

UDC 504:330.131.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.04

Vurdova Nadezhda, Kulikova Elena

Estimation of environmental and economic risks of an enterprise for its water management


Modern petrochemical enterprises, in virtue of their specificity, are significant sources of environmental impact. One of the critical elements of these enterprises is wastewater treatment facilities, that play a key role in preventing water and air pollution. The efficiency of wastewater treatment facilities has a direct impact on the environmental safety of the region and economic sustainability of the enterprise. Estimation of the environmental and economic risks in this area provides for identifying potential threats to the environment and determining effective measures to mitigate their consequences. An estimation of environmental and economic risks of the enterprise was carried out using the example of wastewater treatment facilities of an oil refinery. The stages of environmental and economic risk management are defined: the first is identification, systematic study of risks typical for a given enterprise; the second is the estimation of risk, determination of the likelihood and extent of damage; the third is selection of management methods and their application. The given analysis method is the simplest and most convenient for regular monitoring of environmental and economic risks at an enterprise.

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For citation: Vurdova N. G., Kulikova E. Iu. Estimation of environmental and economic risks of an enterprise for its water management. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2025, no. 2, pp. 30–36. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2025.02.04. (In Russian).

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