

UDC 620.92:697.3:621.577
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.10.03

Khabirov Iulai, Solov’ev Ruslan, Khamidullin Il’dar

Estimation of the possible use of wastewater thermal energy
for the auxiliaries of the treatment facilities


Through the example of the wastewater treatment facilities of Mayachnyi village in the urban district of Kumertau (Republic of Bashkortostan), the possibility of using the thermal energy of effluent to heat incoming wastewater in order to enhance the biological treatment process, as well as for heating buildings, is studied. A heat recovery scheme with the transfer of thermal energy for heating wastewater in a surge tank using a surface heater «jacket» mounted inside the tank of the pipe register or in a heat exchanger «pipe-in-pipe» installed downstream the tank is considered. The required heat output of the heat pump unit has been determined, and the design parameters of various heat exchange units have been calculated. The technical limitations that complicate using a «pipe-in-pipe» heat exchanger and pipe registers have been identified. The possibility of heating incoming wastewater to 18–25 °C has been demonstrated.

Key words

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For citation: Khabirov Iu. M., Solov’ev R. A., Khamidullin I. S. Estimation of the possible use of wastewater thermal energy for the auxiliaries of the treatment facilities. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 10, pp. 24–30. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.10.03. (In Russian).

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