Tag:information technologies



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UDC 628.1/.2:65.012.45

Kritskii A. V., Kargapol'tsev D. S., Brusnitsyn D. N., Skorinov S. V., Shaburov D. P., Dobrazov A. E.

Firmware consolidated information area


The aspects of building a firmware consolidated information area with the help of software and hardware by unification and standar­dization both the elements of the given area and their associated interfaces are considered. The basic principle of building a firmware consolidated information area is the integration of applications, data bases, services etc. into a consolidated shell through which the access to all software products of the enterprise is provided. The integration provides for not only accessing the entire set of the information services from any user work place but for solving such problems like consolidation of information for further analysis; one-time data input with the further possible multiple use;  building a hierarchical system to make decisions at different managerial levels of the enterprise. An important element of the consolidated information area (single IT-window) is a corporative portal – the resource that provides for the single sign on for the personalized access to information, services, applications, data, and the team work management. Owing to the organization of IT environment following the principle of a single window at the enterprise a transparent and easy-to-use system of accessing the required software packages and controlling the current state of information technologies for the management and IT department is established.

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UDC 628.32:65.012.45


Common Information Space of an Enterprise


The information infrastructure of the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga helping to ensure reliability, uninterrupted operation, high output, safety, and confidentiality is described.

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UDC 628.


Information Technologies at the State Unitary Enterprise Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga


A Corporative digital network with integrated services representing a mixed structure of own main fiber-optical channels, radio-relay lines of data transfer and corporative telephony as well as rented data transfer lines of leading operators of St. Petersburg has been created at the SUE Vodokanal Sankt-Peterburga to realize operative control over the enterprise and timely solution of production tasks.

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UDC 65.012.45:628.1/.2

Obuzdin S. Iu., Alekseev A. V., Novitskii N. N.

The concept of enterprise consolidated information area
and its approbation in «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk


A brief description of approaches to IT development of the operators of public utilities pipelines is presented. The main task of developing intelligent pipeline systems is the harmonization of the requirements and capabilities of all the parties to the processes of receiving and conveying the operating medium, delivering and using the services. Herewith a consumer is assigned the part of an active full-fledged stakeholder who can influence the scope of services, their quality and price. The key objective of improving the degree of intellectuality of pipeline systems is ensuring the high level of their technologic controllability. The necessary condition of achieving the set goal is the availability of the consolidated information area as a cornerstone factor. The basic provisions of the concept of the enterprise consolidated information area are presented and the experience of its approbation in «Vodokanal» MUE of Irkutsk is described. Compared to the typical approach to the development of the management information system («top-down») that assumes data centralization within the frames of the unified information system, a flexible approach is proposed that is based on the data resource integration («bottom-up»). Herewith the information support of the decision-making processes related to the operation control is put a premium on. The acceptance of this concept by water and wastewater providers will lay the groundwork for establishing the intersystem and intraurban co-operation, integration with external structures and services (municipal administration, supervisory authorities, online resources for customer relations etc.), provide for improving the general level of controllability and concurrence of the decisions made which will result in the improvement of the efficiency and service quality.

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UDC 628.1.2:681.3

Pozen Yu. S., Loukin Yu. S.

An Innovative Approach to the Operation of Organization's Computer Facilities and Office Appliances


Challenges, tasks and approaches in assuring uninterrupted operation of computer facilities and office appliances at one of the biggest public utility in Russia – SUE St. Petersburg Vodokanal are given. Measures, stages of development and results of introducing special means that provide for automatic acquisition, storage, record and analysis of information on organization's IT-infrastructure objects are discussed. The results of introducing HP OpenView Service Desk, software product to computerize the operation of IT support services operation are given. The chosen direction of organization's IT infrastructure development provides for improving the quality of services rendered to the user at maintaining an optimal level of operation expenses.

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Журнал ВСТ включен в новый перечень ВАК

Шлафман В. В. Проектирование под заданную ценность, или достижимая эффективность технических решений – что это?

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