Tag:water supply network



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УДК 628.179

Strelkov A. K., Biriukov V. V., Egorova Yu. A., Zaiko V. A., Bykova P. G.

Analysis and assessment of water distribution network failures in Samara


The main task of the water distribution network maintenance and operation service is improving the quality and reliability of supplying water to the customers. The analysis of the water distribution network state in the urban district of Samara showed that the majority of the pipelines had been significantly depreciated. This is caused by fact that they were laid and put into operation during the period of large-scale housing construction (1960–1980-ies) without due account of the requirements to the durability of the materials applied and technical and organizational capacity of the operating companies. According to the statistics lately the rate of failures in the water distribution networks has been gradually but sustainably reducing. The assessment of the data on the operation and maintenance of the water distribution networks showed 22% reduction of the total number of failures in 2015 compared to 2013; accordingly water losses also decreased. Achieving these results was possible due to the timely repair and maintenance works in 2013–2015.

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UDC 628.144.62-192

Primin Oleg

Analysis of factors producing an effect on the integrity and environmental safety of water distribution networks


The environmentally safe construction and operation of public utilities facilitates to a large extent the sustainable deve­lopment of cities and communities. Pipelines of a water distribution network can be referred to the basic elements of the municipal water supply system and, as operational practice shows, are most vulnerable. Transition to market economy, reforming housing and public utilities under conditions of wear and aging of engineering life support systems of the Russian cities and communities, lack of material and financial resources for their renovation have significantly exacerbated the ecological situation in the country. Unsatisfactory condition of the water supplying pipelines in most of the cities, imperfect operation management result in numerous pipeline failures and, consequently, in material and environmental damages caused by the changing hydrogeological territorial regime, underflooding, raw wastewater discharge into water bodies and surface spills, increased soil corrosiveness etc. In that context supplying the population with sufficient amount of drinking water of the required quality and environmental safety of water use have been most urgent issues in Russia. The integrity and environmental safety have been the main requirements set to the public water supply pipelines. The results of studying the assessment and analysis of the factors effecting the integrity and environmental safety of the water distribution pipelines are presented. The assessment and analysis of the external factors (parameters, characteristics) that can produce a significant effect on both the pipe integrity and environmental safety and their efficient lifetime are the basis of developing the measures on improving the reliability of the municipal water distribution pipelines.

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UDC 628.147:62-192

Shushkevich E. V., Menshchikova O. A., Generalov N. S., Ivanov Ye. V.

Introducing innovative materials and technologies in the water distribution network


A review of the advanced innovative materials and technologies used in reconstruction and operation of the water distribution network is presented. The basic causes of pipeline failure are considered, the advanced technologies and equipment that contribute to extending the pipeline operational life are described. A comprehensive analysis of the newly developed corrosion-resistive coatings, socket joints is given alongside with the results of retrofitting energy-independent systems of monitoring water distribution network parameters based on multiparameter sensors and remote control of the shutoff and control valves. The experience of MPUE Mosvodokanal in using innovative trenchless technologies of pipeline repair and rehabilitation is systemized.

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UDC 628.14

Trukhin I. A., Murashev S. V., Il'ichev S. V.

Water stand posts: operation experience and advanced technical solutions


At present about 2.5 thousand water stand posts (mainly KV-4) are operating in the water distribution network of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg». Their maintenance is complicated by freezing in winter and uncontrolled water consumption. To improve the reliability of water stand posts Okkervil model was designed. A ball valve is used as a shutoff valve. Substituting steel pipe with a plastic one provided for the substantial reduction of the risk of water freezing over the inner surface of the feeding pipe. Improving the design provided for eliminating ejector moveability. The new design lacks sea­ling rubber rings; the stand post lever force at turning on is reduced. The new fixed ejector has a double seal at the connection to the stand post body. Okkervil water stand posts were tested during two years in the water distribution network of the Primorsk district of St. Petersburg, and starting from December 2012 they have been successfully operating in five cities of the North-Western region of Russia. The advance design of stand posts provides for the reliable operation of municipal and community water networks supplying the residents of houses that lack service pipes.

