Tag:wastewater biological treatment



DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.09.06
UDC 628.355.1

Mashchenko Zinaida, Bakharev Vladimir, Egorova Yu. A., Nesterenko O. I., Русских Я. М.

Effect of benzylpenicillin sodium salt on the species composition of activated sludge biocenosis


The species composition of activated sludge depends on many abiotic and biotic factors. To date, there is a problem of the presence of trace pharmaceuticals in wastewater that negatively affect the organisms of activated sludge performing biological water treatment. Antibiotics are drugs that cause disturbances in the metabolism of activated sludge and lead to a decrease in the level of water treatment. These substances inhibit the survival and reproduction of some types of organisms, and also result in the development of resistance in bacteria. The results of studies on the effect of benzylpenicillin sodium salt on hydrobionts of activated sludge with single and repeated exposure within 72 hours are presented. The general properties of the sludge – color, smell, bulking, sedimentation – were estimated. To study the sludge biocenosis, we used the «crushed drop» method with a magnification of ×1000. While analyzing the microscopic slides, the number of hydrobionts of activated sludge and their general condition were taken into account. The following species were used as indicator organisms: naked amoeba Amoeba, testate Testacea, flagellate Flagellata, rotifers Rotaria, infusoria Vaginicola, Epistylis and Aspidisca, worms Nematoda and Oligоchaeta, tardigrades, filamentous bacteria. The obtained data testified to the satisfactory operation of the activated sludge under the experimental conditions. However, with repeated addition of benzylpenicillin sodium salt, the nitrification processes may deteriorate.

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UDC 6285.355
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.08

Latypova Tat’iana, Zentsov Viacheslav, Lapshakova Irina, Naumov Ivan, Frolov Boris

Study of the imact of chemical plant wastewater on the adaptation of activated sludge at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities


The impact of diluted wastewater of a chemical plant on the biocenosis of microorganisms in activated sludge at the municipal wastewater treatment facilities is considered. In the course of studies, wastewater of Khimvolokno enterprise in Blagoveshchensk with known pollution concentrations was taken as a basis. Experiments were conducted to examine the impact of industrial wastewater on biological treatment, namely, in what proportions blending this wastewater with no harmful effect on the biocenosis of microorganisms is possible. Observations of the activated sludge show that at 1:50 dilution supplying wastewater with this ratio provides for slower inhibition of microorganisms than when supplying wastewater with a dilution of 1:10, 1:20, 1:30, 1:40. This wastewater can supplied to treatment facilities with gradual long-term adaptation of the biocenosis to it.

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UDC 628.35

Kevbrina M. V., Gavrilin A. M., Dorofeev A. G., KOZLOV M. N., Aseyeva V. G.

Best available technologies of wastewater treatment:  implementation experience of «Mosvodokanal» JSC


Owing to the transfer to process standardization from 2019 (Federal Law No. 219-FZ) natural resource users are bound to introduce the best available technologies. Advanced technologies of municipal wastewater treatment ensuring the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus have been used in Russia at less than 10% of the wastewater treatment facilities. When transferring to process standardi­zation many water utilities will face the problem of upgrading wastewater treatment facilities. Successful practical experience of water utilities where BATs have been already used at wastewater treatment facilities will be useful for choosing the optimal process flow scheme. The introduction of advanced wastewater treatment methods has been a priority task for «Mosvodokanal» JSC. For a long period the company has developed and adapted to the conditions of the Moscow wastewater treatment facilities the process flow scheme of wastewater treatment with the removal of nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) which is the best available technology. This made it possible to introduce this technology at the Lyuberetskie and Kuryanovskie wastewater treatment facilities – the largest and extremely large-scale facilities as well as at small- and mid-scale wastewater treatment plants in Minzag and Shchapovo settlements (Prefecture of Troitsky and Novomoskovsky Administrative Districts, Moscow). Experts of «Mosvodokanal» JSC developed a pre-design concept of the reconstruction of the aeration tanks at the treatment facilities of Cherepovets and the local treatment facilities of the Optina Pustyn monastery (Kozelsk, Kaluga Region) with the introduction of nutrients removal technology. The practical experience gained in «Mosvodokanal» JSC shows that the best available technologies have been developed, can be introduced and operate successfully.

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УДК 628.35:66.081.63

Ivanova O. V.

Опыт внедрения современных технологий на основе ультрафильтрационных мембран


Рассказано об опыте внедрения технологий биологической очистки хозяйственно-бытовых и промышленных сточных вод с использованием мембранного биореактора. Технология на основе погружных ультрафильтрационных мембранных модулей обеспечивает достижение жестких нормативных требований к приему очищенной воды в водоемы питьевого и культурно-бытового водопользования и рыбохозяйственного назначения. Применение ультрафильтрационных мембран способствует увеличению концентрации активного ила в аэротенке для глубокой очистки обрабатываемых сточных вод. Промышленный сток проходит механическую очистку на шнековой решетке, далее очищается физико-химическим способом в реагентном флотаторе, затем смешивается с хозяйственно-бытовым стоком и поступает в мембранный биореактор. Применение мембранного биореактора позволяет сократить площади, занимаемые очистными сооружениями. Сброс очищенного стока осуществляется в водоем рыбохозяйственного назначения.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.08.04
UDC 628.35

Popov Nikita, Grigor’eva Anastasiia, Zalyotov S. V.

