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UDC 628.161.2:546.711

Zhurba M. G., Govorova Zh. M., Kvartenko A. N.

On the substantiation of underground water demanganation (to be discussed)


The aspects of choosing demanganation technologies with account of the underground water composition specificity are considered, specified recommendations on the boundary conditions of using underground water demanganation process flow schemes at simultaneous presence of iron and manganese are presented.

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UDC 628.16

KINEBAS A. K., Feofanov Yu. A.

Modernization of the Zelenogorsk Water Supply Station is a Stage of Realization of the Regional Program Pure Water


The following works have been done within the limits of modernization of the Zelenogorsk water supply station (St. Petersburg): reloading of high-rate filters with installation of the new drainage system TRITON improvement of water aeration system (enrichment with oxygen in a pan aerator), and automation of technological process. The technique of water treatment for manganese at the second stage of the process with the use of catalytic oxidation in pressure filters containing the three-layered quartz sand, pyrolusite, and anthracite media has been introduced. The quality of water treated at the Zelenogorsk water supply station after its modernization meets the requirements of the Russian and European standards at all points.

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UDC 628.162.82:661.491.001.2

Gordeev M. B., Kolodyazhniy V. A.

Deferrization of Natural Water Using Ozonization in Presence of Hydrogen Peroxide


Results of studies and laboratory tests of the water deferrization technology using jointly ozone and hydrogen peroxide at the laboratory unit are presented; high efficiency of the technology considered is shown.

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UDC 628.161.2
DOI 10.35776/VST.2025.01.03

Propol’skii Dmitrii

A review of achievements in water treatment with regard to deferrization and demanganation


To provide the population with drinking water, it is necessary that the quality of purified water meets the standard requirements. The absence of an appropriate water supply source or the use of drinking water with exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants subsequently harms human health. Besides, a deterioration in the operation of water supply systems occurs as a result of corrosion, deposits and blockage of pipes. One of the major problems of groundwater treatment is the increased concentration of iron (Fe) and manganese (Mn). The existing methods of iron and manganese removal from water and the conditions of their application are described. In addition, a comparative analysis of the methods is carried out and promising areas in this area are considered. It has been established that all the existing methods of iron and manganese removal either have or require a filtration stage. The use of a catalytic layer of modified media in filters provides for achieving higher purification and filtration rates that will reduce the expenditures of water treatment plants and the cost of purified underground water.

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UDC 628.16.094.3-926.214

Solntsev V. V., Shafit A. Ya., Romashkin A. V., Shouvalov V. I., Tarkhanova I. Yu.

The use of ozonation equipment for natural water treatment at the Far North


The results of many years developing, commissioning and maintaining water treatment plants with ozonation used for ferrous iron and manganese oxidation, elimination of both natural organics and organics of anthropogenic origin, showed the reliability and efficiency of Ozonia OZAT® ozone generators. Beginning from 2007 a number of plants with the use of ozonation equipment for northern surface (lake) water treatment have been commissioned. When designing and commissioning the plants the results of technological studies carried out were taken into consideration. It was found that the two-stage treatment technology with preliminary chemical clarification of water with the use of ozonation as a stage that ensured high quality of water was the most efficient.

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UDC 628.161.2:546.(711+72)

Zhurba M. G., Savelyev S. P., Ourousov D. Yu., Gabliya Yu. A., Diachuk Sergei, Lykov V. V., Parusov Denis

Improving the technology of deironing and demanganation of the underground waters in Ulyanovsk


An improved design of two-stage technology of deironing and demanganation of underground waters with the use of floating polystyrene foam media at the Ulyanovsk water treatment facilities was suggested and tested. At the first stage the processes of aeration-degassing, contact filtration and filtration rate regulation of the second stage filters are carried out. It was established that manganese removal from the underground water of Arkhangelsk water intake can be carried out only by additional dosing 0.6–0.8 mg/l of 4–5% potassium permanganate solution before the filters of the second stage. In doing so the time of chemical being in contact with the filter media of the second stage can be reduced from 20 to 4–5 minutes.

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