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UDC 628.146

Murashev S. V., Il'ichev S. V.

Upcycle of GP-N type underground fire hydrant


GP-N underground hydrant (GOST R 53961-2010) is designed to abstract water with the help of standpipes (KPA type) from the water distribution network for firefighting. Hydrant of the given type has a fundamental defect that is autogeneration of periodic surges. The studies carried out in a hydraulic test stand arise at the beginning or at the end of the fire hydrant valve closing (at the partial ope­ning). Autogeneration of periodic surges happens in case of incorrect fire hydrant handling when the side valves of the standpipe (KPA) have been underclosed or not closed at all; or in case of hydrant being opened-closed without a standpipe. Autogeneration of surges is caused by the low pressure zone arising according to Bernulli law in the point of the maximum water velocity in the continuous steady flow. Surges can lead to the extrusion of the gasket between the fire hydrant flange and its support and hence to the damage of the fire hydrant or even of the pipeline itself to which the hydrant has been fixed in the radius of several dozen meters from the point of the hydrant installation. In order to reduce the accident rate the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» have developed, tested and patented a device that prevents surges. The engineering solution is based on blocking all possible aggregate valve plays. In order to prevent accidents related to fire hydrant and vent pipes pullout from the T-coupling the experts of SUE «Vodokanal of St. Petersburg» have developed, patented, successfully tested and put into production a compensator of the fire hydrant motion.

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UDC 628.17.001.4

JUDIN M. Iu., Melnik E. A., Hyamyalyainen M. M., Smirnova S. V.

Hydraulic model in the water distribution network operation control in the city of Saint-Petersburg


The experience of Saint-Petersburg Vodokanal applying hydraulic models of the water distribution network in tackling most complicated technical problems is described. The process of establishing a comprehensive system of water supply management includes multioption hydraulic calculations and assignment of the control points to control the operation of pumping stations. The investigations of the network resistance are carried out, models are specialized and new simulation trends are developed. The development of information systems that supply the initial data for the models as well as data exchange provide for improving the accuracy of the calculation results and introducing new calculation types.

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UDC 628.179.34

Babaev A. V., Stolyarova E. A., Koubenko V. V., Shashkova O. S., Salgalov A. A.

Identification of different water types in case of the municipal distribution network failures


Prompt localization of latent and apparent water losses has been an important task of the «Mosvodokanal» JSC activities. The time needed for eliminating failures in the municipal distribution network depends significantly on the efficient identification of the leakage source and owner of the service lines. The issues of sample identification under different emergency conditions are considered. It is shown that alongside with instrumental methods of water leak detection laboratory analytical methods can also be used. Underground water inflow is a most elementary case of water losses. Taking into account that surface water from the Moskva and Volga rivers serves as a water source of the public water supply the presence of fluorides, low mineral content and the absence of organic pollutants are reliable evidences of the underground origin of the water inflow. At the same time high mineral content, presence of phosphates, ammonia salts, high permanganate values evidence the inflow of polluted wastewater. A reliable proof of leakage water originating from the public water supply is the presence of water purification by-products, chloroorganic compounds in particular. The experimental results showed that the minimum significant chloroform value in real samples of leakage water in the Moscow public water supply was 3 µg/l. This chloroform concentration remains unchanged with time with the disinfection practice adopted at the Moscow water treatment plants: chlorammoniation during both primary and final chlorination. The statistically processed data arrays of special experiments and real samples for a few years indicate that the given concentration of chloroform detected in the sample is a proof of water originating from public water supply systems.

