UDC 614.777:628.161.1:658.562.012.7
DOI 10.35776/VST.2023.02.01
Lapin Pavel, Eliseev Dmitrii, Kopulov Sergei, Pashkova Valentina
The state of underground sources and public water supply systems of the Oryol Region and measures to improve the water quality
The state of the water resources inventory of the Orеl Region including underground and surface sources of water supply, is considered. The main causes of unsatisfactory water quality in public water supply systems are specified. To assess the quality of groundwater and water in water distribution networks in terms of microbiological and sanitary-chemical indicators, a method based on the filtration of a certain volume of water through membrane filters with subsequent identification by biochemical properties was used. The state of the underground sources of public water supply systems and distribution networks in the districts of the Orel Region for 2019–2021 is considered for compliance with the regulatory requirements. A number of measures have been proposed in order to implement the regional program «Improving the quality of water supply in the Orel Region» to improve water supply in the Region.
Key words
water supply system , ground water , microbiological characteristics , water object , centralized water supply system , sanitary chemical indicators