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UDC 628.336.3

Kofman V. Ya.

Wastewater sludge handling in Europe (review of foreign publications)


A review of foreign literature on wastewater sludge treatment and utilization is presented. Regulatory requirements to wastewater treatment facilities operation in EC countries are given. Total characteristic of wastewater sludge is given together with sludge treatment methods (chemical stabilization, anaerobic and aerobic digestion, dewatering, thermal drying etc.), ways of utilization (storage, incineration, agricultural use, pyrolysis, gasification, wet oxidation etc.)

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  1. Gendebein A., et al. Environmental, economic and social impacts of the use of sewage sludge on land: Report Milieu Ltd and WRС for the European Comission, DG Environment under Study Contract DG ENV.G.4/ETU/2008/0076r., 2008.
  2. Kelessidis A., Stasinakis A. S. Comparative study of the methods used for treatment and final disposal of sewage sludge in European countries // Waste Management. 2012. № 32 (6).
  3. Gottschall N., Topp E., Metcalfe C., et al. Pharmaceutical and personal care products in groundwater, surface drainage, soil, and wheat grain, following a high single application of municipal biosolids to a field // Chemosphere. 2012. № 87 (2).
  4. Rulkens W. Sewage sludge as a biomass resource for the production of energy: Overview and assessment of the various options // Energy & Fuels. 2008. № 22.
  5. Boizonella D., Cavinato C., Fatone F., et al. High rate mesophilic, thermophilic, and temperature phased anaerobic digestion of waste activated sludge. A pilot scale study // Waste Management. 2012. № 32 (6).
  6. Muller J. A. Pre-treatment proceses for the recycling and reuse of sewage sludge // Water Science and Technology. 2000. № 42.
  7. Guan B., Yu J., Fu H., et al. Improvement of activated sludge dewaterability by mild thermal treatment in CaCl2 solution // Water Research. 2012. № 46 (2).
  8. Uggetti E., Argilaga A., Ferrer I., Garcia J. Dewatering model for optimal operation of sludge treatment wetlands // Water Research. 2012. № 46 (2).
  9. Uggetti E., Ferrer I., Carretero J., Garcia J. Performance of sludge treatment wetlands using different plant species and porous media // Journal of Hazardous Materials. 2012. № 217–218.
  10. Dichtl N., Rogge S., Bauerfeld K. Novel strategies in sewage sludge treatment // Clean. 2007. № 35.
  11. Colangelo F., Cioffi R., Montagnaro F., Santoro L. Soluble salt removal from MSVI fly ash and its stabilization for safer disposal and recovery as road basement material // Waste Management. 2012. № 32 (6).
  12. Cusido J. A., Cremades L. V. Environmental effects of using clay bricks produced with sewage sludge. Leachability and toxicity studies // Waste Management. 2012. № 32 (6).
  13. Judex J. W., Gaiffi M., Burgbacher H. C. Gasification of dried sewage sludge: Status of the demonstration and the pilot plant // Waste Management. 2012. № 32 (4).

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