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UDC 628.144.2:532.542
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.07

Gudkov Aleksandr

Method for modeling and calculating water distribution networks
with sources of variable pressure and flow (for discussion)


The paper dwells upon improving the hydraulic calculation method for water supply networks with sources with the pressure and water flow related by a certain dependence. Changes in the traditional calculation scheme with a common fictitious source are proposed that provide for considering several different types of sources connected to one network node. For this purpose, introducing a fictitious intermediate node and sections between each source and the network that form new contours is proposed. A general algorithm for hydraulic calculation is proposed and a method for determining sectional pressure losses in fictitious sections is given. An example of the calculation sequence for a double circuit network with two pumping stations and two consumers is given to illustrate the method. It is found that the convergence of the Newton method for solving a system of nonlinear algebraic equations simulating flow distribution according to two Kirchhoff’s laws can be improved by modifying the equations of contour pressures. An online computer application for testing the operability and implementation of the proposed method is presented.

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UDC 628.147.2

Karmazinov F. V., Melnik E. A., Ipatko M. N., Il'in Iu. A., IGNATCHIK V. S., Ignatchik S. Iu.

The method of evaluating the economic efficiency of water supply systems with pumping stations equipped with tanks


A method of evaluating the economic efficiency of the water supply systems with pumping stations equipped with tanks is presented that provides for optimizing at the design stage water conveying systems in remote areas. These systems are characterized by: low energy efficiency because of the pressure loss during water discharge and low network reliability during bypass operation caused by pressure fluctuation. The method takes into account the specific features of simultaneous operation of two subsystems: pipeline and valving subsystem and booster pumping subsystem. The selection of net discounted flow rate over the life cycle as a uniform optimization criterion for all the subsystems is substantiated. It is stated that the economic and energy efficiency of the investment projects of upgrading water conveying systems is a function of the actual inlet pressure in the supply pipelines and depends on the engineering measures aimed to improve it. These measures include the use of valves for downstream pressure control, mini-hydropower units and auxiliary low head pumping stations. By the example of Parnas booster pumping station in St. Petersburg it is shown that the use of the developed method allows improving the reliability coefficients of the water supply system to P(t) > 0.95 with simultaneous 17% reduction of the net discounted flow rate over the life cycle. In this case depending on the actual inlet water pressure in the supply pipeline the energy consumption of a pumping station is reduced by 22–60%.

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UDC 628.148.004.67


Detection of Hidden Leaks Using the Monitoring System of Water Supply Network


The complex of works carried out by the Center of Technical Diagnosis Mosvodokanal is aimed at detection of hidden leaks of a water supply network using the monitoring system. The analysis of up-to-date methods of the leak detection is made, their prospects and advantages are shown.Key words: water supply network, hidden leak search, monitoring system.

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UDC 628.179.3

Egorova Yu. A., Konevskii E. V., Vas'kovskii A. V., Zaiko V. A.

Determining latent water losses in the water distribution networks in Samara by hydraulic model development and calibration


The Russian and international experience in water supply system management shows that the assessment of the efficiency of the solutions focused on ensuring the working capacity of a water supply and distribution system should take into account possible active search for the latent water losses in the process of the system operation. The successful solution of this task can be implemented only with the help of advanced computer technologies and appropriate software. With the purpose of improving the energy efficiency of the operating activities «Samarskie Kommunal’nye Sistemy» LLC carried out the search and subsequent elimination of the latent water losses in a localized water supply zone with a surface area of 560 hectare; Zulu Hydro hydraulic modeling program developed by «Politerm» Company and Water GEMS software developed by Bentley were approbated in practice. Based on the results of the calculations a 90 hectare area was picked out with the maximum potential unaccounted water losses. Besides, because of the occurrence of the boundaries of possible influence of the adjacent water supply zones in the designated area an assumption of the water migration was made. As a result of the elimination of the detected water losses the total water consumption in Samara lowered by 1.38%.

