

bbk 000000

УДК 628.1/.2:658.26.004.18

LEZNOV B. S., Vorobiev S. V. , Iskhakov Yu. B., Tchebanov V. B., Koptev V. S.

Power audit of water and wastewater utilities


The aspects of investigating power efficiency (power audit) of the water and wastewater utilities are considered and basic guidelines on the auditing procedure are given. Power audit shall include thorough investigation of the basic water treatment and conveying technologies. Power audit shall be carried out by professional companies experienced in working at water and wastewater utilities, and applying relevant technologies. Herein it is reasonable to use a target power auditing program as well as a special power certificate that reflect technologic features that determine the utility power consumption.

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  3. Leznov B. S. Metodika otsenki effektivnosti primeneniia reguliruemogo elektroprivoda v vodoprovodnykh i kanalizatsionnykh nasosnykh ustanovkakh. – M.: Mashinostroenie, 2011.
  4. Chebanov V. B. Sistemy avtomaticheskogo upravleniia nasosnymi ustanovkami // Vodosnabzhenie i san. tekhnika. 1994. № 1.

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