Number 11 / 2010
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UDC 628.1:3
Meshengisser Yu. M.
The Ecopolymer Group of Companies: 20 Years of Serving Ecology
Manufacturing enterprises forming a part of the Ecopolymer Group produce a wide range of different products for water supply and water disposal systems: aerators, drains, shield valves, fine treatment screens, belt filter-presses. The firm has been developed the conception of treatment facilities retechnologization making it possible to reduce the anthropogenic load on the natural environment and payment for discharge of contaminants. Retechnologization has been introduced at more than 20 Vodokanals. The concept of management of construction and reconstruction of water supply-sewerage services objects realized in different countries has also been developed. Now the company masters up-to-date methods of treatment of high-concentrated industrial wastewater, develops new types of equipment.
Key words
water supply-sewerage services , retechnologization , aerators , drains , shield valves , fine treatment screens , belt press filters
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UDC 628.1:3:65.012
Meshengisser Yu. M., Shchetinin A. I.
Management of Process of Construction and Reconstruction of Water Supply-Sewerage Services Objects
The article states basic principles of the Ecopolymer Group’s concept of management of the process of construction and reconstruction of water supply and water disposal objects and also features of designs of treatment facilities requiring the essentially new managerial approach. Examples of reconstruction and retechnologization of treatment facilities of Novocheboksarsk, Gorodets and Aznakaevo cities are presented. Mandatory requirements for the companies working in accordance with the Ecopolymer concept are expounded. The main thesis when working with a customer is a partnership based on trust. The Ecopolymer Croup of Companies being a general designer, contractor, equipment manufacturer and supplier simultaneously assumes the responsibility for results of realization of construction and reconstruction.
Key words
reconstruction , water supply , management , water disposal , retechnologization , ecology , construction
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UDC 628.32
Meshengisser Yu. M., Kolesnik Yu. V., Ostroushchenko N. G., Konnov V. N., Radchenko V. V., Krasnoshtan S. K., Shulikov A. S.
Adoption of New Production Processes
The Ecopolymer Group in addition to products made of polymeric materials produces a wide range of equipment made of stainless and carbon steels for solution of different technological tasks of water supply and water disposal systems. Designs of equipment for wastewater and sludge treatment – check-in valves, rack fine treatment screens, belt filter-presses – are described. Main technical characteristics and advantages of the equipment manufactured are presented. Specialists of the company in cooperation with engineers of the South Korean partner have developed the design and mastered the serial production of a belt filter-press of BFS series fitting the level of the best world models.
Key words
treatment facilities , equipment , shield valve , screens , filter-press
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UDC 628.3(510 + 519.5)
Meshengisser Yu. M., Galich D. R., Gomozova E. V., Vu Min
Experience of Introduction of Ecopolymer Equipment in Countries of the Eastern-Asian Region
The experience of introduction of the Ecopolymer Group’s equipment in the countries of the Eastern Asian Region on the example of China and South Korea is described. In China aerators are used for treatment of municipal (communal) and industrial-municipal discharges (in industrial parks) and for treatment of industrial enterprises wastewater as well. The equipment introduction is made mainly at large treatment facilities of over 150 thousand m³/day capacity. In South Korea the Ecopolymer aerators are used at treatment facilities of concentrated flows with high concentration of activated sludge from unloading plants, pig farms, poultry factories, in systems with membrane technologies of wastewater treatment.
Key words
treatment facilities , municipal and industrial wastewater , aerator , interrupted aeration , membrane technology
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UDC 628.161.004.6
Meshengisser Yu. M., Ulchenko V. M.
Retechnologization and Reconstruction of Water Treatment Systems
Basic propositions of the concept of water treatment systems retechnologization and its distinctions from retechnologization of wastewater treatment facilities are stated. Recently in the course of reconstruction of water supply facilities growing attention is paid to ecological aspects of their operation and such reconstruction is practically impossible without retechnologization. The process of retechnologization of water treatment and treatment of sediment of natural high- colored and slightly turbid water is described on the example of the State Unitary Enterprise PO Sevmash in the city of Severodvinsk of the Arkhangelsk Region. In the city of Sharya the Ecopolymer Group has executed the retechnologization of the water supply station with the aim to increase the capacity of operating facilities. The reconstruction of water supply treatment facilities in the city of Kovel (Ukraine) has made it possible to reduce iron content in potable water and improve operation characteristics of the facilities.
Key words
potable water , turbidity , reconstruction , deferrization , chromaticity , retechnologization , drains , aluminium salts , thin layer sedimentation , clarifiers with suspended sediment , rapid filters
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UDC 628.