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DOI 10.35776/MNP.2020.02.08
UDC 628.144:614.842.62:006.015.7

Primin Oleg

Optimization of the choice of diameters of the pipelines
in the water distribution network considering the fire safety


With the arrangement of combined drinking water and fire water supply systems, the importance of the distribution network increases even more, since additional functions are assigned to provide for the transportation of large amounts of water for firefighting. Meeting the firefighting requirements in conditions of a significant reduction in water consumption in most cities of Russia leads to negative consequences associated with low (0.1–0.3 m/s and less) flow rates and stagnation of water in some sections of the distribution network. Thereby, the organoleptic properties of water may deteriorate expressed in the appearance of flavors, unpleasant odors, increased turbidity and color, etc. In this regard, measures are required to optimize the choice of pipe diameters, to ensure and maintain the required quality of transported water in outdoor urban and distribution networks, and to guarantee meeting the required fire extinguishing standards. The research results and hydraulic calculations for assessing the minimum permissible water flow rates and minimum pipe diameters of submain networks are given taking into account the provision of external and internal firefighting. The tests were carried out in real conditions of the municipal water supply ring main in high- and low-pressure zones.

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UDC 628.15.004.69

Radetskii Mikhail, Davydov A. B., Kolevatov I. A.

Optimization of Operation of a City Water Supply System


Methods of the optimization of operation of a municipal water supply network of the city of Novosibirsk are presented. A number of variants of installation of reducing valves on different sites of the water supply network at the neighbourhoods Pashino (to itself) and Severny (after itself) of the Kalininsky District of the city are considered in detail. The results of the operation of various pressure regulators and frequency converters used at water supply pumping stations during the last few years are given. As a result of the installation of pressure regulators on sections of the water supply network of the Pashino and Severny neighbourhoods of Novosibirsk the total pumping capacity of stations Drinking Centre and Heat-and-Power Station-4 (HPS-4) has been cut by 10–15% and the pressure at the fourth-stage pumping station (HPS-4) has been reduced by 10 m H2O. At the same time the breakdown rate of the water supply networks of the neighbourhoods has dropped by 10–20%.

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UDC 628.147.22:621.35

KOSYGIN A. B., Khanin V. N., FOMINA I. V., Konechnov A. I., Kuznetsova E. G., Remezkova L. V.

Features of Electrochemical Protection at Long Operated Steel Underground Pipelines


The Center of Technical Diagnostics of Mosvodokanal operates the units protecting the water supply pipelines against electrochemical corrosion. In the process, the necessity for protection of old water supply networks operating without cathodic protection for a long time appears. For reasonability and possibility of introduction of electrochemical protection of the long operated underground steel water lines the criteria of assessment of their corrosion conditions have been elaborated. On the basis of the experience accumulated at the Center of Technical Diagnostics the analysis of basic peculiarities in the course of designing and operation of the plants for electrochemical protection of such pipelines has been made; basic propositions making it possible to improve the efficiency of counter-corrosion protection of pipes are presented.

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UDC 628.144

Luk’ianchuk Maksim, Hyamyalyainen M. M., Smirnova S. V., JUDIN M. Iu.

Hydraulic model use-case in the operation of a water and wastewater services utility


Hydraulic models are used at the water and wastewater services utilities for addressing different tasks related to improving the operation of water distribution networks. Practitioners have been continuously looking for possible ways of using the models for daily needs of the utilities and their technical execution with the use of software. The advanced software includes an adequate number of functions that ensure completing routine tasks of water distribution network operation, management and development. An example of modeling a fault pipeline section shutoff with sequential valve shifting is presented; a method of basic data generation and presentation of the modeling results is shown. In the viewed example during the routine work execution the hydraulic head is slightly changed. During the pipeline section cutoff pressure monitoring in the control points of the pressure zone and additionally in the sections where pressure reduction is expected based on the results of modeling is carried out. In appropriate cases pressure reduction in the network can be balanced by increasing the output pressure of the pumping station. Changing flow directions will influence to a small extent separate network sections that could be additionally flushed before the cutoff. Following the pipeline cutoff procedure together with the recommendations based on the results of hydraulic modeling provides for eliminating the disruption of water supply to the customers.

