Rublevskaia Ol'ga Nikolaevna
Director of the Department for the Analysis and Technological Development of the Water Supply and Sanitation Systems, SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» 42 Kavalergardskaia St., 191015, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation, tel.: +7 (812) 438-43-45, e-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
- Dewatering of Wastewater Sludge at Treatment Facilities of St. Petersburg ,
- The experience of introducing the technology of chemical precipitation of phosphorus: from laboratory tests to industrial-scale operation ,
- Experience in Introduction of Up-to-Date Technologies and Methods of Wastewater Sludge Treatment ,
- The experience of the North wastewater treatment plant development and upgrade ,
- Bioelectronic system of monitoring the quality of gas emissions of a wastewater sludge incineration plant ,
- Tackling the problem of energy saving in the Saint-Petersburg wastewater system ,
- Bioelectronic system of monitoring the toxicological safety of biologically treated wastewater ,
- Substantiating the use of aluminium sulfate for the elimination of phosphorus from wastewater at the Saint-Petersburg wastewater treatment facilities ,
- The contribution of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» to Russia fulfilling the international commitments on the Baltic Marine Environment Protection ,
- Evaluating the flow rate and composition of wastewater in St. Petersburg ,
- Measures on preventing malodors release at the facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» ,
- Studies of the toxicological effect of aluminium compounds on the activated sludge biocenosis in aeration tanks ,
- Prospects of surface runoff disposal and treatment in St. Petersburg ,
- Approbation of Glint artificial aluminosilicate sorbent for tertiary treatment of biologically treated domestic wastewater ,
- SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg»’s activities in the field of mitigating the negative environmental impact ,
- Tackling the problem of bacterial pollution of water bodies in St. Petersburg ,
- Reconstruction of the sludge incineration plant at the Central wastewater treatment facilities in St. Petersburg ,
- Results of the test operation of FOPS® filter for treatment of stormwater runoff from residential areas in St. Petersburg ,
- Test operation of FOPS® filter with natural zeolite for infiltrate polluted surface runoff treatment ,
- Implementation of the technologic solutions focused on the prevention of water body eutrophication (best practices of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg») ,
- The experience of year-round operation of FOPS® filter in the purification of surface runoff from technologically disturbed resident areas ,
- Development of water supply and wastewater disposal technologies to supply Saint-Petersburg with clean water and protect the environment of the Baltic Sea Region ,
- Amendments and prospects of the statutory regulation of wastewater and pollution discharges by water utilities and their customers ,
- The project of wastewater treatment facilities for Molodezhnoe Settlement of the Kurort District of Saint-Petersburg ,
- Wastewater sludge processing and utilization at the wastewater treatment facilities of Saint-Petersburg: best practices and prospects ,
- Problems of applying novations of the environmental legislation in relation to the sanitation facilities of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» ,
- Evaluation of the effectiveness of mechanisms for eliminating flooding of urbanized areas with surface runoff ,
- Specific features of estimating calculated rainfall rates with account of extreme rain showers ,
- Problems of water and wastewater utilities with technological regulation and introduction of industrial environmental control ,
- Eternal engine of progress ,
- Systems for the removal of surface runoff: problems and solutions (for discussion) ,
- The experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in developing programs for improving the environmental efficiency ,
- Economic efficiency of measures to provide for the surface runoff disposal systems adaptation to changing climate conditions ,
- Experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» in eliminating HELCOM hot spots in the light of the development of the Russian environmental legislation ,
- Methods and results of estimating calculated rain parameters for the surface runoff disposal systems of Saint-Petersburg Part 1. For hydraulic calculations while designing ,
- Methods and results of estimating calculated rain parameters for the surface runoff disposal systems of Saint-Petersburg Part 2. For hydraulic calculations in simulation ,
- Methods and results of estimating calculated rain parameters for the surface runoff disposal systems of Saint-Petersburg Part 3. For hydraulic calculations in designing and modeling with account of the uneven distribution of rain intensities areally ,
- Sanitary and hygienic estimation of the impact of emissions of sludge incineration plants on the public health in St. Petersburg ,
- Current methods of odor control in accordance with Amendment No. 2 of CP 32.13330.2018 ,
- Technology of using powdered activated carbon: the experience of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» ,
- Theory and practice of the deferrization and demanganation technology: experience of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation (part 1) ,
- Theory and practice of the deferrization and demanganation technology: experience of the Republic of Belarus and Russian Federation (part 2) ,
- Development of an online system for monitoring pollution of natural and drinking water with anthropogenic substances