Number 6 / 2010
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The Final Resolution of the III Nevsky International Ecological Congress
14 и 15 мая в Таврическом дворце Санкт-Петербурга под эгидой Совета Федерации РФ в третий раз собрался Невский международный экологический конгресс. В центре внимания этого представительного и авторитетного форума – экологизация природопользования как основы модернизации национальных экономик.
The President of Russia Has Chosen the Southwest Waterworks
Дмитрий Медведев посетил Юго-Западную водопроводную станцию.
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UDC 628.17.001.4
Ponomareva L. S.
Economic Mechanism of Protection of Water against Pollution (Part 2). Correction Factors
Issues of the validity of raising factors imposed on charged payment for pollution and the scale of damage done to water objects are considered. Peculiarities of sizes and names of factors specified in appropriate normative documents are recorded. Reasons for the possibility of reduction in the number of factors and establishment of more grounded corrections for payment amount or damage with due regard for concrete conditions are expressed.
Key words:
factor , ecological factors , natural peculiarities , duration of influence , reasonableness of factors , pollution
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UDC 628.16:62-278
Pervov A. G., Andrianov A. P., Gorbunova T. P.
Development of Membrane Techniques with Reduced Water Consumption for Own Needs
Issues of the improvement of membrane techniques used in water treatment for the reduction of consumption of a concentrate at reverse osmosis plants and wash water at ultrafiltration units are considered. A change in the design of the membrane canal makes it possible to eliminate the causes of formation of sediment’s crystals. New techniques of water treatment with utilization of the concentrate and reduction of water consumption for own needs are proposed.
Key words:
filtrate , water treatment , concentrate , membrane , reverse osmosis , ultrafiltration
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UDC 628.162.82:661.491.001.2
Gordeev M. B., Kolodyazhniy V. A.
Deferrization of Natural Water Using Ozonization in Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide
Results of studies and laboratory tests of the water deferrization technology using jointly ozone and hydrogen peroxide at the laboratory unit are presented; high efficiency of the technology considered is shown.
Key words:
ozonization , hydrogen peroxide , oxidation , catalytic action
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UDC 628.16.001.57
Galkin Iurii
Technological Model of Compound Systems of Water Management at Industrial Enterprises and Complexes
A technological model has been developed; a mathematical formulation of compound systems of water management at industrial enterprises and complexes has been proposed. The model represents systems of equations reflecting a non-stationary and stationary condition of the system operation. The model is used by the ECO-PROJECT scientific-design firm during the study and development of principal decisions of step-by-step reconstruction of the enterprises’ water management systems and in the course of designing. It can be also useful for the management, audit and ecological control of water management of industrial enterprises.
Key words:
water management system , industrial enterprises , technological model , designing , management , audit
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UDC 628.168.3:662.997
Stabilization Treatment of Geothermal Water
Stabilization treatment of geothermal water with the help of degasification and with the use of a crystalline initiator are considered. The experience of operation of geothermal equipment in the case of disturbance of carbonate-calcium equilibrium in water is presented. Degasification of geothermal water treated preliminary for carbon dioxide up to the equilibrium value makes it possible to speed up crystallization of calcium carbonate in the contact medium. It is proved that the more is the drop of pressure in a crystallizer the more is the concentration of a suspension being generated. The speed of separation of the solid phase of calcium carbonate from the geothermal water solution is proportional to the component of the pressure drop in the crystallizer from equilibrium to the final value.
Key words:
suspended substances , geothermal water , salt precipitation , calcium carbonate , degasification , softening
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UDC 628.1.036:543.3
Serikov L. V., Shiyan L. N., Tropina E. A., Khryapov P. A.
Peculiarities of Measuring of Chromaticity of the West Siberian Region’s Ground Water
Results of the experimental study aimed at determining the chromaticity of the West Siberian Region’s ground water sampled from a depth of 80–200 m with the use of the chromaticity measuring methods recommended by GOST R 52769-2007 are presented. Difficulties of the determination of chromaticity are associated with the features of the chemical composition of ground water and are due to the generation of stable colloidal particles consisting of Fe(OH)3 and dissolved organic substances of humus origin. It is established that the chromaticity of ground water generally depends on the presence of colloidal compounds of iron and is characterized as seeming chromaticity of water.
Key words:
potable water , ground water , chromaticity , water treatment , odor , taste , colloidal particles , humus
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UDC 628.32:65.012.45
Common Information Space of an Enterprise
The information infrastructure of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga helping to ensure reliability, uninterrupted operation, high output, safety, and confidentiality is described.
Key words:
water supply , information technologies , energy efficiency , information system , information infrastructure , water disposal