Tag:heavy metals



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UDC 628.316.12

Rublevskaya O. N., PANKOVA G. A., Leonov L. V., Kolosov D. E.

Approbation of Glint artificial aluminosilicate sorbent for tertiary treatment of biologically treated domestic wastewater


The results of pilot tests of synthetic aluminosilicate sorbent under Glint trademark in comparison with AG-3 granulated activated carbon are presented. The study was carried out with effluent from the North Wastewater Treatment Plant of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg». The following parameters were determined in the effluent samples: рН, suspended solids concentration, phosphate as P, anionic surfactants, ions of iron, zinc, aluminium, nickel, copper and manganese. Glint sorbent is aluminosilicate granular material with effective surface and contains exchangeable ions of calcium and magnesium. Glint material proved itself in the treatment of industrial wastewater contaminated with heavy metal ions but not contaminated with organics and complexing compounds.

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UDC 628.336.3

Drozd G. Ya., Bizirka I. I.

Commercialization of landfilled sludge


The problem of municipal and industrial wastewater sludge utilization is analyzed. The option of environmental utilization of sludge by its commercialization in building and agricultural sectors is considered. To provide for the wide use of the considered approaches the following is required: full expert consideration; development of engineering specifications for every product type; introduction of amendments and supplements into the regulatory and legal framework; development of valid mechanisms of implementing sludge utilization projects; development of ways of tax exemption of profit received from the sales of waste-derived products and receiving state aids for reducing interests on bank loans.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.11.04
UDC 628.472.37:550.461:550.424

KUZMIN V. V., Boldyrev Kirill, Safonov Aleksei

Hydrogeochemical assessment of the sorption properties of heavy metals in the areas of the impact of solid waste landfills on groundwater


The fundamentals of the method for predicting the spread of heavy metals in the areas of groundwater pollution by leachate from solid municipal waste landfills are stated. The analysis of the leachate quality of municipal solid waste landfills and the applicability of statistical and empirical estimates of the sorption coefficient of heavy metals is carried out. The limited applicability of statistical estimates for analyzing the distribution of highly mineralized leachate is shown. Based on the method of geochemical simulation, a model has been developed for determining the exchange coefficients between the dissolved and solid phases, i. e. sorption coefficients. The results of determining the sorption coefficient for a wide range of cations are presented with regard to the conditions of natural water displacement by the leachate from solid waste landfills. The developed method can be used to estimate the impact of municipal solid waste landfills on groundwater quality, to predict the spread of heavy metals in the area of potential waste impact, to carry out works within the framework of EIA (Environmental Impact Assessment) and LEPM (List of Environmental Protection Measures), to develop systems for engineering protection of groundwater from pollution. The proposed model can serve as a basis for its further improvement with account of the processes of formation of stable organic metal complexes in leachate and complexation on the hard rocks.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.05.03
UDC 628.316.12

Strelkov A. K., Stepanov S. V., Panfilova O. N., Arbuzov Aleksandr

Removing heavy metals from effluents with natural and modified clay-containing sorbents


The results of studies of the sorption of heavy metal ions by clay-containing sorbents from plating effluents are presented. The purpose of the tests carried out in a pilot plant was developing a process scheme for the removal of heavy metal ions from effluents and extraction of the spent sorbent in a precoat cartridge filter with a layer of perlite. The materials used in the tests were as follows: thermally modified sorbent based on natural material, i. e., modified clay, as well as mixed sorbent consisting of montmorillonite, peat and dolomite in a ratio of 5:4:1 without heat treatment. The studies were carried out on eight ions of heavy metals in the low concentration range typical for the effluent coming for tertiary treatment after sedimentation with pH adjustment. The main process parameters of tertiary treatment were: pH 8; the duration of the sorbent contact with the effluent was 90 min, the dose of sorbents was 1–1.6 g/l. The separation of the spent sorbent from the effluent was executed in two stages – sedimentation and filtration in a precoat cartridge filter. The addition of Aqua-AuratTM-30 coagulant with a dose of 40 mg/l as Al2O3 provided for reducing the concentration of suspended solids in the clarified effluent supplied to the precoat filters to 8 mg/l for modified clay and 15 mg/l for the mixed sorbent. The specific productivity of the alluvial layer was 23 m3/(h·m2), the specific load of the suspension on the filter surface was 850 g/m2 for modified clay, and 680 g/m2 for mixed sorbent. The estimated duration of the filtration phase of the alluvial layer while using preliminary chemical sedimentation was 4.6 and 2 h for the modified clay and mixed sorbent, respectively. The efficiency of removing heavy metal ions from effluents was provided at the level of the maximum permissible concentration for fishery water bodies.

