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UDC 628.316.12

SHVETSOV V. N., MOROZOVA K. M., Smirnova I. I., Domnin K. V., Arkhipova Elena

Extraction of heavy metal ions from municipal effluent after biological treatment


The results of investigating the extraction of heavy metal ions from the municipal effluent after biological treatment with the use zeolites (clinoptilolite and Glint granulated sorbent) are presented. The zeolite sorption capacity under static and dynamic conditions was investigated. It was shown that only the use of clinoptilolite provided for the elimination of heavy metals to meet the standards for fishery water bodies. A procedure of designing filters with clinoptilolite for the removal of metals from municipal effluent after biological treatment was developed.

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DOI 000000

UDC 628.16

Ulchenko V. M., Tat’ianko Nataliia, Glinka Nikolai

Common problems at water treatment facilities and ways to address them


Due to the anthropogenic factors, the quality of surface water is subject to rapid, mainly negative, changes; therefore, water treatment plants not always can meet the standards of the drinking water quality. Currently, many water treatment facilities are in need of upgrade, re-technologization and even reconstruction. In addition, significant changes in the actual water supply by the water facilities (decreasing, as a rule) do not always produce a positive effect on the technical and economic indicators of the water treatment facilities. Problems arising during the operation of the water treatment facilities at all stages of surface water purification – microfiltration, chemical treatment, mixing with chemicals and flocculation, sedimentation, filtration and wash water treatment are summarized. The methods used by MY PROJECT JSC in its projects to address such problems as the lack of the treatment efficacy, overspending of chemicals, short filter cycle, large water losses for process needs, discharge of untreated wash water, high purification cost are considered.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.03.03
UDC 628.168

Raff P. A., Fliagin Aleksandr

Optimization of the operation of the Penza water treatment facilities


With the purpose of providing for high quality drinking water at the Penza water treatment facilities, timely measures were taken to remove odor in the midst of plankton growth in the water source. Advanced flocculants were chosen for the processes of water and wash water treatment at the filtration facilities. Reducing the cost of chemical water treatment was achieved. The results of in-process testing of sorption purification of natural water carried out during the period of intensive plankton growth showed possible odor reduction by 1 point and feasible zeolite use during the initial and active periods of odor appearance in the water source.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.12.02
UDC 504.533:628.35.504.4.062.2

Safonov Aleksei, Andriushchenko N., Popova N., Boldyrev Kirill

Natural materials for sorption purification of chrome
and cadmium-containing leachates of solid waste landfills


The analysis of the sorption characteristics of natural materials (vermiculite, expanded clay, perlite, «Trade» zeolite) during the purification of cadmium and chromium-containing leachate with a high COD load was carried out. It was determined that zeolite had the maximum sorption capacity for Cd and Cr and the lowest biological fouling. When using vermiculite and expanded clay or mixtures on their basis, one can expect an increase in the sorption capacity for Cd and Cr during microbial fouling that inevitably occurs during contacting with water polluted with organic compounds and nutrients. In this case biofouling can increase the immobilization properties of materials for redox-dependent metals due to the enzymatic resources of bacterial cells that use them as electron acceptors. The effect of microbial fouling changed the parameters of materials in different directions: for Cr, in most cases, downward, and for Cd, significantly upward. Moreover, chromium biological recovery by biofilms is an additional effect of immobilization. Varying the composition of the sorption material provides for selecting mixtures that are optimally suitable for the purification of leachates from solid waste landfills with high COD and nutrients load, both when used in situ and in surface systems.

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