UDC 004.056:628.1
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.12.07
KINEBAS A. K., Kiselev Aleksei, Platonov Andrei
Analysis of the technologies of cyber-attacks on the infrastructure of automated process control systems of water utilities with web-oriented malware
The results of analyzing the modern technologies of cyber-attacks on the infrastructure of automated process control systems of water utilities with web-oriented malware are presented. The technology of malware action using a fundamentally new approach to exploiting vulnerabilities in the web infrastructure of modern programmable logic controllers is considered in detail. Main scenarios of cyber-attacks on the infrastructure of automated process control systems of water utilities are considered. Practical recommendations are proposed focused on reducing the risks of cyber-attacks, increasing resistance to malicious actions and ensuring information security.
Key words
vulnerability , malware , target cyber-attack , automated process control systems of water utilities , programmable logic controller