Number 3 / 2011
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UDC 628.16.32:658.562
Kamenetsky A. B., Kurianov V. A., Zhuginskaya E. M.
Experience in Introduction of Systems of Quality Management and Ecological Management at the PU Zelenogradvodokanal
The process of introduction of the quality management system and ecological management system at the PU Zelenogradvodokanal of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE) is described. The department of quality management system has been organized at the enterprise; training of all employees has been provided. Certificates giving the right to carry out internal audits of a quality system have been issued as a result of training. Simultaneously with introduction of the quality management system it was decided to organize the ecological management system at the enterprise. In the course of development of this system the great value for the enterprise had the approval of ecological policy involving the principles and obligations associated with ecological aspects of production activity and ensuring the basis for establishment of the concrete ecological goals and objectives.
Key words
optimization , quality management system , ecological management system , certification , standard
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UDC 628.248:678.026
Khrenov K. E., Khramenkov S. V., Fedunets B. I., Kosolapov A. F., Pakhomov A. V.
Polymeric Lining of Reinforced Concrete Blocks for Construction of Sewers
Increasing volumes of the construction of underground tunnels and sewers at practically unchanging structure of their lining lead to the accumulation of emergency stock which at present reached the critical level. A brief analysis of basic reasons for emergency situations taking place in underground tunnels and sewers is presented. Structures and technologies of fabrication of polymeric linings for construction of sewage tunnels with due regard for wastewater composition and aggressive factors influencing on the lining have been studied. The most perspective material for lining fabrication is fiberglass plastic. The most perspective technologies of fabrication of fiberglass plastic linings for high-precision reinforced concrete blocks intended for construction of sewers are proposed.
Key words
high-precision reinforced concrete block , sewer , fiberglass plastic , facing panel , polymeric lining
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UDC 628.147.22:621.35
KOSYGIN A. B., Khanin V. N., FOMINA I. V., Konechnov A. I., Kuznetsova E. G., Remezkova L. V.
Features of Electrochemical Protection at Long Operated Steel Underground Pipelines
The Center of Technical Diagnostics of Mosvodokanal operates the units protecting the water supply pipelines against electrochemical corrosion. In the process, the necessity for protection of old water supply networks operating without cathodic protection for a long time appears. For reasonability and possibility of introduction of electrochemical protection of the long operated underground steel water lines the criteria of assessment of their corrosion conditions have been elaborated. On the basis of the experience accumulated at the Center of Technical Diagnostics the analysis of basic peculiarities in the course of designing and operation of the plants for electrochemical protection of such pipelines has been made; basic propositions making it possible to improve the efficiency of counter-corrosion protection of pipes are presented.
Key words
water supply network , corrosion of pipelines , electrochemical protection , insulating coating , stray current
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UDC 628.173.001.2
Shushkevich E. V. , Bastrykin R. I., Aleshina E. V. , Korchagin K. A., Geraskina I. Yu.
Analysis of Dependence of Water Consumption in Moscow on Outside-Air Temperature
To improve the accuracy of forecast of operation of a centralized water supply system the study of influence of ambient temperature on consumption of water of potable quality by the city has been conducted. From 2009 specialists of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE) make every day a forecast of daily water consumption in the city and also planning of daily and hourly water supply to the city by water supply facilities, thanks to it they managed to reduce considerably electric power expenses. The coefficient of water consumption growth for Moscow outside the zone of temperature comfort (over 25 ºC) has been determined. The data obtained make it possible to improve the accuracy of water consumption forecast and to designate optimal conditions of water supply to the city.
Key words
water consumption , centralized water supply , control arrangements , ambient temperature , weather anomaly
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UDC 628.32.62-192.004.1
Bogomolov M. V., Dudchenko T. O., Pakhomov A. N., Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Belov N. A.
Improvement of Operational Reliability of Wastewater Disposal System of Moscow
The reliable and efficient operation of the wastewater disposal system of Moscow is one of the most important components of sanitary and ecological well-being of the city. Under the conditions of water saving and an annual reduction in volumes of water consumption and wastewater disposal the priority directions of development of the wastewater disposal system are improvement of water treatment quality and reliability of networks and facilities operation. With that end in view the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE) introduces new methods of renovation of sewerage networks using widely up-to-date computer technologies and geoinformation systems, carries out the reconstruction of water treatment facilities. This complex of measures makes it possible to reduce considerably the risk of emergency situations.
Key words
treatment facilities , sewerage system , sewerage network , trenchless method of repair , pressure pipeline , geoinformation system , mini-TPP (mini-thermal power plant)
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UDC 628.3:658.26.004.18
Streltsov S. A., Khamidov M. G., Bitiev A. V.
Reduction of Specific Consumption of Electric Power for Wastewater Disposal
The Moscow sewerage represents the complex system of engineering facilities reliable and efficient operation of which is one of the most important components of the city’s sanitary and ecological well-being. The sewerage system of Moscow has been constructed and operates with due regard for a great volume of consumption of energy resources: electric power, heat as well as the use of potable water for own technological needs. Under the conditions of water saving and annual reduction of water consumption and wastewater disposal the reduction of energy resources consumption is one of the basic goals.
Key words
reconstruction , wastewater treatment , sewerage system , wastewater pumping , resource saving , specific norms (indexes)
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UDC 628.336.57:628.162.52
Podkovyrov V. P., Arutyunova I. Yu., Yagunkov S. Yu., Zvyagin K. E., Dmitrieva Yu. S.
Operational Experience of a Shop of Mechanical Dewatering of Water Treatment Sludge at the Eastern Water Treatment Station
From January, 2010 the facilities for processing of water treatment sludge operate at the Eastern water treatment station of the Moscow State Unitary Enterprise Mosvodokanal (MSUE). The facilities include settling tank-sludge thickeners, drum thickeners, and centrifuges. The sludge treatment facilities operate round-the-clock. The operational experience shows that influent wastewater is characterized by significant irregularity during the day both by flow rate and by quality. In this connection there was the search for both optimal operating conditions of the facilities and optimal reagents making it possible to achieve the maximum efficiency of dewatering at preservation of acceptable quality of wastewater disposed.
Key words
dehydration , flocculant , centrifuge , sludge from water treatment plant , sludge treatment facility , drum thickener
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Mukhin V. A.
The Kurianovskiye Water Treatment Facilities is a Starting Platform for the Newest Technologies