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UDC 628.316.12

SHVETSOV V. N., MOROZOVA K. M., Smirnova I. I., Domnin K. V., Arkhipova Elena

Extraction of heavy metal ions from municipal effluent after biological treatment


The results of investigating the extraction of heavy metal ions from the municipal effluent after biological treatment with the use zeolites (clinoptilolite and Glint granulated sorbent) are presented. The zeolite sorption capacity under static and dynamic conditions was investigated. It was shown that only the use of clinoptilolite provided for the elimination of heavy metals to meet the standards for fishery water bodies. A procedure of designing filters with clinoptilolite for the removal of metals from municipal effluent after biological treatment was developed.

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UDC 628.161.2:66.081

Chernyshev P. I., Kruchinina N. E., Panfilov V. A., Kuzin E. N.

The use of ATM-1 adsorbent-cationite in the processes
of removing metals from natural and waste water


The relevancy of the task of searching and obtaining new sorbents based on cheap and high production volume raw materials to be used in water and wastewater treatment is noted. The prospects of obtaining sorbent based on «Ogneupory» JSC refractory processing wastes – synthetic brucite is substantiated. The physical and chemical properties of ATM-1 mixed mineral product are given as well as the static and calculated dynamic capacitance of ATM-1 ion-exchange sorbent samples in relation to ions of some heavy metals – iron, copper, nickel, cadmium, chromium (VI), tungsten (VI). The results of the consolidated pilot studies of the material as filter media in the process of iron removal and demanganation of natural water are presented alongside with the results of the laboratory studies of plating waste treatment. The laboratory studies carried out under static conditions showed the efficiency of reducing the concentration of heavy metal concentrations in the samples of wash water of electroplating industry if treated with ATM-1 sorbent. It is assumed that the removal of cadmium, copper, nickel, zinc, iron, manganese ions is caused by both ion exchange phenomena and chemisorption. The results of the undertaken studies speak for the high sorption capacitance of ATM-1 sorbent samples in relation to heavy metal ions. The use of brucite wastes is one of the methods of removing metal ions from water and wastewater. It is noted that obtaining commercial ATM-1 will help to solve the problem of refractory processing wastes utilization and reduce the cost of the product.

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UDC 628.31:581.55

Shchukin I. S.

Study of oil products and heavy metals removal from surface runoff in phytofilters


Internationally the use of bioengineered facilities including phytofilters in the treatment of surface runoff from urban lands is gaining ground. The use of phytofilters in moderate climate belts has some restrictions related to the decline in treatment efficiency during the periods of near-zero temperatures because of the retardation of biochemical processes in plants and soil microorganisms. A technical solution of the described problem is proposed that consists in adding materials with sorption and ion-exchange properties (peat and zeolite) into the filter media. The efficiency of removing oil products and heavy metals (lead, copper, aluminium, iron) from the simulated solution of surface runoff in a pilot laboratory phytofiltration plant with the use of higher plants: common reed grass (Phragmites commnis), mace reed (Tpha latiflia) and Iris pseudacorus was studied. The efficiency of removing oil products was 95.5–98.9%, and that of heavy metals – 66–99.3%. It was stated that during the vegetation period partial phytoregeneration of the filtration media from the trapped oil products and heavy metals occurs under the effect of higher plants and rhizospheric microflora. By experiment it was determined that the efficiency of phytoregeneration from oil products decreases in series: common reed grass – Iris pseudacorus – mace reed; from heavy metals: Iris pseudacorus – common reed grass.

