Tag:comprehensive process solutions



UDC 628.2:006.057.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.04.04

Bagaev Iurii, Gundyreva Tat’iana, Shipulin Roman

On amendments to the Decree of the RF Government
of September 15, 2020 No. 1430 (for discussion)


An example of regulating process indicators of pollution discharge by public wastewater disposal system facilities is given. The attention is focused on the following issues: process indicators of the EU countries and Russia, regulations for a high-water intake of Siberia, the impact of anthropogenic load on the surface runoff in large cities. Of particular note are the nuances of comparing process indicators of the best available technologies and the cost-effectiveness of their achievement for the upgraded facilities. The established low indicator for suspended solids practically determines an increase in the required volumes of «aeration tank-sedimentation tank» structures or a significant decrease in the output of the existing treatment facilities, or the construction of tertiary treatment facilities. The former principle of accounting for the process capability of the existing facilities while establishing standards for the permissible pollution discharge and corresponding indicators of standard water protection technologies is considered. The feasibility of improving the established process indicators for suspended solids, ammonium nitrogen and phosphorus as phosphate for the upgraded treatment facilities is shown taking into account the regional specific features of the anthropogenic load on the receiving water.

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UDC 628.3

Romashko A. V.

The experience of implementing comprehensive solutions in industrial wastewater treatment


The practical experience of the implementation of local treatment facilities of industrial enterprises on a turnkey basis: dairy plants, poultry farms, enterprises for the production of soft drinks, chemical industries, etc. is summarized. The differences in the implemented schemes of local wastewater treatment in different industries are described, process indicators of the operation of the treatment facilities are presented. The use of mathematical modeling of biological treatment facilities (classical scheme, membrane bioreactor, etc.) provides for a high degree of convergence of the calculated design values ​​and indicators obtained during commissioning. The automation system developed by the Russian engineers provides for arranging the unattended operation of the treatment facilities, improving the reliability of the facilities, and reducing the operating and maintenance costs. MY DAF, MY MBR and MY BION comprehensive solutions used in the implementation of the treatment facilities from design to commissioning, guarantee the achievement of the required effluent quality before discharging into a municipal sewer or a water body. 30 years of experience of MY PROJECT JSC in the implementation of integrated projects of wastewater treatment facilities gives a guarantee of successful implementation of projects in the future.

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