Number 12 / 2010
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Index of the Articles (doc, pdf) Published in the Water Supply and Sanitary Technique Magazine in 2010.
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Resolution of the Second Pure Water 2010 International Forum
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UDC 628.1.004.12:061.3
Onishchenko G. G.
Problems of Potable Water Quality in the Russian Federation and Ways of Their Solution
The main problems of potable water quality in the Russian Federation conditioned by many factors are considered. Among them: poor sanitary-hygienic conditions of surface and underground sources of potable water supply, lack of sanitary protection zones, anthropogenic pollution of natural water bodies, deterioration of water and sewerage networks, et al. To improve potable water supply it is necessary to adopt federal laws and federal target programs, improve the normative-methodological basis concerning water hygiene and sanitary protection of surface and ground water, coordinate activities of services and departments concerned, introduce the methodology for assessing a public health risk from usage the potable water of poor quality, improve the system of social and hygienic monitoring.
Key words
potable water , centralized water supply , standards of water quality , sanitary protection of water sources
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UDC 556.18:061.3
Khramenkov S. V.
State Regulation, Legislation and International Activities in the Water Sector
Issues of the state regulation and development of legislative basis in the sphere of water supply and sewerage services are covered. Currently, in the Russian Federation the following problems are not defined at the legislative level: the public and legal status of enterprises of water supply and sewerage services, methods of market regulation of water supply and water disposal services, rules of conduct for its participants, guarantees of safe, reliable and uninterrupted water supply and water disposal. To solve the issues raised it is necessary to have a united organizational center of activities aimed at legislative support of the water branch. To modernize the water sector it is proposed to reconstitute the scientific and technical council at the RF Ministry of Regional Development and organize the All-Russian data bank on the best available techniques as well.
Key words
best available techniques , water sector modernization , state regulation , water saving , energy efficiency of equipment
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UDC 628.17.001.4
Dovlatova E. V.
About Necessity of System Legal Regulation in the Branch
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UDC 579.556:628.161.1
Gorshenin A. P., Garasko E. V., Ponomarev A. P.
Influence of Nanobacteria on Potable Water Quality and Safety
Results of the microbiological monitoring of potable water quality in the cities of Ivanovo, Vladimir, Kostroma using bacteriophysical and electron-microscopic methods are presented. Nanostructures capable of reproduction were found in the samples of potable water. A phenomenon of nanotransformation accompanied by the formation of several morphological conformations of nanobacteria is revealed. Nanobacteria presenting in potable water prepared using the traditional ways influence on its quality and may pose a hazard to human health. Determination of the fact of unfavorable influence may require the development of innovative water treatment techniques for eradication of nanobacteria.
Key words
potable water , nanobacteria , ecological safety , microbiological monitoring , innovative treatment technologies
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UDC 624.152.612.2.001.57
Volkova E. V., Rastorguev I. A., Rastorguev A. V.
Numerical Simulation for Substantiation of the Engineering Protection System in the City of Kazan
It is told about the process of creating a software package for numerical simulation of the drainage system in the city of Kazan. The calculations to determine the optimal mode of its operation are presented. The problem of optimizing the operating mode of pumping stations is formalized and presented as a problem of multicriterion optimization: reducing the potential damage as a result of underflooding at minimization of energy costs. The decision has been found with the help of an evolutional algorithm. On the basis of calculations carried out the recommendations for optimization of the pumping stations operation mode in the city of Kazan making it possible to reduce expenditures for operation of the engineering protection system for preservation of urban territories from underflooding have been given.
Key words
ground water , underflooding , drainage , numerical simulation , software package , minimization of damage , evolutional algorithm , optimization
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UDC 628.315.3.004.1
Ulchenko V. M.
Wastewater Aftertreatment on Granular Bed Filters
Problems of the wastewater aftertreatment on granular filters of different design are described. Advantages of Ecopolymer drainage systems at reconstruction of these filters are shown. On the basis of generalization of its firsthand knowledge the Ecopolymer Group of Companies in the course of designing of wastewater aftertreatment uses rapid filters with descending filtration, air-water washing and rinse water low discharge system consisting of Ecopolymer sand-catching chutes and stream-guiding protuberances. Filters are equipped with the Ecopolymer drainage-distribution system consisting of drainage filters and Ecopolymer aerators. Conditions required for successful operation of wastewater aftertreatment rapid filters are defined. Results of operation of such filters designed by the Ecopolymer Company are presented.
Key words
granular media , rapid filter , drainage-distribution system , wastewater aftertreatment , filtration cycle
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UDC 628.35: 661.5.63
Ospanov K. T., Elzhasov A. A.
Sewerage Treatment Facilities of the City of Astana (Kazakhstan)
The flow chart of biological treatment of municipal wastewater making it possible to increase the efficiency of removal of phosphorous compounds equally with the efficient removal of nitrogen compounds is offered. Advantage of this technology is possibility of reconstruction and modernization of operating treatment facilities with the maximum use of existing capacities. The technique of nitri-denitrification with a dephosphatation chamber is used at the operating facilities of the city of Astana. Zeolite of the Chankanayskoye deposit is used as a media. Zeolite intensifies the processes of advanced biological treatment of wastewater both for organic pollutants and biogenic elements.
Key words
sedimentation tank , suspended substances , wastewater , biological treatment , nitrogen , phosphorous , aeration tank
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UDC 628.17.001.4
Naumov A. L., Sud’ina O. S.
Improvement of Energy Efficiency of Pipeline Systems of a Building
Problems of the power saving in construction can be solved by means of reducing heat losses through the enclosing structures, installing heat and water meters, using nontraditional sources of heat supply et al. Issues of energy saving in pipeline engineering systems in the course of designing are not studied enough while a considerable part of power consumption by the systems of engineering support of buildings (up to 80%) falls on the drives of pumps and ventilators of pipeline networks: heating, water supply, ventilation, and air conditioning. Economic indexes are considered as criteria of energy efficiency of pipeline networks. The method of reduced expenditures is used for calculations.
Key words
energy efficiency , power consumption , heating system , ventilation system , reduced expenditures , rate of working medium movement