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UDC 628.169.7:614.77

Khrenov K. E., KOZLOV M. N., GRACHEV V. A., Shchegolkova N. M., Vanyushina A. Ya.

Investigation of properties of new soils produced from water sludge


The properties of soil produced from the sludge generated at the water treatment plants have been investigated. A new method of soil production has been developed. Biotesting with the use of two biotests (Ceriodaphniaand Infusoria) revealed some admissible soil toxicity while water stability was assessed as excellent. The comprehensive physical analysis showed that the addition of water sludge into loam soil enhances active processes of structure formation. The soil is well structured, resistant to unfavorable mechanical, physical and chemical impacts including acid-based solutions. The presented soil is recommended for grassplot formation as well as for biofuel crop cultivation. The grassplots formed with the new type of soil showed rather high resistance to drying up during the extremely hot summer of 2010.

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UDC 628.394(597-25)

Nguyen Dinh Dap, Volshanik V. V., Dzhumagulova N. T.

The study of the ecological state of the To Lich River in Hanoi


To Lich is a big river in the city of Hanoi, the capital of Vietnam. The river system receives municipal wastewater as well as effluents from 100 industrial enterprises located in five industrial areas in the central part of Hanoi. The To Lich River channel has accumulated about 284 thousand m3 of sediments, 7347 tons of different metals. The total load of nine metals on the river estuary is 161.7 kg/day. The information on the method and results of the field studies of the To Lich water and riverbed pollution with heavy metals is presented. The study was aiming at the assessment of the total load of heavy metals discharged and accumulated in the bottom deposits of separate To Lich River reaches (at the point of effluent discharges) as well as the assessment of the daily intake of organic carbon and heavy metals at the river estuary. To evaluate the general ecological state of the river the analysis of not only the river water quality but also the quality of the sediments was carried out. At that the following parameters were entered: water quality index (WQI) and sediment quality index (SQI) on the basis of seven pollutants: for water –chromium (Cr), nickel (Ni), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn), arsenic (As) and lead (Pb); for sediments –Cr, Ni, Cu, Zn and Pb.

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UDC 628.336.3

Kofman V. Ya.

Wastewater sludge handling in Europe(review of foreign publications)


A review of foreign literature on wastewater sludge treatment and utilization is presented. Regulatory requirements to wastewater treatment facilities operation in EC countries are given. Total characteristic of wastewater sludge is given together with sludge treatment methods (chemical stabilization, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, dewatering, thermal drying etc.), ways of utilization (storage, incineration, agricultural use, pyrolysis, gasification, wet oxidation etc.)

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UDC 550.41+556.114

Boldyrev Kirill, KUZMIN V. V., KURANOV N. P.

The method of calculating heavy metal release from the layer of water body bottom deposits


The basics of the method of predicting heavy metal distribution between water and solid phases of bottom deposits in water bodies is outlined. Compared to other models of calculating heavy metal distribution between bottom deposits and void water the developed methodology takes into account the ongoing geochemical processes at the improved level with the use of advanced methods of geochemical modeling. An example of calculating heavy metal distribution under the conditions of the chemical composition of the solution changing with the use of advanced calculation methods in PhreeqC 2.18 program code is presented. The method can be used for the following tasks: geological mapping of the pollution of bottom deposits with heavy metals in water reservoirs and lakes; evaluation of the impact of bottom deposits on the chemical composition of water in water reservoirs and lakes; evaluation of the possible elimination of bottom deposits pollution or their immobilization and other measures of mitigating their impact on the water quality; evaluation of bottom deposits removal during dredging and also for solving the problem of their further utilization; evaluation of the possible instantaneous release of heavy metals from polluted bottom deposits and other emergency situations.

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ekotonUDC 628.334.5

Ponomarenko E. A., Pesin S. D., Melnik D. V.

