Number 3 / 2025
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UDC 628.161.3:628.166 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.03.01
Veselovskaya Tat’iana, Svintsitsky Viacheslav
Drastic reduction of trihalomethane concentration in domestic water supply systems
Disinfection stage that guarantees the safety of drinking water in epidemiological terms is mandatory in the process of water treatment. One of the main disinfection methods is chlorination with chlorine or hypochlorites. As a result, chlororganics are generated in drinking water. Some representatives of this class of compounds – trihalomethanes pose a danger to human health, producing a carcinogenic, mutagenic effect, and accumulating in the body. In this regard, the sanitary legislation strictly regulates the concentration of these compounds in drinking water, and the standards for them continuously toughen. Reducing the concentration or limiting the generation of trihalomethanes in drinking water has been an urgent task, and for the purpose of solving this task a number of technical methods are proposed. A promising method of water disinfection is presented that provides for almost complete elimination of trihalomethane generation; namely processing water with «Chlorine dioxide and chlorine» disinfectant, obtained in local automated installations of «DH-100» type. As the practice of implementing this method at more than 50 water treatment facilities in Russia and Kazakhstan has shown, the method provides for reducing trihalomethane concentrations, including water supply sources containing bromides, up to their complete elimination, while ensuring complete disinfection and safety of drinking water.
Key words
potable water , disinfection , bioreactor , water treatment , ozone , trihalomethanes , chlororganic compounds , chlorine , chlorine dioxide , preammoniation , hypochlorites , bromides
UDC 628.339:66.081.6 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.03.02
Tsabilev O. V., Uglov Sergei
VSEP Technology: how does it work?
The methods used in practice to increase the process efficiency of membrane separation of liquids as well as the most appropriate areas of their application are presented. Using the example of VSEP technology, theoretical estimates of the effect of hydrodynamic conditions on membrane separation processes are shown, where the membranes of a flat-plate module with open pressure channels are not hard-set fixed but subject to vibration in the form of sinusoidal rotary oscillations directed along the working surface. The main advantages of such processes are defined. The prospects for using VSEP technology in membrane separation processes are outlined. The importance of continuing the research trend and simulation of the hydrodynamic modes of liquid movement in pressure intermembrane channels is indicated.
Key words
VSEP technology , concentration polarization , New Logic Research , membrane separation of liquids , polarization phenomena , boundary layer , shear rate , sinusoidal membrane oscillations
UDC 628.2/.4:006.3:349.6 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.03.03
Vereshchagina Lidiia
On choosing the priority pollution indicators while designing treatment facilities for surface runoff discharged into public wastewater disposal systems of settlements or water bodies
An overview of the main federal laws and regulations of the Russian Federation governing discharges of wastewater, including surface runoff, into water bodies and public wastewater disposal systems (combined, storm, combination) is provided. A new (updated) list of pollutants of water bodies subject to state control measures, approved by the Order of the Government of the Russian Federation dated October 20, 2023 No. 2909-r effective January 1, 2024 is discussed. Based on the specific origine of the qualitative composition of surface runoff, a priority list of pollution indicators that should be taken into account while designing, constructing and reconstructing (upgrading) engineering structures for surface runoff handling systems is substantiated with account of the transition of discharge regulations to the principles of the best available technologies. Noted are legislatively unsettled problems contained in the regulatory-technical and legal basis for engineering in terms of surface runoff discharge into water bodies and public wastewater disposal systems.
Key words
best available techniques , surface runoff , standards for permissible discharges , best available techniques (BAT) , public wastewater disposal systems , priority pollution indicators
UDC 628.1/.2 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.03.04
Pavlinova I. I., Orlov Evgenii, Govorova Zh. M.
