operations and process charts is presented. The expected and received technological and managerial effects from the integration of new software into the general information system of the enterprise are presented. The information technologies being introduced are the basic automation tools for building a modern digital enterprise.
Key words
planning , computerization , automated system of control of technological processes , resources , project , repair and maintenance of the equipment , digitalization