Tag:potable water



DOI 10.35776/VST.2022.03.03
UDC 628.168

Raff P. A., Fliagin Aleksandr

Optimization of the operation of the Penza water treatment facilities


With the purpose of providing for high quality drinking water at the Penza water treatment facilities, timely measures were taken to remove odor in the midst of plankton growth in the water source. Advanced flocculants were chosen for the processes of water and wash water treatment at the filtration facilities. Reducing the cost of chemical water treatment was achieved. The results of in-process testing of sorption purification of natural water carried out during the period of intensive plankton growth showed possible odor reduction by 1 point and feasible zeolite use during the initial and active periods of odor appearance in the water source.

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UDC 628.166.094.3
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.12.02

Raff P. A.

Experience in retrofitting chlorammoniation technology
at the water treatment facilities in Severodvinsk


The results of retrofitting natural water chlorammoniation technology at the water treatment facilities in Severodvinsk are presented. The specific features of processing river water with a high concentration of organic substances are considered using the example of WTP-1 and WTP-2. It has been shown that using chlorammoniation technology at the water treatment facilities with different input points of ammonium sulfate makes provides for preparing drinking water that meets current standards for basic chemical and microbiological indicators.

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UDC 628.166

KINEBAS A. K., Kostyuchenko S. V., Portnova T. M., Mikhailov V. V.

Experience of drinking water disinfection in Saint-Petersburg


The experience of the SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» activities in the field of retrofitting the technology of two-stage disinfection of drinking water with sodium hypochlorite and UV-irradiation is presented. The concept of ensuring guaranteed safety of the drinking water supply in and around Saint-Petersburg is described. The upgrade of the water disinfection system was carried out at the operating facilities eliminating any decrease in purification efficiency and waterworks capacity. The water treatment facilities use «A» trademark sodium hypochlorite and low-concentrated sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl) manufactured at the factories at the Southern and Northern Waterworks. The process of sodium hypochlorite production includes: salt storage, preparation of saturated salt solution, preparation of softened water, preparation of 3–4% (mass.) concentration work salt solution, production of 0.8% concentration (mass.) sodium hypochlorite, sodium hypochlorite storage in two tanks. The process of NaOCl production is operated in automatic mode. In order to affect efficiently the entire spectrum of microorganisms including bacteria, viruses and protozoan cysts UV-irradiation is used. The outstanding feature of the UV-disinfection plants at the facilities of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» is the fact that the UV-equipment is installed at the point of drinking water supply to the distribution network (the contact time is less than 1 minute). The reliability of water disinfection is ensured by the selected method of UV-irradiation of thin water layer. Beginning from 2017 the equipment operation and irradiation dosage monitoring has been carried out in automatic mode. The analytical equipment installed at the facilities was manufactured in Saint-Petersburg.

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UDC 543.33

Kashkarova G. P., Rybentsova I. A., Margolin S. L., Vorobyova E. V.

The experience of measuring aluminium ion in water


Practical use of the measuring techniques (specified in ПНД Ф 14.1:2:4.166-2000 and State Standard ГОСТ 18165-89) revealed a number of defaults in the process of determining low concentrations of aluminium in water. The technique of measurement is using the effect of aluminium-aluminon complex coloration with different chemical dosing methods. The experimental investigations showed that replacing successive addition of low concentrations of chemicals with reaction mixture improves the reproducibility of the results. However, the estimate accuracy of measurements (below 0.1 mg/l concentration) carried out with the certified aluminium determination techniques were not reached. Thus, the metrological performance of ПНД Ф 14.1:2:4.166-2000 and State Standard ГОСТ 18165-89 technique have to be revised the more especially that they have been widely used.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2019.10.02
UDC 628.166.085:524.3-74

Piskareva V. M., Kupin K. V.