EkoTON equipment for circular secondary settling tanks


The results of EkoTON Research and Production Company improving the design of sludge suction device for circular secondary settling tanks are presented. The reasons of sludge washout from the settling tanks and high moisture content of removed sludge are considered. Technical solutions on upgrading the equipment for wastewater treatment facilities and improving the operation factor of settling tanks are proposed. With that no rebuilding of either structural units of settling tanks or connected utilities is required.

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UDC 628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.01.07

Leonov L. V., Grekov Mikhail, Iakunin L. A., Elagin Sergei, Klokov Aleksandr, Chechevichkin A. V., Triaskin Mikhail

Experience of all-season use of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite for the treatment of surface runoff from technologically disturbed territories


The aspects of pollution of surface runoff from residential areas with heavy metals is considered, and the main sources of their inflow are described. The results of full-scale tests of FOPS®-Z filter (with natural zeolite media) are presented. The efficiency and level of heavy metals removal from surface runoff using the FOPS®- Z filter was estimated. Tests were carried out on a real residential area in St. Petersburg for seven seasons (2021–2022). The results of using FOPS®-K filter basket (installed upstream of FOPS®-Z filter) at the first stage of purification of surface runoff from the residential area are presented, as well as the results of a study of the fractional composition of wastes accumulated in the FOPS®-K filter basket for the entire period of testing.

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UDC 628.316.12:628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.05

Bobinkin V. V., Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Savenkov Pavel, Shapovalov Dmitrii, Shilov Mikhail, Kharitonov Nikolai

Pilot testing of the technology for the treatment of industrial storm water of a steelworks


Purification of industrial storm water of a complex composition to the discharge standards for fishery water bodies is a very important, but hereby, a complex and expensive task. Choosing correctly the equipment and technological process flow scheme must be carried out at the first stage of the implementation of a comprehensive project. The treatment flow scheme must include the optimal technical and economic indicators, whereas the waste generated during the treatment process must be minimally toxic and subject to landfilling. Therefore, at the first stages of the project implementation, it is important not only to calculate the treatment flow scheme, but also to conduct pilot tests to confirm or confute its effectiveness. The paper shows the stages of testing two schemes and selecting the best option that meets the customer’s requirements. It should be noted that the greatest difficulties are associated with the requirement to remove heavy metals, namely copper: its concentration in the effluent should not exceed 0.001 mg/dm3. Also noteworthy is a high concentration of oil products – more than 6 mg/dm3. As a result of the pilot tests, a new technological flow scheme for the wastewater treatment was developed, providing indicators as close as possible to the required values.

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UDC 628.349.087.4:621.357

Pavlov D. V., Kolesnikov V. A.

Electroplating industry wastewater treatment: advanced solutions


An innovative technology of electroplating industry wastewater treatment on the basis of electroflotation and ultrafiltration combination has been developed. From technical and economic point of view this technology provides for removing heavy metals from wastewater to 0.01 mg/l, SS and oil products to 0.05 mg/l at relatively low wastewater treatment facilities operational expenditures. The electroflotation plant and unltrafiltration unit on the basis of tubular ceramic membranes are recommended for introduction at the industrial wastewater treatment facilities that are either subject to upgrade or under construction. The main task of the technology and equipment designers is the reduction of the treatment facilities construction and operation expenses while maintaining the high quality of treatment.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.11.07
UDC 628.33:622.5

Kasperovich Viktoriia

Choosing the chemicals and advanced filter media for enhancing the process of mine water purification


Currently, the construction of facilities for the purification of mine waters is one of the important measures aimed at preserving surface watercourses and water reservoirs. The amount of mine water discharged into surface water bodies can be reduced by reusing it for complex dedusting in mines, process water supply and other most water-intensive technological processes. One of the effective ways of removing suspended solids and heavy metals from mine water is chemical treatment with high-molecular flocculants that provide for reducing the consumption of inorganic coagulants and enhancing the process of suspended solids and heavy metals precipitation. Pretreatment of mine water upstream contact clarifiers can significantly increase the capacity of existing treatment facilities, stabilize their operation in case of fluctuations in the quality composition and temperature of mine water, and reduce the load on the subsequent stages of filtration in rapid filters. The results of experimental laboratory studies of trial coagulation and flocculation with subsequent filtration in rapid filters using Orefilter B catalytic filtering media, AS sorbent and Extrasorb sorption media, as well as removing (stripping) ammonia from mine water are presented.

