Tag:membrane technology



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UDC 628.1/.2 (211-17)

Murashev S. V.

Systems of water and wastewater treatment for offshore  and coastal facilities under the conditions of Arctic climate


The aspects of designing water supply and wastewater treatment systems for offshore Arctic facilities – floating drilling units, platforms and terminals are considered. Owing to the special conditions of operating floating drilling units in Arctic marine during long ice seasons a number of additional requirements to the water treatment systems shall be taken into consideration. Among them is reduction on the use of tankers-water carriers and of the fresh water reserve at the offshore facilities inter alia by abandoning the discharge of grey wastewater after proper treatment into the sea. Designing floating facilities of special purpose with the use of advanced small-scale and efficient systems of water purification and wastewater treatment – life-support vessels that is a separate trend in shipbuilding has been suggested and justified. Life-support vessels can be used for water transportation and waste disposal or as seasonal water and wastewater treatment systems for different purposes including emergency conditions.

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UDC 66.081.6
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.04

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Samburski Georgi

Selection of membranes and membrane elements for industrial water treatment by ultrafiltration


The technology of water purification by ultrafiltration has come into operation in Russia since the early 2000s with the commissioning of the largest drinking water treatment plant in Europe with a capacity of 250 thousand m3/day (10,500 m3/h) at the South-West Water Treatment Plant in Moscow, and a water treatment plant with a capacity of 250 m3/h at the Novocherkassk Regional Power Plant. Dozens of such plants are currently in operation. Membranes of various designs, made of different materials and with various instrumentation are used. As a rule, provided proper selection of equipment and its operating conditions, the service life of ultrafiltration membranes is from 4 to 10 years. Herewith, mandatory preliminary pilot tests are required; however, many a man ignore them, taking the view that the process has been tried-and-true and simple enough. Actually, the selection of the optimal membrane elements and operating modes is a difficult task, and errors entail large financial and reputational losses.

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UDC 628.3(510 + 519.5)

Meshengisser Yu. M., Galich D. R., Gomozova E. V., Vu Min

Experience of Introduction of Ecopolymer Equipment in Countries of the Eastern-Asian Region


The experience of introduction of the EcopolymerGroup’s equipment in the countries of the Eastern Asian Region on the example of China and South Korea is described. In China aerators are used for treatment of municipal (communal) and industrial-municipal discharges (in industrial parks) and for treatment of industrial enterprises wastewater as well. The equipment introduction is made mainly at large treatment facilities of over 150 thousand m³/day capacity. In South Korea the Ecopolymer aerators are used at treatment facilities of concentrated flows with high concentration of activated sludge from unloading plants, pig farms, poultry factories, in systems with membrane technologies of wastewater treatment.

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UDC 628.161:66.081.63
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.03.07

Barsukov Oleg, Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris

Ways to reduce fouling of separation membranes and increase the performance of membrane apparatus (a review)


The widespread use of membrane technologies in the energy sector in water purification processes, wastewater treatment and other areas poses questions of their improvement in order to increase the economic efficiency, performance of membrane separation apparatus, reduce the amount of secondary waste, etc. Potentials are being sought to improve these indicators. Moreover, if the highest level has currently been reached in the development and production of membranes, and no further dramatic improvements are visible so far, then in relation to the design it is believed that there are still potentials. The paper discusses options for increasing the efficiency of membrane separation apparatus by means of the external effects on the processed water or on the membrane apparatus. This is the pulsation of the liquid flow, ultrasonic impact on it, rotation of special inserts or the membranes themselves, vibrations of the membrane element. The complexity of their design and the prospects of application for different stages of purification and concentration processes are estimated.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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