The experience of using UV disinfection in the biggest European cities


The technology of drinking water disinfection by ultraviolet radiation has been widely used abroad. An example of the successful operation of UV-units is water treatment plants in Europe where various process flow schemes of UV disinfection have been implemented: as part of a multi-barrier scheme and as an independent method. The results of the introduction of UV technology at water treatment plants in Budapest (Hungary), Vienna (Austria), Berlin (Germany), Antwerp (Belgium) are presented. When preparing drinking water from surface sources it is recommended to use multi-barrier schemes including disinfection methods that ensure a prolonged effect. The effectiveness of UV disinfection in relation to viruses and protozoan cysts provides for reducing the dosage of chlorine-containing chemicals which inhibits the formation of chlororganic compounds. The decision to abandon chlorination while using UV-disinfection as an independent method should be substantiated considering the actual operating conditions of the water treatment facilities and water distribution networks.

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UDC 628.1.036:543.3

Serikov L. V., Shiyan L. N., Tropina E. A., Khryapov P. A.

Peculiarities of Measuring of Chromaticity of the West Siberian Region’s Ground Water


Results of the experimental study aimed at determining the chromaticity of the West Siberian Region’s ground water sampled from a depth of 80–200 m with the use of the chromaticity measuring methods recommended by GOST R 52769-2007 are presented. Difficulties of the determination of chromaticity are associated with the features of the chemical composition of ground water and are due to the generation of stable colloidal particles consisting of Fe(OH)3 and dissolved organic substances of humus origin. It is established that the chromaticity of ground water generally depends on the presence of colloidal compounds of iron and is characterized as seemingchromaticity of water.

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UDC 628.16.065

Alekseeva L. P., Kourova L. V.

The specific features of using organic cationic flocculants in surface water treatment


The specific features of using high-molecular cationic flocculants for the treatment of water from surface sources characterized by low color, medium turbidity and low organics are considered. On basis of theoretical provisions and experimental results the expediency of using these flocculants as basic chemicals and in combination with mineral flocculants are shown; the conditions of using them at the water treatment plants are determined.

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UDC 628.1.032

Chesnokova S. M., Savel'ev O. V.

Estimation of water quality in decentralized water supply sources of Vladimir


The effect of drinking water chlorination on its organoleptic properties posing a threat to the public health is considered. The water sanitary measurements, the compliance with the requirements to its physiologic adequacy, integral toxicity of the water in the decentralized water supply sources of Vladimir were studied. It was stated that water in all three investigated objects used by the population as alternative drinking water sources was physiologically adequate in relation to the concentration of macroelements and complied with the sanitary chemical requirements of SanPiN As for the concentration of microelements (fluorine and iodine) water in all the investigated objects was not physiologically adequate and did not meet the sanitary and hygienic requirements. The concentration of fluorine in the investigated sources of decentralized water supply and in drinking water of the Nerlinskii water intake varied from 0.1 to 0.3 mg/dm3 what was much less than the lowest limit of the physiologic adequacy and MPC. Iodine in the investigated sources was not detected. In some springs and wells of Vladimir nitrates were detected in concentrations much higher than the MPCs for drinking water. Water in two springs in Vladimir showed hypotoxicity for small crustaceans Daphnia magna Sr. what evidenced the presence in them of trace concentrations of toxic substances hazardous to health.

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UDC 628.16(083.75)

Mazaev V. T., Shlepnina T. G.

Assessment of the Sanitary Hazard Degree of Silicon Compounds in Natural and Potable Water


The survey of literature on the role of silicon in the human body, its toxicokinetics is conducted; the critical analysis of scientific substantiation of hygienic standards of maximum concentration of silicon compounds in natural and potable water is made. The attention is paid to the absence of standards concerning the silicon content in water in the foreign standard specifications because of non-actuality of the problem. It is proposed to cancel the standard of limit content of silicon in the domestic normative base in connection with the absence of its proper reasonableness.

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UDC 628.16.065.2

Akhmadieva Iu. I., Sazanova N. I.