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UDC 628.164-92:669.443.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.04

Riabchikov Boris, Panteleev Aleksei, Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Shilov Mikhail

Problems of removing heavy metals salts from wastewater:
options and solutions


Many industrial enterprises generate large amounts of wastewater containing salts of various heavy metals and their compounds. Numerous technological options have been developed to extract heavy metals from wastewater: ion exchange and membrane technologies, as well as chemical methods. However, using the first two methods results in the generation of new highly concentrated solutions of toxic components that require subsequent landfilling or solidification. Chemical methods provide for obtaining waste in the form of sludge that also needs processing and landfilling. Consequently, these technologies are often combined. Some methods based on the intensive chemical precipitation in a vortex layer in the presence of seeding material, sand, as a rule, can be considered as an alternative. In this case, products of the process are granules, usually calcium carbonate, with heavy metals or other toxic contaminants bound in the carbonate layer. The developed dynamic water softening system (DSS), designed to remove carbonate hardness from drinking water, was tested for the purpose of removing non-ferrous metals. The results obtained allow us to expect the high efficiency of this method.

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UDC 628.316.12:628.212.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.07.06

Bobinkin V. V., Kasatochkin A. S., Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Savenkov Pavel, Shapovalov Dmitrii, Shilov Mikhail

Designing facilities for the treatment of industrial storm water of steelworks


In line with the environmental program being developed over many years to reduce the negative impact on water resources, the steelworks launched modern facilities for the treatment of industrial storm water of a complex composition. The greatest difficulties are associated with the presence of oil products and heavy metals in industrial storm water provided that the requirements for the removal of heavy metals are very stringent, primarily regarding the copper concentration, i.e. it should not exceed 0.001 mg/dm3 in the effluent. To estimate the efficiency of the existing treatment facilities and take measures for their upgrade, the experts of the steelworks carried out some research work to select the optimal equipment and technological treatment scheme. After the pilot tests, the previously proposed schemes were rejected and a new one was developed that should meet all the requirements. The newly designed facilities were put into constant operation with the required treatment efficiency achieved. For the first time a dynamic softening system (DSS) with columns 1800 mm in diameter was used on an industrial scale to remove heavy metals from wastewater.

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UDC 628.336.44

Guliaeva I. S., D'iakov M. S., Glushankova Irina

Thermal treatment of municipal wastewater sludge containing heavy metals


In the process of municipal wastewater sludge incineration ash is generated that contains concentrations of heavy metals which limits its further practical use and requires land filling on industrial waste dumps. The carried out research was aiming at the development of detoxification of wastewater sludge in the process of thermal destruction with the production of a product of useful quality. In the course of studies the samples of dewatered wastewater sludge from the Perm municipal treatment facilities were used. The wastewater treatment facilities receive domestic wastewater and industrial effluents from machinery works that provide for the increased concentration of heavy metals both in wastewater and in sludge. During thermochemical processing of the Perm municipal wastewater sludge wastes from potash fertilizer production (flotation potash chloride, sodium chloride) can be used as an agent that provides for utilizing heavytonnage wastes and reducing the costs of wastewater sludge utilization. It was stated that wastewater sludge pretreatment with concentrated potassium chloride or calcium chloride solutions with the subsequent incineration at 900–1000 °C provided for heavy metals transfer to gaseous phase in the form of metal chloride aerosols that were further absorbed by alkaline agent solution. The generated mineral residue contains 5–7% phosphorus (as Р2О5) in the form of calcium phosphate or potassium phosphate and trace elements that allow using it as a compound fertilizer.

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