UDC 628.381:66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.07
VSEP technology opens new frontiers of membrane separation
in livestock waste conversion
The main features of the VSEP technology are considered that significantly expand the opportunities of using membrane methods for separating liquid media in a wide variety of industries. The results of pilot tests of the VSEP process for the processing (membrane separation) that provided for obtaining high-quality demineralized water suitable for reuse at the farm. In addition, concentrated manure wastes are transportable and much smaller in volume. The energy value of this product is completely preserved, so that it can be used both for soil fertilizing and for biogas producing. The tests were conducted under the conditions of an existing industry on the basis of a pig farm with the productiveness of up to 100 thousand livestock number per year, located in the Northwestern Federal District. The tests yielded positive results, and the technology was recommended for commercial application. The separation process is characterized by stability, and the feature of the technology under study is the high effluent quality, simplicity of implementation, almost zero of consumed chemicals, no need for pretreatment, compactness of the equipment.
Key words
reverse osmosis , membrane separation , VSEP technology , concentration polarization , reverse osmosis membrane , livestock waste conversion
For citation: Tsabilev O. V., Uglov S. A. VSEP technology opens new frontiers of membrane separation in livestock waste conversion. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2025, no. 2, pp. 48–60. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2025.02.07. (In Russian).
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