Estimation of the efficiency of aluminum-containing coagulants
in low polluted surface water treatment through
the example of «Minskvodokanal» UE


«Minskvodokanal» UE has been continuously developing the technologies of water treatment with the purpose of improving drinking water quality and water supply services. One of the perspective directions of improving the technologies of surface water treatment at the Water Treatment Plant of Minsk is the search for new efficient chemicals, coagulants based on aluminium salts in particular. The data describing the quality of natural water incoming for treatment is presented. The process flow scheme of water treatment is presented. The issues of objective estimation of the efficiency of the chemicals studied are considered with obtaining consistent results proved under production conditions. The main controlled parameters of natural water and water after coagulant addition are determined, and the measurement techniques are presented. The experimentel results and technical process modeling under laboratory conditions is shown. A general program of laboratory tests of aluminum-containing coagulants has been compiled. The method of data processing and analysis with obtaining statistically consistent results has been developed. The periods of testing new coagulant brands that provide for taking account of the seasonal and annual fluctuations of the chemical and microbiological water components for selecting coagulants that are efficient throughout the year are denoted.

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DOI 10.35776/VST.2021.06.01
UDC 628.161.2:926.214:

Alekseev S. E., Korsa-Vavilova E. V., Shmelev A. Ia.

Estimation of the effectiveness of ozone use in the purification of heavily contaminated water supply sources


Sources of drinking water supply (the Velikaia, Volga, Vychegda, Kotorosl’, Limenda, Solda, Severnaia Dvina, Tom’ and Tura rivers) are characterized by increased concentrations of organic compounds of natural and anthropogenic origin. The traditional technology of two-stage water clarification by coagulation in terms of the efficiency, in this case, is not applicable to the quality of the source water; as a result, by some indicators, drinking water periodically does not meet the current standard requirements. It is especially difficult to ensure the permissible maximum concentrations of organic substances in drinking water, as well as of compounds of iron, manganese and residual aluminum. To provide for the purification of such water, additional oxidation and sorption methods have been studied. The research results showed that preliminary ozonation of river water and (or) post-ozonation of water after filtration at a water treatment plant provide for increasing the efficiency of purification in terms of color, turbidity, removal of iron and manganese compounds; for reducing the concentration of residual aluminum, and improving the organoleptic characteristics. Sorption with ozonation significantly improves the quality of treated water and allows to ensure the permissible level of organic pollutants in drinking water.

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UDC 628.162

Getmantsev S. V., Linevich S. N.

Treatment and Disinfection of the Don’s Water at Contact Filters Using the Coagulant SKIF180of the Latest Generation


The high efficient compact flowchart of treatment and disinfection of the Don’s water has been developed on the basis of experimental and theoretical studies carried out. In the process, mixers, coagulation chambers and sludge blanket clarifiers or settling tanks are eliminated from the scheme. The use of the method of contact coagulation with the high effective coagulant of SKIF™180 mark makes it possible to reduce reagent consumption by 65–70%, to exclude the necessity of primary disinfection of water with chlorine or reduce chlorine consumption to minimum, to ensure aluminum residual in water within the limits of MPC, to stabilize conditions of water treatment and reduce considerably the cost of water treatment.

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UDC 628.112

Larionov S. Iu., Panteleev Aleksei, Riabchikov Boris, Shilov Mikhail, Kasatochkin A. S.

