Tag:wastewater discharge



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UDC 628.3.504.05.69(083.75)

Danilovich Dmitrii, Dovlatova E. V.

Suggestions to a New Law in Draft Regulating Ecological Aspects of Settlements’ Water Disposal


The system of setting of output rates for discharge of wastewater treated and payments for discharge of pollutants from treatment facilities of settlements operating now in the Russian Federation is in need of radical reformation. After the example of EC it is proposed to develop and adopt a separate law about municipal wastewater based on a step-by-step achievement of indexes using the best accessible techniques. The discharge of wastewater from potentially dangerous industrial enterprises, into municipal sewerage systems including, must be regulated separately on the basis of the system of complex permissions.

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UDC 628.192:556.388


Estimating the extent and compensation of damage in case of underground water pollution


The description of underground water quality reclamation concept is presented that involves pumping out and treatment of polluted water either on the surface or directly in place. The issues of the damage compensation to the water users in case of a negative impact on water intakes and water bodies are considered. The estimation of the underground water quality reclamation on the basis of the pilot studies results is given. The procedure can be used in domestic practice for the estimation of the pollution damage and compensatory payments.

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UDC 351.777.613
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.05

Pukemo M. M.

Problems of wastewater land disposal and possible solutions
(for discussion)


The problems and risks associated with the land disposal of effluents, as well as possible solutions to these problems, are considered. A comprehensive analysis of the environmental risks associated with this method of wastewater disposal, which has long been widespread, however, up to now is not regulated by law so far, is presented. The main problem is that contaminated wastewater, getting into the soil, can infiltrate into underground aquifers resulting in long-term environmental disasters. It is emphasized that this method can only be used in exceptional cases, when other options are impossible, and only in strict compliance with a number of conditions and technical requirements. The most important of these are treatment technologies, such as lagoons, with more stringent technological standards and constant monitoring of wastewater quality. It is concluded that, if all the necessary measures and restrictions are observed, the land disposal of effluents may be justified in specific situations; however, provided thorough preparation and control in order to minimize possible negative consequences for the environment.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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