Number 6 / 2011
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Ziberov V. T.
About the Draft Federal Law On Water Supply and Sewerage
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Matyushenko A. I.
Comments on the Draft Federal Law On Water Supply and Sewerage (on the part of sewerage)
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Reformation of Ecological and Technological Standardization of the Branch
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UDC 621.65:62-531.3:628.1/.2
МProcedure of Estimation of Efficiency of an Adjustable Electric Drive in Pumping Plants of Water Supply and Wastewater Disposal
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UDC 628.
Raff P. A., Seliukov Aleksandr, Baikova Ida
Technology of Contact Clarification of Water under Conditions of the Volga Water Intake of the City of Kazan
The results of laboratory studies and pilot tests of the contact coagulation method used to clean the water of the Volga at the water supply station of Kazan are presented. It is established that water clarification can be performed by a one-stage scheme: by means of contact coagulation, and in the process the quality of the purified water fully meets the regulatory requirements. Some advantage of aluminium oxychloride over aluminium sulphate is noted, and it is shown, that for natural water treatment the polyacrylamide flocculants of cationic type, FO 4140 characterised by low density of charge in particular, are the most effective.
Key words
disinfection , water intake , water treatment , coagulant , flocculant , contact clarification
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UDC 628.
Ivashchenko G. I., Moiseev A. V., Riffel E. V., Shevchuk S. V., Yakimov S. Yu., Furmanova Yu. I.
Integrated Approach to Optimization of Operation of the Water Supply and Distribution System of the City of Omsk
An integrated approach to the optimization of operation of the water supply and distribution system of large cities based on hydraulic modelling with the use of modern software products is proposed. A possibility of adaptation to actual conditions of calculated results obtained by electronic simulation of water supply networks is shown on the example of Omsk. The solution of this problem makes it possible to model the necessary changes in the composition and mode of operation of each of the elements of a water supply network. The result of such an approach is reduction in the accident rate at networks and energy savings at pumping stations. Methods of execution of works, means of the measurement used, sequence of measures to be taken, the results obtained and possible prospects are presented.
Key words
zoning , pumping station , water supply and water distribution system , hydraulic modeling , power saving , reduction in accident rate , water supply reliability
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UDC 628.165:62-278:621.311.21
Tsabilev O. V., Strelkov A. K.
Influence of Water Acidation Degree on Quality of Permeate of a Reverse Osmosis Plant
The results of industrial tests of the plant of reverse osmosis water desalination installed in the chemical water treatment shop of the Samara hydropower station are presented. Influent water is subjected to pre-treatment in clarifiers with liming, filtering on mechanical filters and two-stage Na-cation exchange. The influence of acid doses in the course of influent water acidification and the value of permeate output on its quality is studied. The evaluation of convergence of calculated data performed with the help of specialized software with the actually received values of permeate quality is made. Оbserved dependences allow us to make adjustments of the permeate quality obtained by the calculation method.
Key words
reverse osmosis , selectivity , desalination , membrane technology
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UDC 628162.1
Seliukov Aleksandr, Chekmareva S. V.
Demanganization of River Water
One of the intractable problems of public utilities for treatment of water from surface sources, an impossibility of water demanganization using the classical scheme of water treatment, is considered. The results of studies of river water aftertreatment for manganese with the help of potassium permanganate at the water supply facilities of the city of Pugachev, Saratov Reg., are presented. In the course of selection of the method of reducing the manganese content the pH value and redox potential of the medium are taken into account. The studies conducted and the testing operation of the system of potassium permanganate dozing show that the treatment using this reagent ensures the residual content of manganese in potable water meeting the specified requirements.
Key words
potable water , water treatment , manganese , water source , potassium permanganate , demanganization