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UDC 628.147.2:65.012.2
Khramenkov S. V., Orlov V. А., Primin Oleg
Computerized support of the Moscow water pipeline renovation scheduling strategy
Comprehensive evaluation of the expediency criteria of pipeline relaying or renovating involves a lot of calculations, large bulk of operating and diagnostic data processing. It becomes possible only if computer-aided programs are available that provide for a basis for a valid assessment of the pipeline renovation project and scope of work. Scheduling Pipe Renovation program has been designed by MosvodokanalNIIproject OJSC in cooperation with Mosvodokanal MPUE and used for Moscow water pipeline maintenance.
Key words
reconstruction , water supply , reliability , pipeline , maintenance , environmental risks , water leaks
DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.10.03 UDC 628.1/.3:303.6
Pukemo M. M., Pupyrev E. I.
Information security of the water supply and sanitation utilities as in the case of the Baikal natural area (in order of discussion)
A new concept for wastewater metering and charging for the sanitation services for the Russian Federation is considered. Introducing multilevel digital control of water consumption and sanitation services rendered to the customers, operating companies and treatment facilities in order to reduce the ecological risks and environmental damage from illegal wastewater disposal by the customers is proposed. A new mechanism for collecting and consolidating information data from water supply and sanitation facilities has been developed that provides for implementing the concept of sustainable water use, improving the quality of service of sanitation systems, reducing the operating costs and failure rate. It is proposed to introduce a number of amendments in regional legislation related to charging for water consumption and sanitation services.
Key words
treatment facilities , wastewater treatment , water supply-sewerage services , computerization , environmental risks , Lake Baikal , central ecological zone , information security
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UDC 351.777.613 DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.02.05
Pukemo M. M.
Problems of wastewater land disposal and possible solutions (for discussion)
The problems and risks associated with the land disposal of effluents, as well as possible solutions to these problems, are considered. A comprehensive analysis of the environmental risks associated with this method of wastewater disposal, which has long been widespread, however, up to now is not regulated by law so far, is presented. The main problem is that contaminated wastewater, getting into the soil, can infiltrate into underground aquifers resulting in long-term environmental disasters. It is emphasized that this method can only be used in exceptional cases, when other options are impossible, and only in strict compliance with a number of conditions and technical requirements. The most important of these are treatment technologies, such as lagoons, with more stringent technological standards and constant monitoring of wastewater quality. It is concluded that, if all the necessary measures and restrictions are observed, the land disposal of effluents may be justified in specific situations; however, provided thorough preparation and control in order to minimize possible negative consequences for the environment.
Key words
ground water , wastewater discharge , water disposal , ecological safety , environmental risks , ground profile , aquifers , soil pollution , lagoons , treatment technology , wastewater monitoring , biodegradable pollutants , dropout sump , ecosystems