

UDC 697.9
DOI 10.35776/VST.2024.06.09

Vazhdaev Konstantine, Мартяшева В. А., Reziapov Timur, Vasil’eva Tat’iana, Balandina Anna

Performance review and development of measures to improve the efficiency of the ventilation system at JSC Salavatsteklo


Performance analysis of the exhaust ventilation system of the glass plate production workshop at the Salavatsteklo JSC plant in Salavat city, Republic of Bashkortostan, was carried out. The problems identified in the operation of the exhaust ventilation system are described, and measures to eliminate them have been developed. The air ducts were cleaned of deposits of TOP COAT AX GRAY coating material used for mirror manufacturing. The composition of these contaminants includes flammable resins, that when cooled, form a thick layer of dense sludge. The results of cleaning air ducts and ventilation equipment using modern devices are presented. Herewith, an increase in the energy and environmental efficiency of the exhaust ventilation was noted alongside with the energy resources saving by reducing electricity consumption and concentrations of the harmful compounds in
polluted air.

Key words

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For citation: Vazhdiaev K. V., Martiasheva V. A., Reziapov T. P., Vasil’eva T. A., Balandina A. G. Performance review and development of measures to improve the efficiency of the ventilation system at JSC Salavatsteklo. Vodosnabzhenie i Sanitarnaia Tekhnika, 2024, no. 6, pp. 49–56. DOI: 10.35776/VST.2024.06.09. (In Russian).

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