Cleaning up underground water from chlororganic compounds


Chlororganic compounds present in underground water are technogenic pollution products. The water in a number of deep wells that supply Podolsk and Troitsk cities in the Moscow Area with water is characterized by elevated concentrations of volatile chlororganic compounds (carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene). To provide for water purification according to the drinking water standards a number of technologies is suggested: surface aeration, ozonation, activated carbon treatment, sorption on activated carbon, membrane filtration. The technology of removing volatile chlororganic compounds from water was tested in an experimental plant including primary aeration of raw water in a vacuum-ejection unit with subsequent filtration in filters with granulated activated carbon, and salt composition correction with nanofiltration. The operation of a unit with primary ozonation of water before supply to the carbon filter was tested. It was shown that aeration provided for 50–80% removal of volatile chlororganic compounds which could significantly improve the operating life of a carbon filter. After treatment with activated carbon the concentration of all chlororganic compounds was lower compared to the regulations. Since water ozonation involves high ozone consumption ozone dosage higher than 100 mg/l is required to ensure the reduction of trichloroethylene and tetrachlorethylene concentrations to the standard value. Tetrachlorethylene is oxidized heavier than other compounds (the regulatory concentration is not reached). Nanofiltration with «Nano NF 4040» membrane manufactured by «RM Nanotech» domestic producer provides for water purification according to Sanitary Regulations and Norms without using any other technologies. However, nanofiltration involves primary water treatment – de-ironing and mechanical filtration.

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UDC 628.161.3

Fedotov R. V.

Removal of silicon compounds from underground water by filtration through a modified media


A brief analysis of water desiliconization technologies is given. The results of experimental studies on the removal of silicic acid compounds from water by filtration through a modified media are presented. It is shown that the use of a filtering media made of activated alumina modified with 0.5% sodium aluminate solution acquires a sorption capacity twice as high as the media regenerated with alkali in relation to orthosilicates, and provides for 95–97% water desiliconization while reducing in-parallel the water hardness. The sorption capacity of the modified activated alumina in relation to silicon is 16kg in terms of SiO2 per 1 m3 of sorbent, which is twice as much in silicon holding capacity compared with the technology of desiliconization by regeneration of activated alumina with caustic soda. The working exchange capacity of the modified activated alumina in terms of the absorbed total hardness is 300–350 g-eq/m3, which is comparable to sulfonated carbon and KU-1 cation exchanger. A non-waste technology of desiliconization of groundwater with re-using the modifying chemical agent generated in the form of dehydrated crystalline aluminosilicate as a commercial raw material for the production of ceramic products has been developed.

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UDC 628.166

Skryabin A. Yu., Zharov A. A.

Introduction of safe technologies of water disinfection and elimination of hazardous industrial facilities


The problems related to the use of liquid chlorine for drinking and wastewater disinfection at the «Rostovvodokanal» JSC facilities in the city of Rostov-on-Don are considered. It is pointed to preventing the operation of hazardous industrial facilities within the city boundaries. Alternative technologies of drinking water disinfection are considered. The comparison of international and domestic drinking water disinfection equipment with the use of low concentrated sodium hypochlorite solution was made. The process and technical solution suggested by «Ecofes» SPE was chosen. The question on the inadequacy and imperfection of the water disinfection technology was raised. It was decided to use ultraviolet irradiation at the second stage of water disinfection. «LIT» Trading Company LLC was chosen as a principle supplier. It was also decided to abandon disinfection of effluents with chlorine. At present within the frames of the integrated investment projects based on PPP principle «Rostovvodokanal» JSC is constructing and operating facilities that ensure efficient and safe drinking water and effluent disinfection.

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UDC 628.16.081.3:162.82

SMIRNOV A. D., Davlyaterova R. A., Tkachenko S. N.

Perspectivity of Application of Carbon Fibrous Sorbents for Water Treatment for Technogenic Pollutions


The main characteristics and properties of carbon fibrous sorbents for their application in sorption treatment of surface water for oil products and phenols are studied. It is established that the activated fibrous sorbent has considerably better kinetics of sorption than traditional granulated carbons. It is also established that the sorption capacity and coefficient of protective action of a layer of carbon fibrous sorbents by 6 times higher by phenol and efficiency of treatment by 1,5 times higher comparing with granulated activated carbons. The high efficiency and perspectivity of the use of carbon fibrous sorbents in combination with ozonization for removal of organic pollutants from surface water and wastewater are revealed. The technological decisions making it possible to reduce the size of equipment by 20–100 times are found. At the same time the sorption capacity by special-purpose biotoxicants increases by 1,5–3 times comparing with traditional materials at considerable reduction of costs for construction of large objects.