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UDC 628.144.62-192

GALPERIN E. M., Shapkin N. V.

Methods ofimproving the reliability of water distribution network operation


The conditions of providing for the integrity of the water distribution network for maximum possible period are considered. On basis of analyzing the mathematical expression developed with the use of mass service system device the conditions of ensuring water distribution network integrity are determined. It is established from the experience of water distribution network operation that pipe material and repair time are critical for reliability improvement. Ductile iron pipes with interior cement-sand coating and PVC pipes as better meet this requirement.

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UDC 628.32:62-192

GALPERIN E. M., Egorova Yu. A., Vas'kovskii A. V., Konevskii E. V.

Ways to improve the municipal water supply and distribution system


Simulation of all possible switch-overs in the municipal water distribution network caused by fault section cutoffs is practically unfeasible because of the large number of simulation cases. For the implementation a method of the distribution network dividing into separate districts (zones) with water flow rate measured at the input and outlet is suggested in a similar way to the elimination of leaks. Within the limits of each district including up to 50 km pipelines the search of the isolated sections becomes feasible. At that determi­ning the reliability of the water supply in each district as a part of the annual period when the customer receives water on a regular basis is possible. This is achieved with the use of Markov model for determining the period of the water distribution network being operational and in the state with simultaneously isolated sections. Then by hydraulic calculations the parameters of the network in non-operating conditions are determined; at that it is determined which parameters are related to the operation period with normal or lowered level of performance.

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UDC 628.144
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.09.02

Strelkov A. K., Teplykh Svetlana, Gorshkalev P. A., Kotovskaia Elena

Design parameters of the household water consumption rates
and pressures in a water distribution network


Being a part of the water supply system, a water distribution network provides for the water distribution around a community and supply to the consumers. To ensure standard water supply to the consumers the minimum free pressures that guarantee uninterrupted water supply shall be provided in the water distribution network. With the introduction of the revised version of CP 31.13331 of 2021 «Water supply. External networks and structures», the principle of determining the design values ​​of minimum free pressures at the entrance facility above the ground surface in the water distribution network of a community or city at the maximum household water consumption has changed. According to these data, the minimum free pressures in the water distribution network were calculated and their values ​​were compared with the free pressures in the public water distribution networks that had been designed before 2021.

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UDC 628.162


Improvement of a Design Model of Operation of a Ring Water Supply Network


Issues of improvement of the design model of operation of the ring water supply network taking into account statistical data on its operation are considered. It is proposed to make corrections in the standards of water supply systems designing and supplement them with execution of reliability calculations of the ring water supply network.

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UDC 628.144/.218.001.575

Nekrasov A. V., Nikiforov A. F.

Tools for developing schemes and electronic models  of water and wastewater networks


RF Government Decree No. 782 «On water and wastewater schemes» together with the applicable Rules specifying a number of provisions of Federal Law «On water supply and wastewater disposal» are considered with relation to the problems that water companies are facing in the process of its implementation. Developing electronic models of water and wastewater systems is a task of the companies that are directly responsible for providing these services. Comparing to electronic models schemes are more general information structures. Models serve as data sources for scheming and allow predicting network development. In the process of data transfer from electronic models to network schemes the use of identical software is sufficient. To solve this problem geographic information systems that are optimal for making an inventory of the network elements are most appropriate. Herewith the software for math modeling shall be able to import the available data. The direct use of the imported model in calculations is possible only if we have relatively small-sized networks. For network model building it is reasonable to use specially configured software which is of prime importance for big cities. When choosing the software special attention shall be paid both to the possibility of communicating with the geographic information system at the data level and to the availability of means to provide for the adequacy of calculation models and simulated networks.

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