
Number 2 / 2025

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UDC 628.161.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.01

Gandurina L. V., Kravchenko Diana

Coagulation purification of natural water with iron oxide salts


The efficiency of using ferric chloride and ferric sulphate for coagulation purification of natural and model water depending on the turbidity, color, alkalinity of the source water and flocculation duration is considered. It is shown that for the purification of turbid water, the doses of coagulants related to the iron ion do not depend on the type of coagulant and increase with rise of the turbidity of the purified water. Power dependence of the dose of ferric chloride on the turbidity of the source water was determined. Ferric chloride is the most effective coagulant for reducing turbidity and color, simultaneously providing for the standard concentration of iron ions in purified water. The higher efficiency of ferric chloride compared to ferric sulphate is determined by the presence of polyoxychloride complexes in ferric chloride solutions. It has been established that the main contribution to the reduction of turbidity of water coagulated with iron oxide salts is made by alkalinity that determines the rate and amount of insoluble products of hydrolysis of iron oxide salts. Using the example of coagulation purification of colored waters from different water sources using iron oxide salts, it has been shown that with an increase in color and alkalinity of the source water, no clear correlation dependence of the dose and purification efficiency on these parameters is observed.

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UDC 628.16:504.064.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.02

Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A., Portnova T. M., Mekhnetsov Il’ia, Andreeva Margarita, Sukhoruchkina Natal’ia, Galich Alexey

Development of an online system for monitoring pollution of natural and drinking water with anthropogenic substances


An analysis of the current methods of automated online monitoring natural and drinking water quality in case of the occurrence of pollutants of anthropogenic origin is presented. The information on the results of studies for the purposes of upgrading the automatic water quality monitoring system at the water treatment facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is given. A signaling module was designed. Spectral signalization was installed and tested with model solutions at all the monitoring stations. Special software was developed for transmitting emergency signals to the corporate network of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg». The practicability and timeliness of introducing industrial analyzers for water treatment stages into the water treatment technology management system is confirmed, and the advantage of the instrumental control over the traditional laboratory methods is proven.

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UDC 628.165
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.03

Vurdova Nadezhda

Comparing the methods of reverse osmosis and electrodialysis in the process of natural and waste water demineralization


Water demineralization plays a key role in various industries, including energy, chemical and food industries, as well as in wastewater treatment to provide for a closed water recycling systems. The main methods of demineralization are reverse osmosis and electrodialysis. A comparative analysis of these methods is carried out in terms of their efficiency, cost-effectiveness, environmental safety and applicability in wastewater treatment. Particular attention is paid to the mechanism of the processes, energy costs, operational characteristics and requirements to water pre-treatment. Three key criteria are established needed to compare both methods considered: the need for water pre-treatment, the membrane replacement frequency, and the energy intensity of the process.

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UDC 504:330.131.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.04

Vurdova Nadezhda, Kulikova Elena

Estimation of environmental and economic risks of an enterprise for its water management


Modern petrochemical enterprises, in virtue of their specificity, are significant sources of environmental impact. One of the critical elements of these enterprises is wastewater treatment facilities, that play a key role in preventing water and air pollution. The efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities has a direct impact on the environmental safety of the region and economic sustainability of the enterprise. Estimation of the environmental and economic risks in this area provides for identifying potential threats to the environment and determining effective measures to mitigate their consequences. An estimation of environmental and economic risks of the enterprise was carried out using the example of wastewater treatment facilities of an oil refinery. The stages of environmental and economic risk management are defined: the first is identification, systematic study of risks typical for a given enterprise; the second is the estimation of risk, determination of the likelihood and extent of damage; the third is selection of management methods and their application. The given analysis method is the simplest and most convenient for regular monitoring of environmental and economic risks at an enterprise.

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UDC 351.777.613
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.05

Pukemo M. M.

Problems of wastewater land disposal and possible solutions
(for discussion)


The problems and risks associated with the land disposal of effluents, as well as possible solutions to these problems, are considered. A comprehensive analysis of the environmental risks associated with this method of wastewater disposal, which has long been widespread, however, up to now is not regulated by law so far, is presented. The main problem is that contaminated wastewater, getting into the soil, can infiltrate into underground aquifers resulting in long-term environmental disasters. It is emphasized that this method can only be used in exceptional cases, when other options are impossible, and only in strict compliance with a number of conditions and technical requirements. The most important of these are treatment technologies, such as lagoons, with more stringent technological standards and constant monitoring of wastewater quality. It is concluded that, if all the necessary measures and restrictions are observed, the land disposal of effluents may be justified in specific situations; however, provided thorough preparation and control in order to minimize possible negative consequences for the environment.

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UDC 628.2/.4:628.221
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.06

Menshutin Iurii

Method for optimizing volume-flow parameters of airport surface runoff treatment facilities


Presented in the paper are the main provisions of developing a method for the optimization calculation of volume-flow parameters of surface runoff treatment facilities of the Russian airports, that belong to the category II of industrial facilities in terms of their negative impact on the environment. It is shown that using the proposed method with account of the period of de-icing of the aircrafts and airport territory provides for further reducing the design capacity of the treatment facilities by 1.7–2.45 times and the accumulation tank capacity by 1.2–2.1 times. At the same time, capital and operating costs are reduced with full compliance with the basic requirements of the current design rules and sanitary – environmental legislation.

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UDC 628.381:66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.07

Tsabilev O. V., Uglov Sergei

VSEP technology opens new frontiers of membrane separation
in livestock waste conversion


The main features of the VSEP technology are considered that significantly expand the opportunities of using membrane methods for separating liquid media in a wide variety of industries. The results of pilot tests of the VSEP process for the processing (membrane separation) that provided for obtaining high-quality demineralized water suitable for reuse at the farm. In addition, concentrated manure wastes are transportable and much smaller in volume. The energy value of this product is completely preserved, so that it can be used both for soil fertilizing and for biogas producing. The tests were conducted under the conditions of an existing industry on the basis of a pig farm with the productiveness of up to 100 thousand livestock number per year, located in the Northwestern Federal District. The tests yielded positive results, and the technology was recommended for commercial application. The separation process is characterized by stability, and the feature of the technology under study is the high effluent quality, simplicity of implementation, almost zero of consumed chemicals, no need for pretreatment, compactness of the equipment.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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