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УДК 628.16:504.064

Sokolov D. M., Netchayev D. N.

Petrifilms (3M™ Petrifilm™) – innovative test-systems for microbial water quality monitoring


The specific features and benefits of the express method of microbiologic water quality monitoring with 3М™ Petrifilm™ are considered. 3М™ Petrifilm™ is an advanced medium standard used in Russia and abroad for microbiologic monitoring of food products, beverages and water quality. The 3М™ Petrifilm™ shelf life as long as dehydrated culture media; at the same time 3М™ Petrifilm™ is much easier to use. One of the main advantages of 3М™ Petrifilm™ is that there is no stage of culture media preparation. The main types of The 3М™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Plates for water testing are tests for determination of the number of heterotrophic bacteria (total microbial count), coliforms and enterobacteria (glucose-positive coliform bacteria), yeast and mold. The target microorganisms are determined from the growth on the selective medium, occurrence of acidification zone and gas formation. 3М™ Petrifilm™ Aqua Plates ensure valid and reliable results of analyzing drinking water by direct inoculation and membrane filtration.

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UDC 628.1.032

Vasil'eva A. I., Kantor L. I., Trukhanova N. V., Melnitsky I. A.

Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the water sources of Ufa


The results of long-term monitoring of the polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons concentrations in drinking water and water sources at the three water intakes of Ufa with the use of high performance liquid chromatography with fluorimetric detection are presented. The qualitative and quantitative composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons has been investigated. The identification of possible sources of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons inflow into the Ufa River was carried out with the help of the system analysis of the relative composition of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons by some typical ratios of molar concentrations of separate compounds. The prevalence of petrogenic sources of polycyclic aromatic hyd­rocarbons inflow was found out. Studying the seasonal dynamics of their concentration in the Ufa River water showed that the maximum concentrations were observed during autumn-winter period, and minimum concentrations in summer. Comparing the results of the studies with the published data on river pollution in Europe, America, and China showed that the level of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the Ufa River was basically low or close to the natural background. Monitoring of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons in the major water source of Ufa is a reasonable requirement since any deviation from the background pollution level or any changes in the qualitative composition of polycyclic aromatic hyd­rocarbons can be indicative of the increased man-induced impact on the water source and consequently of the risk of the drinking water quality deterioration.

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UDC 628.16.094.3-926.214

Solntsev V. V., Shafit A. Ya., Romashkin A. V., Shouvalov V. I., Tarkhanova I. Yu.

The use of ozonation equipment for natural water treatment at the Far North


The results of many years developing, commissioning and maintaining water treatment plants with ozonation used for ferrous iron and manganese oxidation, elimination of both natural organics and organics of anthropogenic origin, showed the reliability and efficiency of Ozonia OZAT® ozone generators. Beginning from 2007 a number of plants with the use of ozonation equipment for northern surface (lake) water treatment have been commissioned. When designing and commissioning the plants the results of technological studies carried out were taken into consideration. It was found that the two-stage treatment technology with preliminary chemical clarification of water with the use of ozonation as a stage that ensured high quality of water was the most efficient.

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UDC 628.16/.33

Tourevsky S. M., Konstantinov S. V.

The use of DynaSand self-cleaning filters and Johnson Lamella Separators


The description of Nordic Water Products AB equipment for water purification and domestic and industrial wastewater treatment is presented. DynaSand self-cleaning filters and Johnson Lamella separators are reliable, efficient and simple in operation; they ensure sustainable high quality treatment of raw water. Contact filtration technology has been a great success in different countries, even when used in adverse climatic conditions with various types of water and wastewater.

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