Experience in the reconstruction of the wastewater treatment facilities operated by MUE Teplovodokanal of Pushchino


In the early 1990s, after the introduction of new regulations for the quality of effluent, as well as due to a significant reduction in the available funding for water supply and wastewater disposal facilities, a tendency arose of a widespread violation of the requirements to the quality of wastewater treatment in the context of the impossibility of improving the situation. With the resumption of the economic growth at the beginning of the 21st century, Russia began to allocate public funds for the reconstruction of large-scale treatment facilities in order to provide for the required level of wastewater treatment by way of retrofitting advanced technologies. The access to financing for the reconstruction of wastewater treatment facilities is possible on the condition that the full-fledged project documentation that has passed the state expert appraisal is available. The experience of reconstructing small-scale wastewater treatment facilities in Pushchino that failed to be included into any budget financing program, is described. With the support and recommendations of relevant organizations and specialists, a list of measures was compiled for the stage-by-stage improvement of the wastewater treatment technology, taking into account the available funding. One of the first stages while implementing the measures was the introduction of the advanced technology for the biological removal of nutrients with the allocation of anaerobic and anoxic zones in traditional aeration tanks with mechanical activated sludge mixing. Russian-made vertical hyperbolic mixers were chosen as mixing devices. After the reconstruction of the first block of aeration tanks combined with the installation of mixers directly by the equipment supplier, the first positive results were obtained, i. e., the achieved indicators for organic substances and nitrogen group compounds were better than the required ones.

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UDC 628.356.1

Danilovich Dmitrii

The experience of improving and evaluating the efficiency of aeration systems


The experience of improving and evaluating the efficiency of aeration systems of the new line of the Liuberetskie wastewater treatment facilities of the Moscow wastewater system is described. In the operation of the treatment line with a design capacity of 500,000 m3/day biological removal of nitrogen and phosphorus used. Upon five years of operation Austrian-manufactured AQUASTRIP membrane type plate aerators were replaced with Russian-manufactured АR-420Т disk membrane systems. This provided for significant increa­sing wastewater flow to the new line. In the course of studies two methods of evaluation of the aeration system efficiency were compared: the classical approach of direct «gas cap» measurement and the calculation method. In order to implement the calculation method a technique of evaluating the actual aeration efficiency of aeration tanks was developed based on the fundamental principles of the mass balance of the treatment processes. This technique allows calculating the actual efficiency of oxygen utilization supplied to the aeration system from the actual operation data for any time interval and with regard to any aeration tank number. In the course of the experiment about 9% divergence of the results of the two methods was obtained which corresponded to the measurement errors accepted as a basis of the calculations. The measurements and calculations showed that the specific efficiency of oxygen dissolution was around 6% per 1 meter of the aerator immersion depth which complied with the information submitted by the manufacturer («Ecopolymer-M» CJSC), and by 30% higher than shown by AQUASTRIP aerators. The developed method can be used both in evaluating the aeration system efficiency for the certain wastewater treatment facilities and in making the intra-sectoral analysis (benchmarking). The calculated values of the atmospheric oxygen actual dissolution efficiency and power consumption per 1 kilogram of the actually dissolved oxygen are recommended for being used as the target indicators of the wastewater treatment facilities’ improvement instead of the generally accepted air consumption (power consumption) per 1 m3 of wastewater.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.09.04
UDC 628.35

Kevbrina M. V., Dorofeev A. G., Agarev Anton

Comparison of the results of calculating aeration tanks according to different methods (for discussion)


The calculation results are compared according to the method described in the book by D. A. Danilovich and A. N. Epov «Calculation and technological design of processes and facilities for the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from municipal wastewater», and the method given in the book «Wastewater technology. Processing and recovery of resources» (fifth edition, Metcalf & Addy), in a model unit, for which earlier in the article by V. N. Shvetsov, S. V. Stepanov and O. V. Khar’kina «Comparison of the calculation results for aeration tanks using the NII VODGEO/SamGTU and ASM2d models» calculations had been made according to the method of NII VODGEO/SamGTU and following the model developed by ASM2d. It is shown that calculations based on the equations of enzymatic kinetics and microbial growth (NII VODGEO/SamGTU, ASM2d and Metcalf & Addy) give similar results in terms of the volume of aeration tanks with the «tabular» method based on the German standard ATV-DVWK-A131E and revised taking into account the growth kinetics of nitrifying microorganisms. The difference in approaches gives different results as for the age of activated sludge; however, the final results of the volumes of aeration tanks and zones in them have discrepancies that do not exceed 15–20%. Simulation of the operation of aeration tanks in BioWin-3 program, designed on ASDM model that is essentially close to the ASM group of activated sludge models, with zone volumes calculated using different methods, showed a similar calculated quality of effluent. This confirms the possibility of any of the considered methods to adequately calculate the volumes of aeration tanks. The choice of the calculation method for each specific case depends on the availability and ease of use of the methodology, as well as on the personal preferences of the designer.

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UDC 628.336.1:54:57

Shchetinin A. I.

Elemental Composition of Activated Sludge


A review of literary data on elemental composition of activated sludge components generated in the course of wastewater biological treatment is presented. Empiric formulas of activated sludge organic matter, organic matter of different microorganisms, RNA and DNA, carbohydrates, fats, fulvic acids and humic acids are considered. On the basis of literary data on seven cellular components for Escherichia coli cells the empiric formula has been obtained; this formula is proposed for biomasses of all microorganisms of activated sludge. A ratio ThOD : VSS = 1,42 coinciding with the known values; for cellular substance COD : N : P = 50 : 5 : 1, which is close to the known BCOD : N : P = 100 : 5 : 1. for the initial substrate is typical for this elemental composition. Components described make it possible to determine the elemental composition of extracellular substances of activated sludge.

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Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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