Ulchenko V. M., Tregub Yu. A., Vilkova E. Kh., Ostroushko Yu. V.
Experience in Operation of Ecopolymer Drainage-Distribution Systems at the WesternFiltration Station Luganskvoda
Results of the operation of Ecopolymer drainage-distribution systems in rapid filters of water treatment facilities are presented. In the course of operation of filters with media, small sand fractions are concentrated gradually in the upper layer leading to rapid reduction in filtration rate in the beginning of a filtration cycle. After the upper layer of filtration material has been removed the main process operational parameters became normal. It is shown that the necessity of removing the upper layer of filtration material can be evaluated according to the character of the curve of fluctuations of a maximum filtration rate. The filter material preparation technique for filters with water washing equipped with the Ecopolymer drainage-distribution systems is given. The research shows that they ensure a high evenness of washing and filtrate collection along the whole filter surface without any supporting layers, and their operation characteristics are higher than of fissure drainage that makes it possible to use sand of required granulometric composition.
Key words
rapid filter , filter bed , drainage-distribution system , filtration rate , duration of filtration cycle
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УДК 628.315.1: 628.355: 676.2
Shchetinin A. I., Kostin Yu. V., Andreev E. L., Esin M. A., Malbiev B. Yu., Demyanenko E. V., Yurchenko V. A.
Syktyvkar Timber Processing Complex: Solving of Wastewater Treatment Problems
Peculiarities of the wastewater treatment process of the Syktyvkar timber processing complex typical for pulp and paper industry are described. Data on studies of the problem of activated sludge swelling are presented. It is proposed to solve this problem using the aerobic selector. On the basis of simulation results the scheme of reconstruction of preaerators of inlet flows into an aeration tank is proposed; according to this scheme the wastewater mix and return activated sludge are supplied to the first tunnels of preaerators operating as a selector of bacteria. The article presents a flow chart of wastewater and sludge treatment for retechnologization of existing facilities consisting of the following stages: treatment of wastewater at fine treatment mechanical grates and aerated sand catchers; degassing of wastewater before primary sedimentation tanks; installation of belt filter presses for treatment of excess activated sludge; installation of equipment for additional dewatering of primary sludge and excess activated sludge up to 50% of moisture content; disinfection of wastewater.
Key words
wastewater , sludge index , retechnologization , aerator , pulp and paper industry , aerobic selector
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UDC 628.54
Shchetinin A. I., Kolesnik Yu. V., Ulchenko V. M., Kostin Yu. V., Esin M. A., Agafonkin V. V., Tomilov S. M., Maznyak Z. A.
Wastewater Treatment at Meat-Processing Enterprises
Issues of the wastewater treatment at meat-processing enterprises are described. The plan of the Konkordiya Ltd.’s wastewater treatment has been developed. For preliminary treatment, local treatment facilities which include a drum grate with an inclined dewatering screw, equalizing tank and physicochemical treatment unit on the basis of a reagent pressure flotation plant have been dsigned and constructed. Household sewage is supplied to an inlet distribution chamber, then to interlocked fine treatment grates and aerated horizontal sand-grease catchers. The mixture of household sewage treated mechanically and industrial wastewater treated locally is supplied to aeration tanks for biological treatment with removal of biogenic elements and then for aftertreatment and disinfection. Dewatering of all types of sludge is carried out at Ecopolymer belt filter-presses using flocculants. Commissioning of local and wastewater biological treatment facilities as well as equipment for dewatering of sludge at belt filter-presses has been executed. The high wastewater treatment quality and sludge dewatering level have been achieved.
Key words
wastewater , aeration , coagulant , flocculant , belt press filter , meat-processing enterprises , physicochemical and biological treatment
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UDC 628.336.1:54:57
Shchetinin A. I.
Elemental Composition of Activated Sludge
A review of literary data on elemental composition of activated sludge components generated in the course of wastewater biological treatment is presented. Empiric formulas of activated sludge organic matter, organic matter of different microorganisms, RNA and DNA, carbohydrates, fats, fulvic acids and humic acids are considered. On the basis of literary data on seven cellular components for Escherichia coli cells the empiric formula has been obtained; this formula is proposed for biomasses of all microorganisms of activated sludge. A ratio ThOD : VSS = 1,42 coinciding with the known values; for cellular substance COD : N : P = 50 : 5 : 1, which is close to the known BCOD : N : P = 100 : 5 : 1. for the initial substrate is typical for this elemental composition. Components described make it possible to determine the elemental composition of extracellular substances of activated sludge.
Key words
microorganisms , activated sludge , wastewater biological treatment , elemental composition , proteins , nucleic acids