S. V. Iakovlev and NRU MGSU: science, traditions and a glimpse into the future
The contribution of Sergey Vasilyevich Iakovlev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, and the National Research Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in training highly qualified personnel for the water industry is shown. Information is provided on the life path of the scientist and his scientific achievements. The direct relationship of S. V. Iakovlev and the Moscow State University of Civil Engineering in the development of the scientific direction «Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal» is shown. Today, the personality of S. V. Iakovlev has already gone beyond the scope of one scientific direction for the water industry experts, but has become significant for historians and cultural scientists. The philosophy of S. V. Iakovlev, the basis of which is the development and improvement of water supply and wastewater disposal systems, is of great importance for the today’s and future generations.
Key words
water supply , water disposal , water resources , NII VODGEO , S. V. Iakovlev, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences , Moscow State University of Civil Engineering , science
UDC 628.221 DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.03.05
Volkov Sergei, Luk’ianchuk Maksim, Zhukova Anastasiia, Solokhin Anton, Kuz’min Valentin, Zhitenev A. I., Rublevskaya O. N., Gvozdev V. A., Erofeev Vasilii, Kostenko I. G., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu., Kuznetsova N. V., Seniukovich Mikhail, Eshchenko Andrei
Justification of the optimum alternative of the wastewater disposal system of St. Petersburg adapting to the conditions of the joint effect of urbanization and climate change. Part 1. Program-method for justification of the optimal alternative
The wastewater disposal system of Saint-Petersburg has been operating under the conditions that differ from the design ones owing to main reasons. The first reason is the process of urbanization that involves water flow rate decreasing in dry weather because of the water consumption reduction, and water flow rate increasing during rainy periods due to the increasing share of watertight coverages. The second reason is the increasing intensity and frequency of rain showers. In this regard, adapting the wastewater disposal system to the conditions that arise under the joint effect of urbanization and climate change became a necessity. The consequence of the new operating conditions is the presence of two undesirable phenomena: flooding of territories and overflows of storm drains, emergency outfalls, emergency outlets and bypass lines of the treatment facilities. Justification of the optimal solution for adapting the Saint-Petersburg wastewater disposal system to the conditions of the joint effect of urbanization and climate change should provide for the solution of a double criterion optimization problem: search for an economically feasible option for the system reconstruction to eliminate floodings in the city during rainfall with a frequency of Р > Рopt; search for an economically feasible option to ensure minimal discharges through overflows during rainfall with a frequency of Р > Рopt during the operation after the reconstruction. From a mathematical point of view, the search for an economically justified reconstruction option comes down to determining such a period of rain frequency Popt, where one of two equivalent conditions is met: either the minimum cost of damage from flooding and the cost of preventing it is achieved; or the maximum difference between the amount of prevented damage from flooding and the costs of preventing it is achieved.
Key words
territory underflooding , surface runoff disposal system , adaptation measures , calculated parameters of rains , urbanization , climate change
UDC 628. DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.03.06
Shirkova T. N.
Reducing the flow of reverse osmosis concentrate in the process of solid waste landfill leachate treatment
Leachate of the municipal solid waste landfills is a major environmental hazard. Reverse osmosis technology is used for leachate treatment. The disadvantage of using reverse osmosis is generation of a large amount of concentrate because its disposal involves high costs. A technology is presented that provides for reducing concentrate flow to values that ensure the economic feasibility of its evaporation or removal by trucks. Reducing concentrate flow is achieved by changing the ratio of salt ion concentrations and organic substances. The separation of the concentrate solution is effected owing to the difference in the retention capacity of low-pressure nanofiltration membranes in relation to organic substances and monovalent salt ions. The separation of the concentrate solution provides for reducing not only its flow, but also the costs of its disposal, that is to process and reduce the volume of each solution separately at lower costs. A method for conducting experiments is presented, the results of the separation of the concentrate solution are given, as well as technical and economic calculations that allow comparing the effectiveness of the proposed approach with the traditional solution based on the use of high-pressure membranes.
Key words
filtrate , concentrate , reverse osmosis , reverse osmosis unit , nanofiltration , membrane selectivity , low-selectivity membranes , solid municipal waste landfill